It should be told to think instead about charging a full price for using Heathrow, and the resulting excess profits at BAA should be taxed.
In this paper the sources of superprofit and resource prospecting taxare analysed.
Companies with high levels of customer satisfaction tend to generate positive abnormal returns.
The competitive advantage of products comes from the degree of the customers and the realization of extra profits.
If an asset has riskless super profits, there is arbitrage opportunity in the market.
Perhaps they exploit their stronger market position to overcharge their customers.
规范的操纵定义来自H - S超额利润的封闭回路交易模型。
The normal definition of the manipulation is from H-S Model which expresses the excess profits in the close circuit trade.
Ground rent comes from the extra profit in agriculture and is one form of the divided surplus value.
Under the condition of strategic bidding of large scale enterprises, perfect competitive power generation enterprises can gain more superprofit.
At the same time, the lower cost agent gains excess profits, while the higher cost agent attains only normal ones.
But, nowadays in society, there is phenomenon which the managers do unreal advertisement to pursue superprofit.
Only the company has been possessing the nucleus technology, probably produces the nucleus product, and gains the superprofit for the company.
Therefore, generation companies(Gencos) have the motivation to carry out its market power in ord er to ga in reasonless excess-benefit.
This paper assesses whether moving average rules can gain excess profits in China's stock market.
Once a special technology loses its exclusive occupation, becoming common technology, it will lose its extra profits.
To pursue superprofit is a natural character of capital. Transfer price of transnational corporations is a way that achieves the maximum profit in the world.
Arbitrage is a usual transaction behavior in order to make profits. It is the possibility of riskless profits.
Arbitrage is a usual transaction behavior in order to make profits. It is the possibilitity of riskless profits.
The mineral resources original value(the mineral resources before exploration)reflects the excess profit, which includes the absolute differential rent and the first differential rent.
The actual electricity market is more likely an oligopoly market than a perfect competitive market and the power suppliers can obtain excess profits by strategic bidding.
How to distribute fair the surplus excess profit between the proprietor and the owner is the key of Discounted Cash Flow in mining right evaluation.
Power generation companies can study and take certain strategy in order to occupy favorable position in market competition and achieve excess profit.
There are some strict limitations on the access to international tourism operation, which makes possible the acquirement of monopoly profits for the licensed operator, namely rent.
Such a sustained rise suggests that the finance sector has been able to extract "rents", a term that economists use to explain excess profits.
Facing the excess profit in the strategic alliance, some firms want to get it, so it shapes the rent-seeking.
The multifactor model is used to measure the profitability of the Momentum strategy after accounting for risk, and it can explain t...
The valuations of mining firms fluctuate greatly along with the prices of the stuff they dig out of the ground, making it easy to overpay for them when times are good.
The valuations of mining firms fluctuate greatly along with the prices of the stuff they dig out of the ground, making it easy to overpay for them when times are good.