• 布莱特领导研究小组使用磁力共振绘图法,得到了12个人参加一次赌博游戏大脑反应曲线。

    The research team led by Breiter used magnetic resonance imaging to map the brain responses of 12 men while they participated in a game of chance involving winning or losing money.


  • 塞尔达传说赌博游戏一个让人无功而返教训游戏的账户可能破产告终,尽管你犯一点错误

    The Legend of Zelda's Money Making Game is a follow-the-lady-like lesson in futility, where your rupee stash can end in bankruptcy through no fault of your own.


  • 稀有的“杏仁核”损伤病人赌博游戏自己可能输掉多少钱毫不在意,此现象证明了研究结论的正确性。

    The evidence comes from two patients with rare amygdala injuries who displayed an unusual disregard for how much they stood to lose when taking part in a gambling game.


  • 那些智商测试中得分最高卡车司机表现得耐心,更愿意适当的风险,拒绝不公平赌博游戏接受有利于自己的赌博游戏

    The truckers who scored highest on the IQ test were also more patient and more willing to take calculated risks, rejecting unfair gambles and accepting favourable ones.


  • 例如1990年代初普林斯顿大学心理学家Amos TverskyEldar Shafir一个简单赌博游戏测试这种想法

    In the early 1990s, for example, psychologists Amos Tversky and Eldar Shafir of Princeton University tested the idea in a simple gambling experiment.


  • 去年的销量冠军《卡坦》(Settlers of Catan),玩家通过建造城市互相竞争。今年《智者赌徒》(Wits andWagers)款快节奏的推理赌博游戏

    Last year's top game was Settlers of Catan, in which players race to build cities, and this year's new craze is Wits and Wagers, a fast-paced trivia and gambling game.


  • 这些参与实验志愿者要求一个赌博电脑游戏然后告诉实验人员他们愿意他们赢取一部分还是全部都捐赠给秘鲁贫困儿童

    The volunteers were given a gambling computer game to play and then told they could donate some or all of their winnings to a poor child in Peru.


  • 如果赌博行为真的上瘾,那么没有理由有些不会视频游戏工作锻炼真的上瘾

    If behaviours like gambling can become a genuine addiction, there is no theoretical reason why some people might not become genuinely addicted to activities like video games, work or exercise.


  • 玩家游戏可以战斗卡拉OK悬挂滑翔,模拟结婚赌博等等

    Players who booted up this torturous affair experienced a game featuring (among other things) fighting, karaoke, hang-gliding, getting married, finding a job and gambling.


  • 这项研究调查男性女性网上喜欢事情区别发现男性倾向访问娱乐赌博游戏音乐网站

    Thee research, which looked at the differences between what the genders enjoyed doing online, discovered that men are more likely to visit entertainment, betting, games and music websites.


  • 暴雪承诺会是游戏有趣运输方式因为在船上可以进行一些小游戏,可能性的赌博,或任务,甚至可能遭到海怪海盗袭击

    Ships promise to be one of the most interesting forms of transportation as it has been said there will be mini games, possible gambling, quests, and maybe attacks by monster or pirates.


  • 上个月巴斯大学心理学发现社交网站女性比对男性有吸引力,而男性更喜欢游戏赌博网站

    Last month, psychologists at the University of Bath found that women are more attracted to social networking websites than men, who prefer gaming and gambling sites.


  • 这项研究调查男性女性网上喜欢事情区别发现男性倾向访问娱乐赌博游戏音乐网站

    The research, which looked at the differences between what the genders enjoyed doing online, discovered that men are more likely to visit entertainment, betting, games and music websites.


  • 彩票赌博机会游戏到处都是他们的身影,他们还大批地出现周六塔基赛马会(KentuckyDerby)上,这项比赛中,最有希望获胜的马称为“幸运在望”。

    They're well represented in games of chance, such as lotteries and casinos, and will be out in force at Saturday's Kentucky Derby, in which a favorite is named, what else, Lookin At Lucky.


  • 这项类似赌博游戏表明健康志愿者大脑损伤志愿者在面对输赢做出选择的细微不同

    A variant of the gambling game showed little difference between the brain damaged patients and healthy volunteers when they were faced with a choice of winning either something or nothing.


  • 这项类似赌博游戏表明健康志愿者大脑损伤志愿者在面对输赢做出选择的细微不同

    A variant of the gambling game showed little difference between the brain damaged patients and healthy volunteers when they were faced with a choice of winning either something or nothing.


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