Paul says the fallen ones are the Ephesian believers, including himself and his co-workers.
It could mean a tax on imports that do not meet EU standards, he says.
If these variables prove not to be mutually compatible and definitely not attainable, the commitment is neither equitable nor are key success criteria likely to be met.
He in turn was Michelle’s first serious boyfriend, according to Craig Robinson, Michelle’s brother: none of the others had met her standards.
That’s not to say celery isn’t a great food to eat (it very much is for a variety of reasons), but it’s not even close to “negative calorie”.
The standards are not legally binding, but under international trade rules countries can refuse to allow the import of products deemed below minimum quality.
In many countries mobile money has been blocked because operators do not have banking licences and their networks of corner-shop retailers do not meet the strict criteria for formal bank branches.
The car is quiet and efficient, but its handling and quality of finish fall short of most foreign carmakers' models.
For those which fail to meet State - or locally-prescribed standards governing the discharge of air pollutants shall not be allowed to go into production, or enter into usage.
"We turn away seven businesses for every one we feature because they don't meet our quality standards," she says, adding, "we don't want to send customers to the corner deli if it's not any good."
Nine EU countries are expected to meet or exceed the 0.51% minimum, but Germany, France and Italy will not.
他指出:“有超过12万英军驻守在伊拉克境内,他们中绝大多数严于律己,展示了正直无私的品格和承诺。 虽然也有表现恶劣的士兵,但这些达不到我们高标准的士兵仅是一少部分。”
He added: “Over 120, 000 British troops have served in Iraq and the vast, vast majority have conducted themselves to the highest standards of behaviour, displaying integrity and selfless commitment.”
"I was a late starter, " she told me, "and I only get to practice five or six hours a week, so my technique may not be up to their standards.
Experts believe that the monitoring results in some cities might not initially meet international standards.
Expertsbelieve that the monitoring results in some cities might not initially meet international standards.
Nike is highly concerned that if these allegations are true, the athletes will have received products that do not meet Nike's quality standards.
A college's student body is composed of the sons and daughters of the very rich who could not meet the academic requirements of any other college.
If my product could not reach your quality standard, I would make an indemnification to your loss.
It's not unusual for teenagers to go through a phase when they feel ashamed of their parents, afraid that they might not live up to their friend's standards.
The general state of natural milk protein amounted to less than the national standard, and the only man-made factory to add protein.
This violation occurs, for example, when sanitation facilities, medical supplies, fire-safety provisions, or health regulations are inadequate or nonexistent.
This violation occurs, for example, when sanitation facilities, medical supplies, fire-safety provisions, or health regulations are inadequate or nonexistent.