He can ask his parents when they are uncomfortable. not disturb his parents.
I meant to have finished my work last night, but I didn't feel very well.
Oh, I am thinking about calling in sick to work. I just don't feel well.
A radio announcer's voice made her tingle. Background noise in a plane felt physically uncomfortable.
Repeatedly Shifting Body Weight from Foot to Foot - This is another gesture that usually indicates mental and physical discomfort.
A radio announcer 's voice made her tingle. Background noise in a plane felt physically uncomfortable.
非常抱歉今天我们的客人非常多。 名服务员身体不舒服,一小时前刚刚请假。
Furthermore one of our waiters didn't feel well just an hour ago and asked for leave.
SUGIZO: Today? This time? Just my hotel (laughs). Yesterday afternoon, I don't know why but my condition wasn't good so I slept all day.
When we see others who seem under the weather, we experience a powerful emotional response-disgust-and do our best to avoid those who might be contagious.
For days her distraught mother tried to hide the truth from her husband, telling him that their daughter could not visit him because she was slightly unwell, or busy visiting relatives.
"When I played here as a youngster," Charlie continued as he wandered towards the old dressing room area, "I was often physically sick before the game."
Every day she drives back to home so she can feed the cat and take her outside to give her company, re-exposing herself to the signals that make her poorly.
Physical discomfort, it is up to do one show, sweat soaked clothes, then poured powder above, the body will find it easy convenience, baby eat things.
They may find nothing unusual in their bodies and feel least uncomfortable at first.
Think about the choice you are about to make. How does your body FEEL inside? Is it one of comfort or discomfort?
Cold exposure can make outdoor activity uncomfortable or even dangerous for anyone unprepared for extreme weather.
In babies under 3 months old, crying is almost always a sign of physical need-she may be hungry or gassy or wet or hot or just plain uncomfortable.
If the negative thought is visual (a mental image) or kinesthetic (a gut feeling), you can use a similar process.
If the negative thought is visual (a mental image) or kinesthetic (a gut feeling), you can use a similar process.