• 报道称新近有部队越过边境

    There are reports of fresh troop movements across the border.


  • 他因试图越过上级官员而遭严斥。

    He was reprimanded for trying to go over the heads of senior officers.


  • 我们越过进入了德文

    We crossed the county boundary into Devon.


  • 匹马同时越过终点线。

    The two horses crossed the finishing line together.


  • 大卫小心翼翼地向前移动,视线越过边缘过去。

    David moved cautiously forward and looked over the edge.


  • 开车越过小山德尔诺特的那天下大雨刮大风

    It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Del Norte.


  • 对于选择使用武力一点来说,已经越过雷池。

    He's crossed the Rubicon with regard to the use of military force as an option.


  • 随着越过鬼鬼祟祟的一瞥开锁进了房子

    With a furtive glance over her shoulder, she unlocked the door and entered the house.


  • 我们飞机朝西南方,越过安纳托利亚高原,飞往卡帕多细亚。

    We took a plane southwest across the Anatolian plateau to Cappadocia.


  • 星期天这些被套沉重货车上,踏上长达一天旅程越过边境

    On Sunday the horses were harnessed to a heavy wagon for a day-long ride over the border.


  • 只扁虱很快汤姆的手,越过界限

    The tick escaped from Tom, presently, and crossed the equator.


  • 有些人经由非洲北边逃离地中海沿岸越过地中海。

    Others flee up through Africa towards the Mediterranean Coast and then across the Mediterranean.


  • 孩子立刻掉了,高高的木栅栏,越过消失了

    The lad fled on the instant, scrambled up the high board-fence, and disappeared over it.


  • 虽然人民未经许可不能越过边境动物可以自由跨过边境。

    Though people of two countries cannot go across the border without permission, animals, however, can cross the border freely.


  • 我们跑着穿过空地然后攀登越过人们很久以前山上下来的碎石块。

    We ran across open ground, then scrambled over broken rock that men had ejected from the mountain long before.


  • 愤怒感觉提醒了我们有人得罪我们越过边界辜负了我们的信任

    Angry feelings warn us that someone is stepping on our toes, crossing a boundary, or violating our trust.


  • 如果越过这些界限美国身体明显变得僵硬的态度也会变得冷漠

    When those boundaries are crossed, an American's body will visibly stiffen and his manner will become cool and aloof.


  • 应该昆虫学习它们试图越过堵墙时,它们会一次一次地倒下直到某个时候它们成功了。

    You should learn from insects when they try to cross a wall, they fall down again and again until at some time they get success.


  • 只要愿意放弃现在的样子,自己蒸发微风中,微风就能带着你飞越过去,这样你才能到达目的地

    If you're willing to give it up and let yourself evaporate into the breeze, it can take you across, and you can reach your destination.


  • 如果石头挡住蚂蚁去路不停地绕道、从上面越过从底下顶部走,直到它找到通向目的地的路。

    If you put a stone in the way of an ant, it will go around, over, under or on top, without stopping, until it finds a way to get where it needs to be.


  • 曾航行英格兰摄政王乔治四世现代厨房掌勺,也曾越过大洲俄罗斯沙皇亚历山大一世准备过豪华宴会

    He voyaged to England to cook in the modern Great Kitchen of the prince regent, George IV, and crossed continents to prepare grand banquets for the tables of Tsar Alexander I of Russia.


  • 守时要求越来分了

    He's becoming more and more obsessive about punctuality.


  • 越过安全线拍照。

    Do not cross safety lines to take photos.


  • 越过小山丘,穿过高山脉,和马赛跑。

    People race against horses across the hills and mountains.


  • 年级的时候,老师让我们每个人比赛越过攀爬架。

    Once in the second grade, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bar.


  • 德里克最终越过终点线时,他哭了,6万人都为他欢呼。

    When he finally crossed the line, Derek was crying and 60,000 people were cheering him.


  • 可以通过问自己一些问题来判断自己什么时候越过了顶峰,什么时候处于下坡。

    You can tell when you are over the top and on the downward slope, by asking yourself a number of questions.


  • 野里的动物可以越过篱笆望向另一片田野,那里可能没有动物,田野里的草看起来也更绿。

    An animal in a field may look over the fence into the next field, where perhaps there are no animals and grass in the field looks greener.


  • 整一个晚上,艾丽娅、阿尼斯以及他的兄弟和邻居们,把书越过七尺高的墙从图书馆里搬出来,然后藏在饭店里。

    All through the night, Alia, Anis, his brothers and neighbours took the books from the library, passed them over the seven-foot wall and hid them in the restaurant.


  • 彼得大帝越过欧洲山脉沿着里海扩张领土牺牲土耳其人利益。

    Peter the Great expands territory beyond the Euro mountains along the Caspian Sea at the expense of the Turks.


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