• 预计这些头盔超过标准特定性能要求

    It is expected that these helmets will have performance requirements in excess of the particular standard!


  • 翻译出来结果明显超过标准计算机翻译技术,被认为接近“单语言”翻译水平

    The resulting translations - known, confusingly, as "monolingual" translations - rated highly compared with standard computer translation techniques.


  • 妊娠体重增长等于低于IOM推荐标准孕妇相比体重增长超过标准孕妇发生妊娠期糖尿病风险增加50%。

    Women who exceeded the IOM guidelines for weight gain had a 50 percent increase in the risk of gestational diabetes compared to women who gained within or below the IOM recommendations.


  • 现代食物供给下,人们容易超过建议饮食标准

    It's very easy for people to exceed the standard of dietary recommendations given what the modern food supply is.


  • 西方清洁标准似乎超过科学进入到了一种流行或者时尚的潮流中。

    In the West, standards of cleanliness seem to have moved beyond science into the realm of fashion and fad.


  • 非常水平的,没有超过饮用水标准但是他们一个骚动,导致他们几乎要关闭这个实验室由于公众抗议要求关闭掉。

    Very low level that did not exceed the drinking water standard but they had such a brouhaha that they almost shut this lab down because of the public outcry demanding that it be shut down.


  • 最后国家监管者需要创意,要使用超过全球最低标准资本附加费惩罚那些纳税人造成威胁银行

    Finally, national regulators need to be creative and use capital surcharges over and above the global minimum standard to "fine" Banks that pose a bigger threat to taxpayers.


  • 如果多数一样,钠摄取量远远地超过标准带来严重健康问题

    If you're like many people, you're getting far more sodium than is recommended, and that could lead to serious health problems.


  • 现在机会来了,施工标准超过地国内,更加严格,并且接近智利现代建筑规范帮助海地重建家园

    And chances are, he'll surpass Haiti's dismal standards and help rebuild more to the modern specs of Chile.


  • 只有HBOS这唯一一家英国银行出现了亏损可能超过newBasel资本标准

    Only one of Britain's big Banks, HBOS, made losses that would have overwhelmed the new Basel capital standards.


  • 但是一个日渐欧洲,这项标准超过一半欧盟国家的候选人排除在外。

    But in an increasingly multispeed Europe, it would rule out nominees from more than half the EU countries.


  • 斯曼选择拍摄对象标准只有一个——年龄必须超过2000

    Sussman has only one criterion for her subjects - they must be older than 2000 years.


  • 然而西方清洁标准似乎超过科学进入到了一种流行或者时尚的潮流中。

    Yet, in the West, standards of cleanliness seem to have moved beyond science into the realm of fashion and fad.


  • 一个城镇如果超过50%孩子符合这个标准,那么每个孩子都能得到免费午餐

    If more than 50% of the children in a town qualify for free lunches, everybody gets a free lunch.


  • 2008年,美国牛肉墨西哥质监局拒绝入境,因为从中检验出超过墨西哥“容忍标准铜元素

    In 2008, a shipment of us beef was rejected by Mexican inspectors because it tested above the Mexican tolerance level for copper in beef.


  • 区域即使柬埔寨标准来看,也算是贫困区,超过三分之一人口每天生活开支少于60美分

    The area is as poor as it gets even in Cambodia, where more than one-third of the population lives on less than 60 cents a day.


  • 那些超过常人标准、看起来最为高贵德行,却不过诱惑危险源泉

    Superfine virtues, which are above the standard of common men, may only be sources of temptation and danger.


  • 如果竞标者提案价格超过客户预算项目设立的标准这种情况下,较为普遍的做法全球范围内安排资源

    Global resource staffing is becoming a common practice in situations where the price for the proposal exceeds what a bidder gauges the client may have budgeted for a project.


  • 每个机器人大小不能超过一个标准集装箱的尺寸,对于小型漏油事故要采用小型机器人

    Each robot will be no larger than a standard shipping container, with a number of smaller robots for smaller spills.


  • 据报道,奥兰治采用了非常“高效的污水处理”技术,经过层层过滤净化过程最后水质超过多数饮用水标准

    Orange County takes "highly treated" sewer water and sends it through various filtration and purification processes, until the final product exceeds the standards for most drinking water.


  • 通过改变屋内环境光照频率设备发送数据速度可以超过每秒10兆,这相当于标准宽带连接的速度。

    The device can send data faster than 10 megabits per second, which is the speed of a typical broadband connection, by altering the frequency of the ambient light in the room.


  • 本月最低标准上涨使得主要标准增加了6%,大大超过平均工资水平的提高幅度,后者去年上升了4.4%。

    This month's increase pushed the main rate up by 6%, comfortably ahead of average earnings which went up by 4.4% in the past year.


  • 货币基金组织估计如果波动率的标准超过了1990年以后的平均值新兴市场的利差将扩大两

    The IMF reckons that, if volatility moved to two standard deviations above its post-1990 average, emerging-market debt spreads would more than double.


  • 今年只股票已经上涨13%,远远超过标准普尔500指数3.4%增长。

    The stock has climbed 13% this year, outperforming the 3.4% advance of the Standard &Poor’s 500 Index.


  • 今年只股票已经上涨13%,远远超过标准普尔500指数3.4%增长。

    The stock has climbed 13% this year, outperforming the 3.4% advance of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index.


  • 他的同事发现契尔诺贝利超过400英里黑海水平1986年事故之后超过正常标准1020

    Cesium levels in the Black Sea, located more than 400 miles from Chernobyl, were 10 times to 20 times higher than normal after the 1986 accident, he and colleagues found.


  • 无论车窗打开与否车厢婴幼儿位置烟的比例超过美国环保局儿童制定的允许标准

    Regardless of whether the Windows were open or closed, the rate measured around the infant seat in the rear exceeded accepted thresholds for children by the US Environmental Protection Agency.


  • 最新研究发现饮用超过标准饮品男性天饮用超过标准饮品的女性尤其容易患上癌症

    The latest research found that individuals who drank more than two standard drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women were particularly at risk of alcohol-related cancers.


  • 最新研究发现饮用超过标准饮品男性天饮用超过标准饮品的女性尤其容易患上癌症

    The latest research found that individuals who drank more than two standard drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women were particularly at risk of alcohol-related cancers.


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