• 起初的时候只是减肥和和调节自己的身体——我的身体当时很柔软

    At first, I just wanted to lose weight and tone up - I was soft all over.


  • 起初时候,也许还是会有些不舒服,但明白所经历释放自我的事情之一。

    She reported that while, at first, it was uncomfortable it was also the most liberating experience she had ever known.


  • 过程中看到三多起初时候真的知道什么感觉一个深深的疑问

    I in looked in the process, saw permits more than 3 initial times, really did not know is any feeling, for me a depth question.


  • 也许起初的时候是在午饭的时候遇到自己未来导师,拿你工作中的问题他寻求意见。

    Perhaps initially, meet the potential mentor for lunch and ask for advice about an issue in your job.


  • 然而路上坎坷一些事其实起初的时候已经得到时间都停留在完成事业,未偿还的债务上,之后生命真正开启。

    But, there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin.


  • ,古人抬头看太阳,看到太阳正挂在头顶上的时候就知道是正午。

    At first, the ancient people looked up at the sun and could tell it was the middle of the day, when the sun was directly overhead in the sky.


  • 这个类型系统起初开起来可能有些恐怖但是大多数时候不用担心这些高级结构

    The type system can be intimidating at first, but most of the time you won’t need to worry about the advanced constructs.


  • 起初,天气乍时候,这种两栖动物将自己土壤里。

    At first this amphibian deals with the cooler days by burying itself in the soil.


  • 起初人们现在怎么样时候我会犹豫一下然后告诉他们两个答案中的一个:1.2.我病得

    At first, when people would ask me how I was doing, I would hesitate, then offer either of two useful stories: 1. I am fine, or 2. I am very impaired.


  • 起初的熔岩红色的,迹象表明卫星从上面飞过时候这个火山的,层一层的不断翻滚的沙尘暴从过热的裂缝中升起,火山喷发成了一道风景线。

    Fresh lava is bright red, an indication that it was active at the time the satellite flew overhead.


  • 结果这些副业起初只是当做低落时候一些事情,反而成为了雇主真正兴趣的东西

    Turns out these side projects, which I initially started to give me something to do in my down time, were something that really intrigued my new employers.


  • 因为睡了以来,万物起初创造时候是一样

    For ever since our ancestors died all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.


  • 起初决心这种毫无用处消息打扰,”,“可是我们冲动时候强烈,控制不住我们的理智。”

    'at first I resolved not to disturb you with such a useless piece of information,' said he. 'However, our impulses are too strong for our judgment sometimes.


  • 开始打字的时候发现并非像我起初想象的那么容易还是认真地去

    When I started to do it, I found it more difficult than I had expected. But I did it carefully.


  • 但是无可否认,这本书包含丰富面向对象设计专业知识起初阅读的时候,只是觉得这些有趣的理论,它们不会真正使用到。

    Whilst it undeniably captures a wealth of object-oriented design expertise in one place, I felt initially that much of it was interesting theory that I would never really use.


  • 起初尝试时候缓解用油井可能会不那么顺利;管道或许已经锈蚀不能使用了;又是发生飓风时节

    The relief Wells may falter at the first attempt; pipes may erode and fail; and this is the season when hurricanes happen.


  • 非常安全疗法经历过的坏情况是使我失眠很多次—我觉得我们起初掩饰感觉的时候有一个很好的借口。

    While this is a pretty safe techniquethe worst I've experienced doing it is lots of nausea – I am aware that there is often a good reason we are covering something up in the first place.


  • 主要降临应许在那里呢。因为列祖了以来,万物起初创造的时候是一样

    And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.


  • 如果不是后来那些信,人们完全可以理解这些抱怨,把它们看作起初面对孤独困难时候反应

    This complaint could be understood as an initial response to solitude and hardship were it not for subsequent letters.


  • 此次事件芝加哥媒体上炒得沸沸扬扬时候西北大学起初支持贝利教授的。

    As the incident gained notoriety in the Chicago media, Northwestern University initially supported Prof. Bailey.


  • 接着说:“查理时候莎拉告诉无法形容我儿子生命中的意义。起初我不明白这句话,但是现在我知道了。”

    She continued: "When Charlie died, Sarah said I had no idea how special he had been to her - but now I do."


  • 相信我们还是小孩时候,我们就被教导学会分享起初,我不是明白现在慢慢地了解了。

    I believe when we were little babies we were taught to learn to share with others. At first I don't understand. But now I can understand gradually.


  • 裁判起初史蒂夫出局时候,史蒂夫大发雷霆。

    When the umpire called Steve out at first, Steve blew his top.


  • 起初只有相对出名的公司htc华为生产使用Android设备但是今年晚些时候市场上将出现厂商如摩托罗拉和索爱生产使用Android的手机

    Initially only relatively unknown handset manufacturers such as HTC and Huawei were making Android devices, but later this year phones will appear from big names such as Motorola and Sony Ericsson.


  • 他们起初在那里时候,因为敬畏所以主打狮子来咬死了他们一些

    When they first settled there they did not worship Yahweh, so Yahweh sent lions which killed many of them.


  • 他们起初在那里时候,因为敬畏所以主打狮子来咬死了他们一些

    When they first settled there they did not worship Yahweh, so Yahweh sent lions which killed many of them.


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