• 无毒低价而且液体不到扩散特性

    It was nontoxic and inexpensive, and it had wonderful diffusion qualities that the liquids couldn't match.


  • 传统方法不到形式现在也可以实现

    Forms that can longer be conceived of through traditional methods become possible.


  • 没有什么不到没有不切实际消耗

    Nothing is untouchable. It's a quixotic quest to create without consuming.


  • 一个脑力不到地方,那里就是答案所在。

    There is a beyond that mind can't see, and that is where the answers are.


  • 可以提供传统太阳能(晚上就没有了)不到基本电力负载。

    It can thus provide an electrical baseload in a way that traditional solar power (which goes off at night) cannot.


  • 射电千里探测普通光学千里镜不到宇宙空间

    Radio telescopes have been able to probe space beyond the range of ordinary optical telescopes.


  • 射电望远镜探测普通光学望远镜不到宇宙空间

    Radio telescopes have been able to probe space beyond the range of ordinary optical telescopes.


  • 孩子从小学会乱花钱,经济条件不到东西要买

    The current economic condition could not achieve the things, so they do not have to buy them.


  • 特罗奇诺认为一个永远不到的要求博西追随者来说适合。

    Mr Trocino believes that it suits Mr Bossi and his followers to have an eternally unfulfilled demand.


  • 由于精心设计细节这些甜蜜的待遇为你带来的蛋糕远远不到的

    With their elaborate sugar-spun details, these sweet treats are certainly not a piece of cake to make.


  • 使正式辩论有主持核心磋商过程程度不到自由交换意见成为可能

    Enables the free sharing of ideas to an extent which is not possible in formal debate or even a moderated caucus.


  • 要是我们峭壁高处什么危险也不到的地方一个住所

    Ah, if we were able to dig out a dwelling in that cliff, at a good height, so as to be out of the reach of harm, that would be capital!


  • 客户未来客户说谎时,往往使他们有了一种期望你们公司不到的期望。

    When you tell a lie to a customer or prospect, you are often creating expectations that you may or may not be able to live up to.


  • 每个人生活上都一个可以讲的秘密,无法避免的遗憾,不到梦想忘不了

    In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love.


  • 现在中国经济体量已不能过去同日而语,集聚的动能过去两位数增长不到

    China's economy is far bigger in size than in the past, and it now generates more output than it did with double-digit growth in the past.


  • 其实正是这些内容中国不到高档质量中国废纸进口贸易商们带来了巨大商机

    In fact, it is these elements and the high quality which Chinese paper still fail to come up to, that bring tremendous opportunities to Chinese import-traders of waste paper.


  • 因为伤员最终救治四级中心不到的,所以一个确保上级机构转送有效机制也是必不可少的。

    Since definitive trauma care is usually not available at a level iv center, a well-practiced mechanism must be in place to ensure prompt transfer to a higher level of care.


  • 正如你们人士自己主张立场,连许多宠物猫伙食水平不到的贫穷人士他们自己立场

    Be just like those cat lover who has their own assertion and point of view. Their request and urge has strictly been suppressed, they are also lack of channel to express their aspiration.


  • 利他主义人类美德但是利他主义上升大多数不到的高度无疑是抽离生活,化为抽象

    Altruism is a virtue Shared by all humanity, but elevating it to a height unreachable by most humans is to take it out of the context of human dynamics and transform it into an abstraction.


  • 然而正如西蒙有限理性原则明确阐明的,由于时间信息智力限制这种理想的要求永远不到的

    As Simon's principle of bounded rationality makes clear, however, such an ideal rationality can never be attained because of the limits of time, information, and intellectual capacity.


  • 然而正如西蒙有限理性原则明确阐明的,由于时间信息智力限制这种理想的要求永远不到的

    As Simons principle of bounded rationality makes clear, however, such an ideal rationality can never be attained because of the limits of time, information, and intellectual capacity.


  • 我们的事,用我们所有力量不到的努力,尽我们充分发挥上帝我们的天赋,并从不停止学习

    Let us all do what is right, strive with all our might toward the unattainable, develop as fully as we can the gifts God has given us, and never stop learning.


  • 通常,在一个职业选择中所发生情形,他要沿着阻力最小路走不是去追求他们认为可能不到的目标

    Usually, what an individual's choice of career comes down to is that the person follows the path of least resistance rather than pursuing something that they possibly believe is an unreachable goal.


  • 能读写可能算不上一项不可剥夺的人权,但是我们学识渊博的开国元勋并不感到不合理或者甚至是不到的

    Literacy may not be an inalienable human right, but it is one that the highly literate Founding Fathers might not have found unreasonable or even unattainable.


  • 一方面,思想可能估价很高认为只有思想才能到对至高无上存在、上帝性质认识,而感觉却是不到

    On the other hand, a very high estimate may be formed of thought; when thought alone is held adequate to attain the highest of all things, the nature of God, of which the senses can tell us nothing.


  • 传统百科全书是受过良好训练专家编撰的。这些专家符合严格学术标准,而这一点业余人士无论如何都不到的

    Traditional encyclopedias are written by trained experts who adhere to standards of academic rigor that non specialists cannot really achieve.


  • 我们国家我们的不同观点吸取力量我们的国家拥有力量时候,就没有什么翻不过去的险峰,也没有什么不到地平线

    For our nation draws strength from our differences, and when our union is strong no hill is too steep and no horizon is beyond our reach.


  • DiabloCanyon峡谷核电站就位于海拔85英尺高地上,这科学家们预料的大规模的海啸不到高度,太平洋煤气电力公司驻核反应堆总裁吉姆·贝克

    Diablo Canyon sits on a rise 85 feet above the ocean, beyond reach of what scientists calculate is the largest possible tsunami, says Jim Becker, PG&E’s site vice president at the reactor.


  • 再一次临时打折可能不到希望至少已经到手的东西。

    Another temporary discount may not be what you want, but at least it is a bird in the hand.


  • 希尔兹说:“它们不到我们安全标准。”

    "They're not yet up to our safety standards," says Shields.


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