• 然后让一个法师慢慢输出伤害,在这个法师输出73点伤害时,怪物仍然在攻击战士。

    Then mage starts attacking slowly. Mage does 73 damage, but does not gain aggro!


  • 可以说盗贼不同,形态更多依靠力量而不是敏捷输出伤害发现增加力量会增加更多的伤害

    I can tell you that, unlike Rogues, cat form relies on Strength more than Agility for damage. Point for point, you'll find your damage is aided more by enhancing Strength.


  • 拯救祝福更名为拯救之现在每秒2%速度减少目标威胁值,持续10同时减少输出输出伤害治疗效果10%。(可能是输出、治疗所造成的仇恨?)

    Blessing of Salvation renamed Hand of Salvation, now reduces total threat on the target by 2% per second for 10 seconds while also reducing all damage and healing done by 10%.


  • 疯狂如果座狼在卑鄙戈洛挲克之前杀死,戈洛挲克将会进入混乱状态增加75%的伤害输出,提高50%的攻击速度

    Frenzy: If the warg is killed before Glothrok the Vile, he gains the confused state, increases damage output by 75% and gains a 50% bonus to attack speed.


  • 撇开速度值不谈,这个其他所有数值相当不错,且具有令人敬畏伤害输出集中在全力的之中。

    Except for Speed, the Behemoth has pretty good Numbers all around and has the advantage that his very respectable damage output is concentrated into one big attack.


  • 暗黑破坏神三里一个职业都伤害输出职业,DPS是极其重要的,但是不管走的是什么系的路线,可以攻击技能一边控制自己的防御技能。

    Every class in Diablo III is a 'DPS' class, and damage output is vitally important, but no matter your build, you can customize your defensive skills as much as your offensive ones.


  • 发出一个可怕的号叫,恐吓敌人减少他们的伤害输出升级击倒敌人。

    Let loose a terrifying cry that intimidates enemies, reducing their damage output. Can be upgraded to knock down enemies.


  • 看着自己的伤害大吃一惊尘埃输出比起上次又加强不少

    Looking at own injury, I obtain a shock, the exportation of dust compares with in increase lusty final time many.


  • 认为存在近战的输出劣势而且我认为盗贼某些场合伤害表现不如人意。

    I do think there is a melee disadvantage, and I do think rogues are probably not quite doing the damage they should in ideal situations.


  • 真实DPS平均武器伤害每秒钟输出数字提供的。

    True DPS is average weapon damage divided by the number of seconds over which you apply it.


  • 玩家NPC伤害输出现在提升更为平稳不是象以前一样一个爆发性的增加

    The damage output of both players and NPCs should now increase more smoothly rather than receiving a sharp boost every ten levels.


  • 除非伤害输出单位控制技能强的单位比如凤凰的重力力场,否则它们非常致命的

    They are deadly unless you have high damage output units or disablers like Graviton Beam.


  • 目前符文系统,符文一个任何时间闲置死亡骑士失去潜在伤害输出

    In the current rune system, any time a rune is sitting idle, death knights are losing out on potential damage output.


  • 攻击加成伤害输出太低无法担任像200赛制中的角色。

    Its attack value and damage output are low, and it fails to fill the same niche it does in 200-point warbands.


  • 类似救世主,六脚可以输出吸收大量伤害

    Similar to the Redeemer, the Hexapod can both deal and absorb a significant amount of damage.


  • 当然装备我们无法得到这个击率,但是可以确定穿上更好装备时,会有更高的伤害输出

    Of course we won't have that high of crit in raiding gear, but it is most certainly a huge help in terms of overall damage output as you get better gear.


  • 我们为这套装备加点风险被动可缩短外部攻击的距离,最大化她的伤害输出

    To add risk to the kit, her passive encourages her shorter-range auto-attacks to maximize her damage output.


  • 小强适宜用对抗攻击速度慢且对个体伤害输出单位比如狂热者

    Roaches are the best at countering units that attack a bit slower and do not do huge amounts of damage with a single attack, such as the Zealot.


  • 许多野地边境势力的打手可以输出伤害攻击加成低,可以只鸟来辅助。

    A lot of hitters in Wilderness and Borderlands cause high damage but have low attack bonuses, and this bird helps with that.


  • 衰弱通常噩梦之后学习,敌方伤害英雄身上急剧减少他们的伤害输出能力

    Enfeeble is usually a skill to get after Brain Sap and Nightmare to use on enemy heroes with high damage to reduce their damage capabilities severely.


  • 石人这个点数范围内伤害输出没有其他打手一样是实情,可是如果能毫发无伤的回来几乎赢定了

    It's true that the Galeb Duhr won't do as much damage as other beaters in its point range, but if it isn't taking any damage in return, then you are probably winning.


  • 法力娴熟奥法输出伤害基于法师多少法力。

    Mana Adept: Arcane will deal damage based how much mana mage has.


  • 复仇这个新的机械设计确保坦克伤害输出(因此威胁)属于扩张背后的损害,在处理过程中的阶级改善自己装备

    Vengeance: This new mechanic is designed to ensure that tank damage output (and therefore threat) doesn't fall behind as damage-dealing classes improve their gear during the course of the expansion.


  • 猎人魔兽世界一个杰出伤害输出者。

    The Hunter is one of the premiere DPS classes in World of Warcraft.


  • 设计者承认是这是一个问题计划调整高等级伤害输出使之能够接近最初设想

    The designers acknowledge that this is a problem and they plan on adjusting the higher-level damage to be more in line with the original concept.


  • 下面实验证明是错的:任何职业一个怪物输出1000伤害然后停止任何动作。

    The following experiment disproves this: take any class, do 1000 damage or so to a mob, then stop.


  • 神行太保带来的高额伤害巨力重击带来的持续输出贯穿游戏始终的两优势

    Barathrum's main advantage throughout the whole game is his high damage gained from Empowering Haste, and his permabashing capability from Greater Bash.


  • 如果个近伤害输出,你考虑过一个盗贼么?

    If all you want to be is melee DPS, have you considered playing a rogue?


  • 如果成为魔法伤害输出,你考虑过法师么?

    If all you want to be is magical DPS, have you considered playing a mage?


  • 如果成为魔法伤害输出,你考虑过法师么?

    If all you want to be is magical DPS, have you considered playing a mage?


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