• 这座山脉横跨法国和瑞士边界

    The mountains straddle the French-Swiss border.


  • 约旦重新开放了伊拉克边界

    Jordan reopened its border with Iraq.


  • 惊慌失措旅行者们边界逃跑

    Panic-stricken travellers fled for the borders.


  • 联合国车队驶往边界途中触雷被炸。

    The UN convoy was mined on its way to the border.


  • 鲍溪成了树林西边界

    The Bow Brook forms the western boundary of the wood.


  • 一事件突出显示边界地区旅行危险

    This incident underlines the danger of travelling in the border area.


  • 一个特别联合国委员会设立以期划定边界

    A special UN commission was formed to demarcate the border.


  • 飞机食物衣服毯子空投崎岖边界山区。

    Planes parachuted food, clothing, blankets, medicine, and water into the rugged mountainous border region.


  • 他们了个大错认为他们可以相对军队占领边界

    They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force.


  • 地下水位地层岩石裂缝孔隙充满边界

    The water table is the underground boundary below which all the cracks and pores are filled with water.


  • 他们可能边界某个基地加油然后发射

    I figure they probably had to refuel and launch from one of these bases that's right on the border.


  • 边界粘土科学家用来确定一个灭绝物种衰落速度

    Boundary clay layers are used by scientists to determine the rate at which an extinct species declined.


  • 超级强震产生俯冲带——两个板块交汇的陆地板块边界

    Megathrusts are created in subduction zonesland plate boundaries where two plates converge.


  • 土地边界人们想象中的其他地区分开线

    The boundary of an area of land is a line in people's imagination that separates it from other areas.


  • 其他可靠证据表明边界粘土沉积可能需要100万

    Other reliable evidence suggests that the deposition of the boundary clay could not have taken one million years.


  • 促进决策者最新国家区域倡议以及边界问题进行交流

    Facilitate interactions with policy-makers on latest national and regional initiatives and frontier issues.


  • 这些转变连锁反应将会穿越边界,波及这些国家之外的地方。

    The ripple effects of these transitions will reach beyond the borders of their nations.


  • 地球上大部分火山活动地震活动发生板块之间边界

    It is at the boundaries between plates that most of Earth's volcanism and earthquake activities occur.


  • 它们用来勾勒图形显示边界在铅笔画使用线一样。

    They were used to outline figures to show boundaries just like you might use solid lines in a pencil drawing.


  • 那个时候美国加拿大之间另一个问题是缅因州边界问题。

    Another problem between the United States and Canada at that time concerned the border along with the state of Maine.


  • 驯鹿母鹿在他们身边蹦蹦跳跳地走着,陪着他们走到国土边界

    The Reindeer and the young hind leaped along beside them, and accompanied them to the boundary of the country.


  • 探索边界转而决定最好还是下来休息一会儿最好。

    He wanted to explore its borders, but concluded that it would be best to sit down and rest awhile, first.


  • 相反针叶树侵入白杨树林边界越来越多地遮挡白杨所需阳光

    Instead, coniferous trees will invade the aspen grove's borders and increasingly block out sunlight needed by the aspens.


  • 阿尔潜水研究开曼群岛海槽这是西部加勒比海底面上转换边界

    The submersible Alvin investigates the Cayman Trough, a transform boundary on the floor of the western Caribbean Sea.


  • 然而东方相比西方容易渗透边界面临着更多的外部威胁

    Compared with the East, however, the West faced a greater number of external threats along more permeable frontiers.


  • 愤怒感觉提醒了我们有人得罪我们越过边界辜负了我们的信任

    Angry feelings warn us that someone is stepping on our toes, crossing a boundary, or violating our trust.


  • 这个项目涉及到转变边界泰国境内15000名家庭蝗虫养殖者技能

    The project involves transferring the skills of the 15, 000 household locust farmers in Thailand across the border.


  • 板球一个场外裁判来判定边界确定击球手是否出局接球是否真实

    Cricket keeps an off-field umpire for boundary calls, and to ascertain whether batsmen are run out and if catches are real.


  • 欧文·费雪曲线,一条社会生产可能性边界向下弯曲

    Irving Fisher also drew on the curve, a production possibility frontier for society, which he made downward-curved.


  • 之间边界争论比起两国悠久友谊来说一个暂时性局部性问题

    Compared with the long-standing friendship between the two countries, their boundary dispute is only an issue of a temporary and limited nature.


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