The runner got the first place in the Marathon race. People of his country welcomed him royally at the airport.
Just after we got into our positions, I heard the gun, and I ran my hardest all the way through the 200 meters.
A spokeswoman for the event said the world record had topped the previous world record of 150 which was made in Holland.
It reminds listeners of how friendly Marxs unforgettable choruses, trademark ballads, and distinctive vocals can be. My Own Best Enemy is a welcome return for an artist who truly never left his craft.
But when I arrived, my mood plummeted. The road was filled with runners in a race while the cyclists were relegated to a single lane.
When I was about to stop running and quit the race, I heard the whole class cheering me on, which gave me great strength to continue.
That's why millions of people run several days a week and take an active part in races.
"This is much like 'The Hare and the Tortoise', the faster, but not the winner," thought Lizzy, who, though proud, had enough feeling to take a lesson: The quick, proud may have the start, but the quiet, steady may do more in the end.
George gets himself off the seat and shuffles into the study, like a man in a sack race.
The Rat Race refers to a pattern ofbehavior where we work for a living but barely make any progress financially.
2:Okay, honey, you came in second in the 400 meters, not first. But you won the silver medal and you're the second fastest runner in the state.
And in the long run, who will be the last ones standing at the finish line?
And for those how don't really feel like pork, and would prefer something lighter for dinner, there is a geese race (or duck, I'm not really sure what are these).
距哥本哈根峰会只有六个月了,而现在各国设定的目标完全不能解决问题,也没有资金用来帮助最易受伤害的人群。 照此下去,这场赛跑的终点只能是一份苍白空洞的协议。
With Copenhagen just six months away, targets that are completely inadequate, and no money forthcoming to help the most vulnerable, at the moment this is a race towards an empty treaty.
Daniel Lieberman, a human evolutionary biologist at Harvard University — and an avid runner — decided to find out.
Daniel Lieberman a human evolutionary biologist at Harvard University — and an avid runner — decided to find out.
It was a race against the clock whether the doctor would get to the accident soon enoguh to save the injured man.
If you're going to run with people who are faster than you you have to find the right ways to optimize what skills you do have.
The paradigm of competition is a race: by rewarding the winner, we encourage everyone to run faster.
Bannister: British runner who in 1954 became the first human being to run the mile in under four minutes.
Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.
My educated dad's personal financial statement best demonstrates the life of someone in the rat race.
Life eis not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.
The crowd is on its feet for the camel RACES. Camels and riders run far into the distance, and then return to the finish Line in front of the cheering people.
The crowd is on its feet for the camel RACES. Camels and riders run far into the distance, and then return to the finish Line in front of the cheering people.