• 静香先生自己过去个半月中所扮演公然资本金融业者部长角色独特风格意见分子深感自豪

    Mr. Kamei is very proud of his inimitable style and the maverick role he has played for the past eight-and-a-half months as an avowedly anti-capitalist financial-services minister.


  • 分析家们主要信用卡发卡行(花旗集团美国银行摩根大通第一资本金融公司)利润会因条例草案受损

    Analysts said the profits of major card issuers such as Citigroup, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Capital One would be hurt by the bill.


  • 这个星球上第四银行——雷曼兄弟公司分崩离析震动全球市场,也把一群腰缠万贯的资本金融们拖下水。

    The collapse of Lehman Brothers, the world's fourth-largest bank, convulsed world markets and wrecked the fortunes of millionaire financiers.


  • 金融机构股东法定资本提供者要求承担亏损

    Shareholders and other providers of regulatory capital to the firm will be forced to absorb any losses.


  • 法案要求最大金融机构设立他们资本流动性缓冲限制他们的相关规模并且对于风险最大的金融活动予以限制

    The largest financial firms will be required to build up their capital and liquidity buffers, constrain their relative size, and place restrictions on the riskiest financial activities.


  • 我们最有可能金融领域看到这种做法,制定银行资本要求会计制度信用评级方面标准促进全球经济复苏

    We are most likely to see this in the financial realm, where setting standards for the capital requirements of Banks, accounting systems and credit ratings would facilitate global economic growth.


  • 成立金融政策委员会可以提高银行资产流动性资本要求,还可以限制某些类型贷款——比如限额按揭。

    A new Financial Policy Committee will be able to tweak Banks' requirements for liquidity and capital and may limit certain types of lending-by capping mortgages, for example.


  • 下一步处理银行不稳两个危机缺少稳定可用贷款以及一些金融机构已经没有资本金了这个事实

    The next step would be to address the twofold crisis hitting Banks: the lack of readily available loans, and the fact that some institutions are out of capital.


  • 该集团的海莱说给了我们抵御这场金融风暴,资本增加新的国际标准水平时间

    'This gives us time to weather the storm and build up our capital position to the new international standards,' ING's Mr.


  • 美联储没有得到任何授权经营银行控股公司之外业务主要金融机构施加强制执行资本要求

    The Federal Reserve did not have any authority to set and enforce capital requirements on the major institutions that operated businesses outside of bank holding companies.


  • 这些新的要求包括最低标准之上建立一个资本储备缓冲带,如果金融机构违反此规定限制该机构分红或者回购股份能力

    These new requirements include the creation of a capital conservation buffer above the minimums, which if breached will restrict firms' ability to pay dividends or buy back stock.


  • 例如英国金融服务管理局已经提出了方法推进对英国运作大型银行的补助,使其持有更多资本

    Britain's Financial Services Authority, for instance, has already proposed measures to force subsidiaries of big Banks operating in Britain to hold more capital.


  • 为了应对潜在损失这些金融机构必须持有数量相对庞大资本。同时为了满足债权人可能的还款要求,此类机构也必须同时持有数量较多的现金

    Such institutions would be required to hold relatively large amounts of capital to cover possible losses, relatively large amounts of cash to cover possible demands from creditors, and so on.


  • 严重危机的情况下,如果一家或者更多大型金融机构破产并且审慎措施补救行动资本缓冲都被证明还不够充分应该还有特别解决方案

    In a severe crisis, if one or more major financial firms fail, and prudential measures, remedial action, and capital buffers prove inadequate, special resolution should be available.


  • 众议院金融服务委员会资深共和党议员、来自阿拉巴马州斯潘塞·巴切斯提出质疑:要求银行持有更多资本是否会正在奋力摆脱困境的美国经济产生不利影响

    The top republic an on the panel Congressman spencer bachus of Alabama questioned if requiring Banks to have more capital would have an adverse impact on the struggling u. s. economy.


  • 作为所谓“具有全球系统重要性金融机构”变得更具弹性之努力一部分,还10至15家银行可能面临0.5%至2%的附加资本金要求

    Another 10 to 15 Banks are likely to face surcharges ranging from 0.5 to 2 per cent as part of the effort to make so-called "global systemically important financial institutions" more resilient.


  • 金融机构需要风险进行量化,恰当缓冲非预期损失资本额度

    For financial enterprises, risk quantifications are needed to calculate the appropriate amount of capital in loss buffering.


  • 众议院金融服务委员会资深共和党议员来自阿拉巴马州斯潘塞·巴切斯提出质疑:要求银行持有更多资本是否会正在奋力摆脱困境的美国经济产生不利影响

    The top republican on the panel Congressman spencer bachus of Alabama questioned if requiring Banks to have more capital would have an adverse impact on the struggling u. s. economy.


  • 风险金融机构产生非预期损失原因,资本金融机构的非预期损失缓冲器。

    Risk is the causation of unexpected losses, and capital is the buffer of unexpected losses.


  • 金融稳定委员会预计银行至少可以利用此类“可自救债务证券满足三分之一资本要求

    The FSB said it expects that banks will be able to use such 'bail-in-able' debt securities to meet at least one-third of the requirement.


  • 金融稳定委员会预计银行至少可以利用此类“可自救债务证券满足三分之一资本要求

    The FSB said it expects that banks will be able to use such 'bail-in-able' debt securities to meet at least one-third of the requirement.


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