• 眼中那个国家曾经一个复苏的,充满希望的,“失乐园似的,感情上它曾经哺育母亲父亲一代人

    The country I knew was one of revival and hope and "paradise lost" was a sentiment once reserved for the generation of my mother and father.


  • 因此当今充满竞争职场中我们影响说服他人能力从来没有如此重要

    As a result, in today's competitive workplace our ability to influence and persuade others has never been so important.


  • 当时带给那种魅力从来就没有真正停止还有那种奇妙感觉还有那种想投入进去,把这个充满魔力的机器装置个透的感觉。

    The fascination I felt at that moment has never really ended, nor the sense of wonder, or the desire to dive in and learn everything about this seemingly magical machinery.


  • 其他分散全球各地津巴布韦人一样考虑永远的离开充满冲突大陆。

    Like many other Zimbabweans now scattered all over the globe, I have also entertained the view of emigrating from the conflict riddled continent once and for all.


  • 不必那种充满罪恶感生活

    He doesn't have to go through life filled with guilt!


  • 有关年龄增长故事常常充满悲哀因素”——实际上,年五十的更多令人叫好的因素”。

    Too often stories about getting older are full of thewoe factor” – but in reality there is much morewow factor” to being a fiftysomething.


  • 自己能力充满信心——她曾一年德国公开赛击败辛吉斯——知道自己需要才能进入决赛

    She’s confident in her ability — she beat Hingis at last year’s German Openbut said she knows her game needs the seasoning she can get by advancing to finals.


  • 因为,即使充满活力的改变,但通常你并不能够坚持到底。如果你曾经节食减肥,你就会理解

    Feeling motivated to change isn’t usually enough to get you the whole way there – as you’ll probably know, if you’ve ever tried dieting or quitting smoking.


  • 几乎每个宣教机构都能助成行,这会扩大胸襟、开阔视野、增长你的信心加深你的爱心,使你被从未体验喜乐充满

    It will enlarge your heart, expand your vision, stretch your faith, deepen your compassion, and fill you with a kind of joy you have never experienced.


  • 布里奇当然是名出色的摄影家自己的拍摄方式如同世界一样热情洋溢充满好奇

    Muybridge was certainly a wonderful photographer, as enthusiastic and curious about his own medium as about the world he photographed.


  • 纵观二人的职业生涯,朱丽叶·比诺什阿库·汉姆进行很多令人惊喜充满挑战的合作

    Throughout their careers, Juliette Binoche and Akram Khan have both sought out surprising and challenging collaborations.


  • 他们选择地方不是被毒气围绕的乡村,或被疾病困扰的小镇,而是充满田园风味的小乡村——位于贵州省西南部的摆贡村。 那里有着碧蓝的天空葡萄架刚刚粉刷房屋门口晒干的红辣椒。

    It was the bucolic village of Baigong, in southwestern Guizhou province—a community of blue skies, grape trellises, freshly painted houses and colorful sprays of drying peppers hanging from doorways.


  • 这次,他们谱写了新的国家故事努力活力欧式国家正如MrSaakashvili曾经:“一个充满新加坡元素瑞士”。

    They promoted an alternative national story, of a hard-working, dynamic and European country: “Switzerland with elements of Singapore, ” as Mr Saakashvili once put it.


  • 生于1949年,公司成立前他已经学习古典舞现代舞但是真正充满激情一种新兴日本舞蹈——舞(butoh)。

    Born in 1949, he had already studied classical and modern dance, but his real passion was a newly emerged Japanese style called butoh.


  • 我家就是一个大家庭我们在一起生活着我们家人多,日子简单平淡并不别的家庭一样充满欢声笑语

    My house is a big family, we three generations living together. Although our family, but the day is simple, plain, is not like other families, full of laughter.


  • 这种沉默状态如今余地充满憎恨惧怕一切东西蹿空荡荡

    In that state of silence, there was room now for everything hateful, everything fearful, to run across my empty mind.


  • 父母经常谈论他们退休生活他们已经描绘他们退休后生活,并且充满期待

    My parents always talk about their retired life, they have portrayed their retired life all the time and they look forward to it.


  • 充满喧嚣闹剧灰色世界里想起那么在我生命匆匆

    In such a blatant farce gray world, think about so much in my life to in a hurry but of the traveler.


  • 很多错误,对此我不用否认我对意甲充满了恐惧因为意大利的媒体从来都没有支持

    I've made mistakes and I have never denied that, but I am scared because the Italian Press has never been supportive of me.


  • 那些充满岩石海域恰恰海獭数量保持稳定的地区

    And shallow and rocky locations are precisely the types of locations where sea otter populations have not declined.


  • 知道想要什么但是确实知道我必须一种非常丰富的、充满意义生活

    I don't know what I want, but I do know that I must live a life that is very rich, that is full of meaning.


  • 我们充满活力,我们经历艰难斗争,并没有疲倦我们做好准备去完成自由史上伟大功绩

    Renewed in our strength—tested, but not wearywe are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of free dom.


  • 小时很自然地觉得一封充满爱意邮件所说道歉

    A couple hours later, spontaneously, I felt to send him a loving email apologizing for something that I had said.


  • 法国哲人蒙田曾这样写道:“我愿意走遍天涯海角寻找地方在那里饶有趣味充满快乐一年安静时光,因为我的人生目的就是一种舒适的生活。”

    Michel de Montaigne once noted that his goal in life was to travel around and find a place where he could spend a full happy year, undisturbed and filled with fun.


  • 法国哲人蒙田曾这样写道:“我愿意走遍天涯海角寻找地方在那里饶有趣味充满快乐一年安静时光,因为我的人生目的就是一种舒适的生活。”

    Michel de Montaigne once noted that his goal in life was to travel around and find a place where he could spend a full happy year, undisturbed and filled with fun.


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