• 赫尔大学真的作出自己的国际学生宾至如归的感觉。

    Hull University really goes to town in making its international students feel at home.


  • 在世时候,这位诗人英格兰北部赫尔大学一辈子图书馆管理员

    Even while he was still alive, the poet and lifelong librarian at Hull University in the north of England was considered by many to be one of the finest writers of his generation.


  • 赫尔大学健康社会保健学院的朱莉乔敏博士克莱尔惠特菲尔德博士开展了一调查

    The survey was carried out by Dr Julie Jomeen and Dr Clare Whitfield of the university's faculty of health and social care.


  • 最近赫尔大学项关于厨房性别差异研究发现男人帮忙不是懒惰而是从小没有建立内在自信

    Recent Hull University research into gender differences in the kitchen, found that men’s lack of help is not down to laziness, but an inherent lack of confidence built up from an early age.


  • 本文评介了赫尔大学系统教育等级分类,以及指导制订系统教育教学大纲原理实践哲学

    This paper reviews the classification of degrees of systems education at the university of Hull, the principle, practice and philosophy dominating the teaching pro-gram of systems education.


  • 根据即将发表研究(来自英国赫尔大学MajellaKilkey来自伦敦经济学院DianePerrons合作)显示:这一传统正在改变

    That is changing, according to a forthcoming study by Majella Kilkey of the University of Hull and Diane Perrons of the London School of Economics.


  • 凯拉·佩纳·赫尔南德斯第一次踏上密苏里大学土地时,除了兴奋之外再没有别的。

    There was nothing but excitement for Keila Pena-Hernandez when she first stepped onto the grounds of the University of Missouri.


  • 弥尔顿·赫尔家长式作风仍然是孤儿寄宿学校存在方式,该校80%的毕业生被送进大学

    Milton Hershey's paternalism survives in the form of a boarding school for orphans that sends 80% of its graduates to university.


  • 新陈代谢冬眠时大幅降低报道伊利诺卡本代尔大学艾瑞克·赫尔格伦(EricHellgren)很兴奋,承认自己“作为类生物学家的偏见”。

    Reports of respectable drops in bear metabolic rates during hibernation cheer Eric Hellgren of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, who admits toa biased viewpoint as a bear biologist.


  • 一直大学”,史密斯,“我曾经梦想过上剑桥大学,我想法和赫尔曼 黑赛一样,我觉得大学就象”游戏大师“一样,但是大学里有那么多学科,学习也是靠死记硬背,而我却是随心所欲之辈。

    I always wanted to go to college, ” Smith said. “I used to dream of going to Cambridge.


  • 凯拉·佩纳·赫尔南德斯来到密苏里大学之后,开始想念波多黎各朋友家人

    After Keila Pena-Hernandez came to the University of Missouri, she began missing friends and family in Puerto Rico.


  • 法兰克福歌德大学教授谷泽•赫尔认为,德国效仿法国追求国家地位同时平衡欧洲各国联盟关系。

    Germany is coming to resemble France in balancing European cohesion with the pursuit of national status, says Gunther Hellmann of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt.


  • 我们爱情喜剧做过一个严格内容分析发现这些电影描绘了同样的内容,”大学布阿恩•赫尔姆斯博士如是说

    We did a rigorous content analysis of romantic comedies and found that the same issues were being portrayed in these films," the university's Dr Bjarne Holmes says.


  • 因此牛津大学迪特尔·赫尔姆认为:与气候变化斗争公共参与可能出现一种反效果:即增加的能源支出会实现气候变化目标产生反弹

    So community engagement in the fight against climate change may have a flip side, predicts Dieter Helm of Oxford University: rising bills could prompt a backlash against climate-change goals.


  • 牛津大学能源经济学家迪特尔·赫尔Dieter Helm)表示:“西班牙人有点不痛快也情有可原。”

    “The Spanish are justified in feeling miffed, ” says Dieter Helm, an energy economist at the University of Oxford.


  • 2010年夏天Yaser作为访问学者前往芬兰赫尔辛基大学主持了领先IT电信公司内的实地研究

    During the summer of 2010, Yaser was a visiting scientist at the University of Helsinki in Finland where he conducted field studies in leading it and telecommunication companies.


  • 芬兰赫尔辛基大学皮卡·戴夫(PekkaKauppi带领研究小组力图精确储存全世界森林中的碳量。

    Researchers led by Pekka Kauppi of the University of Helsinki in Finland sought to identify exactly how much carbon is stored in the world's forests.


  • 芬兰赫尔辛基大学奥地利国立大学科学家回顾了总共涉及10708名被试24项研究,发现维生素C不能有效预防感冒

    Scientists at University of Helsinki in Finland and Australian National University looked at 24 trials involving 10, 708 participants and found that Vitamin C had no effect on preventing a cold.


  • 对于普林休斯顿大学教授霍华德 坎特里尔(HowardCantril他的同事们来说,这个事件恐慌的剖析(坎特里尔,高德特赫尔佐克,1940 )提供了绝佳的研究机会

    For Professor Howard Cantril of Princeton University and colleagues, this provided the perfect opportunity to investigate the anatomy of panic (Cantril, Gaudet & Herzog, 1940).


  • 医生兰赫尔史丹福大学葡萄酒俱乐部成员进行反复实验后,得到了类似的结果

    When Dr Rangel repeated the experiment on members of the Stanford University wine club he got similar results.


  • 波尔赫尔、强顿与史必乐为了研究德尔菲神谕组成一支学门研究团队。狄波尔卫斯理大学地质学教授

    Jelle DE Boer John hale Jeffrey chant on and Henry spiller have formed an interdisciplinary team to investigate the Delphic oracle. DE Boer is a professor of geology at Wesleyan university.


  • 赫尔辛基大学农业林业学院网站

    This is the website of Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki.


  • 赫尔辛基大学JaakkoTuomilehto篇关于该综述社论中,质疑风险差异由于身高因素还是其他东西

    In an editorial accompanying the review, Jaakko Tuomilehto of the University of Helsinki also questions whether the differences in risk are due to the height factor or something else.


  • 查克拉瓦蒂。堪德瑞赫尔辛基大学计算生物学研究员研究中,参与者分成两个焦点小组

    In a study done by Chakravarthi Kanduri, Computational Biology Researcher at the University of Helsinki, participants were split into two focus groups.


  • 1991年,托瓦尔兹开始工作非商业替代MINIX虽然参加赫尔辛基大学

    In 1991, Torvalds began to work on a non-commercial replacement for MINIX while he was attending the University of Helsinki.


  • 非常喜欢大学里攻读金融分析课程,他获得了优异学术成绩,包括他研究项目赢得几个奖项,”赫尔

    "He really liked the financial analysis courses he took in college, and he excelled at them, including winning a couple of awards for projects he had worked on," Hellmann says.


  • 非常喜欢大学里攻读金融分析课程,他获得了优异学术成绩,包括他研究项目赢得几个奖项,”赫尔

    "He really liked the financial analysis courses he took in college, and he excelled at them, including winning a couple of awards for projects he had worked on," Hellmann says.


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