The experiment shows that the tachometer has a good performance of measuring low rotation speed as well as high rotation speed.
A novel miniature tachometer using polarized light detection is presented in this paper, in order to improve current methods of measuring miniature components' rotation speed.
本文介绍了一种基于AT 89 C52单片机的高精度数字转速计的实现方案。给出了硬件电路原理图和软件设计。
The paper introduces a program of high-accuracy digital tachometer based on AT89C52 SCM, and presents the diagram of applied circuit principle and software design.
The speedometer, tachometer, trip meter, fuel gauge and other indicators are set in optimum position to keep the field of vision clear.
First we calibrate the accelerometers on dividing head to get the offset and sensitivity, then do the rotation experiments on centrifugal machine and rotating floor.
With a modified high temperature speed adjustable rotational viscometer, flow characteristics test of melt was carried ont. Based on the test vesults, it can be co…
In measuring the speed of rotation and the depth of metal crack, PMOSICs and CMOSICs were employed to design two kinds of digital frequency counters.
The centrifugal force caused by rotation of drilling tool will distort the accelerometer outputs, which can only be revised by rotation speed compensation.
Using the estimated speed as feedback signal, we have accomplished the sensorless control of a DC motor.
Using the estimated speed as feedback signal, we have accomplished the sensorless control of a DC motor.