• 审计报告上签字显然达不到要求

    Just signing the audit report is certainly not enough participation to justify doing so.


  • 不到要求色谱分离条件适当调整

    If it fails, appropriate adjustments can be made to the spectrum separating conditions.


  • 警告那些不到要求航空公司强制停飞

    He has warned that those failing to meet requirements will be forced out of the market.


  • 检验评判标准错误导致化学成份不符力学性能达不到要求

    The error standards of the inspection & judgement caused the non-conformity of chemical ingredients and fails to reach the requirement of mechanical performance.


  • 机箱通风扇提供的气流达不到要求,则备用通风扇启动

    A backup ventilation fan activates if the enclosure ventilation fan does not achieve required air flow.


  • 老板告诉最近工作不到要求,这使非常着急。

    The boss asked me to speak to you. He's worried because your work hasn't been up to scratch recently.


  • 最近战绩达不到要求董事会觉得没有迹象表明形势得到根本改观。

    The trajectory of recentresults was below this requirement and the board felt there was noevidence that the situation would fundamentally change.


  • 铁运处在曲线加宽养护采用经验法,养护质量总是不到要求

    Experience is usually applied in maintenance for widening curve railway, but maintaining quality fail to reach the requirement.


  • 解决现有 技术存在饮用水的处理效果各项指标不到要求问题

    The invention solves the problems existing in the prior art that the treatment effect of drinking water is poor, and each index can not reach the requirement.


  • 尽管美国追求这个理想常常达不到要求,但是这样公立教育画面却引人入胜。

    That vision of public education is a compelling one, although America has often fallen short in its pursuit of the ideal.


  • 摘要: 设计的某款散热器铝型材挤压模,对试模后型材进行装配,水平度不到要求

    Abstract: There is significant demand to reduce variations in the shape and mechanical properties of aluminum extrusion process to meet tighter tolerance requirements.


  • 这种复杂性导致即使是经过详细测试系统会在部署后出现性能功能不到要求的情况。

    As a result, even systems that have been thoroughly tested can fail to provide adequate performance and functionality post-deployment.


  • 解决有限推力模型的再飞行器初制导问题,利用传统控制的关机方程达不到要求的精度。

    For the finite propulsion reentry guidance, the conventional closed-thruster equation based on open-loop control loses its way.


  • 凸轮磨削时易出现精度达不到要求、表面烧伤、波纹质量问题主要影响因素进行了分析。

    The common quality problems such as bad precision, grinding burning, grinding veins, and their influencing factors are analyzed.


  • 科学角度来看所有这些承诺远远达不到要求无法限制气温上升小于2摄氏度、并防止其引发灾难性变化

    From the scientific perspective, the total of all these offers falls far short of what is required to keep the temperature rise below 2c and the catastrophic changes that could trigger.


  • 但是清楚一旦交易无法项目不能融洽或者员工达不到要求,我就产生一种焦虑感觉

    Even so, I know well the anxious feeling that can arise when a deal is coming undone, a project isn't gelling or an employee seems to be falling short.


  • 众所周知软件危机”,简单地说就是:软件质量达不到要求,软件项目无法按时完成软件项目的开支超预算

    Well-known "software crisis", simply is: software projects can not be completed on time as poor quality, and the costs over budget.


  • 色彩管理技术彩色地图生产出版中应用后,不仅提高印刷地图质量而且几乎杜绝了色彩复制达不到要求而造成的返工。

    Using color Management in color map production, the quality of map printing has been significantly improved, and doing poor color reproduction over again has been avoided.


  • 不但根据用水用户实际要求进行远程控制,满足用户实际要求用户提供高质量的供水服务,解决了当前存在的许多地方供水压力达不到要求的矛盾;

    It can not only control according to the fact of consumer in the distance to solve the contravention of water supply pressure not enough , but also found fault of it in time.


  • 穆帅伟大教练是这样一种如果场上的表现到了他的要求你们好的朋友但是如果你在场上的表现不到要求,他就会非常失望

    'jose's a great manager and he's someone that, if you give him what he wants on the pitch, you'll be great friends. But if you don't give him what he wants, well, he gets very disappointed!


  • 特罗奇诺认为一个永远达不到要求博西追随者来说适合。

    Mr Trocino believes that it suits Mr Bossi and his followers to have an eternally unfulfilled demand.


  • 目前监禁女性提供医疗服务无法满足她们需求并且许多情况远远达不到人权和国际建议要求的。

    Current provision of health care to imprisoned women fails to meet their needs and is, in too many cases, far short of what is required by human rights and international recommendations.


  • 其他策略使用dslreports.com/speedtest评估互联网速度如果不到支付的带宽,要求免费升级

    Other tactics: Measure your Internet speed, using dslreports.com/speedtest; if it is less than what you are paying for, ask for a free upgrade.


  • 按照这个办法生产出来的电池达不到驱动汽车的电力要求其电力已足够替代小型电池

    The resulting cells are nowhere near powerful enough to run cars, but they are plenty powerful enough to stand in for small batteries.


  • 就算是他们自己的脑海中,他们也会因为达不到他们的要求拒绝接受一些女生

    Even in their own head, they may reject certain girls for not being up to their expectations.


  • 如果托管服务公司达不到预期的要求需要找到原因托管服务公司交涉以防再次发生毁灭性事故

    If a hosting company is not living up to expectations, it's crucial to find the causes and work with the hosting company before another crushing incident occurs.


  • 那么为什么如此优异的大学毕业生达不到工作要求的人存在呢?

    So how can there be too many over-qualified college graduates and too many under-qualified job candidates?


  • 一种残酷的慈善不到各种要求的人将会受到限制,而且医生还要重新估计劳动能力而领取救济金的人中有哪些工作

    But this is tough love: sanctions will fall on claimants who fail to meet various conditions, and doctors will reassess those on incapacity benefit to identify those able to work.


  • 一种残酷的慈善不到各种要求的人将会受到限制,而且医生还要重新估计劳动能力而领取救济金的人中有哪些工作

    But this is tough love: sanctions will fall on claimants who fail to meet various conditions, and doctors will reassess those on incapacity benefit to identify those able to work.


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