• 压力集团强烈要求取缔转基因食品

    The pressure group is pushing for a ban on GM foods.


  • 它们转基因食品生产商制造很多麻烦

    They create lots of trouble for GMO food producers.


  • 公众转基因食品引进开展了广泛讨论

    There has been widespread public debate over the introduction of genetically modified food.


  • 到目前为止科学界对于食用转基因食品究竟哪些风险没有达成共识

    So far, there has been no scientific consensus about what it is that includes the risk of eating genetically modified food.


  • 双方来说,转基因食品似乎一个标志支持农业企业还是反对科学的企业。

    For both sides, GM foods seem to act as a symbol: you're pro-agricultural business or anti-science.


  • 转基因食品不同,太空蔬菜并没有经过基因突变。

    Unlike genetically modified food, space vegetables have not been genetically changed.


  • 转基因食品方面,科学恰恰更为我们所需所以高兴看到自然》杂志专门发表了一系列关于转基因食品争议文章

    Science is exactly what we need more of when it comes to GM foods, which is why I was happy to see Nature devote a special series of articles to the GM food controversy.


  • 过去十年许多研究表明转基因食品人类家养动物野生动物环境严重威胁

    A number of studies over the past decade have revealed that genetically engineered foods can pose serious risks to humans, domesticated animals, wildlife and the environment.


  • 近年来,随着种植转基因农作物国家增多转基因食品陷入了激烈争论之中

    The number of countries growing GM crops has increased in recent years. The benefits and dangers of genetically engineered food are the subject of intense debate.


  • 然而报告强调转基因食品销售之前必须继续进行安全评估预防人类健康环境造成危害

    However the report also stresses the need for continued safety assessments on GM before they are marketed, to prevent risks to both human health and the environment.


  • 正如美国人喜欢转基因食品然而欧洲人就会认为这样食品对于环境消费者来说很危险

    Americans have embraced the fruits of biotechnology-in the form of foods based on genetically modified organisms-but Europeans see them as too dangerous for consumers and the environment.


  • 生物技术转基因食品方面,西方国家的确开了先河没达到能够使科学完全发挥作用的程度

    Western countries are plowing ahead with things like biotech and genetically modified food, of course, but the developments are still lagging behind what science is capable of.


  • 然而用于生产转基因食品一些基因以前从未出现食品中,因此,采用基因可能改变农作物现有遗传基因

    However, some of the genes used to manufacture GM foods have not been in the food chain before and the introduction of new genes may cause changes in the existing genetic make-up of the crop.


  • 有机的西蒙表示,过去5年里消费者转基因食品问题更加关注了,更多人选择食用本地产品有机食品

    Consumer interest in the issue has magnified in the past five years, along with interest in eating locally grown and organic foods, said organic Valley's Siemon.


  • 关于这个主题许多观点然而数据潜在健康风险转基因食品之又少直至目前为止使得不切实际得出结论

    There are many opinions on this subject; however, data on the potential health risks of GMO foods are scanty, which has made it impractical to draw conclusions from it up till now.


  • 2007年,乌干达成为使用鲁汶改良品种第一块试验田,尽管舆论对于转基因食品的一系列顾虑很可能阻止长久成功

    In 2007, Ugandan field trials of the first Leuven uber-banana were announced, although public distaste of the idea of GM foods may impede its long term success.


  • 他们使用技术——将细菌细胞中的DNA取出用酶操纵它们并使之返回一个新的细胞——类似于制造转基因食品的技术。

    The techniques they useremoving DNA from bacterial cells, manipulating them using enzymes and returning them to a new cell — are similar to those used to create genetically modified foods.


  • 最近恒天然位于新西兰奥克兰总部,费里尔接受《华尔街日报》采访,谈起中国牛奶涨价转基因食品引起争议

    Mr. Ferrier recently spoke to The Wall Street Journal about China, rising milk prices and the controversy surrounding genetically modified food at Fonterra's headquarters in Auckland, New Zealand.


  • 因为目前没有转基因食品造成危害科学证据反对者们就矛头对准科学家们,指责他们高傲自大,试图改变自然安排

    Given the lack of scientific evidence for its harmful effects, opponents point the finger at the arrogance of scientists who think they can tamper with nature's plan.


  • 发达国家生产转基因食品因为他们容易成长带来更多贫穷国家感兴趣的他们,因为他们帮忙生产更多的食物。 。

    Rich countries produce GM foods because they are easy to grow and bring in more money. Poor countries are interested in them because they help produce more food.


  • 美国,人们正在起诉美国食品药品管理局掩盖转基因食品安全性研究结果,这些研究结果表明食用转基因食品可能导致危险

    In the US, the American food and Drug Administration is currently being prosecuted for covering up research that suggested possible risks from ge foods.


  • 相反撤销了对于转基因食品的限制,裁定转基因食品它们对应的非转基因食品实质等同”因而需要任何特殊安全试验

    Instead, it de-regulated GM foods, ruling that they are substantially equivalent to their non-GM counterparts and do not require any special safety testing.


  • 相反撤销了对于转基因食品的限制,裁定转基因食品它们对应的非转基因食品实质等同”因而需要任何特殊安全试验

    Instead, it de-regulated GM foods, ruling that they are substantially equivalent to their non-GM counterparts and do not require any special safety testing.


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