If only I'd been there I could have pressed the shutter, says that impossibly over-confident voice in your head.
Overall, we didn't feel that the schedule was too ambitious, and we were confident it would stay within the customer's cost expectations.
But, in fact, Americans and Canadians had almost identical scores on measures of assertiveness: a slight notch above the average in the study sample.
Yet nobody could accuse Barack Obama and his allies, chiefly Britain’s David Cameron and France’s Nicolas Sarkozy, of overconfidence in attacking Libya on March 19th.
Especially when you are surrounded by over-confident extroverts who have little to no understanding of what makes us different and that being different is not necessarily a bad thing.
This overconfidence was also seen when people tried to communicate anger, sadness, seriousness and humour in an email.
"You may be a qualified candidate, but none of that matters if you walk into that interview lacking confidence," he added. "Don't act too confident, though."
Their overconfidence leads them to impoverish not just themselves but also their fishing grounds.
It can offer most of the things that Dubai can, save the excess, and it does so with self-confidence, grace and charm.
You capture the hubris of the young writer in a way that seems universal to me—as relevant for budding literary geniuses in New York today as it was for Albanians then.
When I was young, I was perpetually overconfident or insecure.
In fact, the reverse is true: the less people know, the more overconfident in their abilities they tend to be.
The author sums up his subject’s gravest weakness as “nihilistic overconfidence”.
It's possible of course, but even if he did, very soon he would gain confidence and turn into a quite different creature altogether.
You must be able to act without resistance or hesitation, but with the appropriate amount of positive restraint to counteract the negative effects of overconfidence or euphoria.
Women may improve decision-making partly because they rein in a male penchant for overconfidence and risk-taking.
Ann really fancies her chances of promotion to the vacant job of chief supervisor.
Positive self-delusion can also cause problems and lead to wrong decision **, unrealistic expectations, danger and failure.
Positive self-delusion can also cause problems and lead to wrong decision **, unrealistic expectations, danger and failure.
I am convinced that overexposure is a disastrous thing... It is also a confession of weakness and lack of confidence.
It was part of a unique experiment that Gruys hopes will help boost her own self-esteem and inspire others to stop focusing on external perfection.
At eleven, Hermione is already strong, smart and assertive, even if she's socially insecure and her self-esteem hinges on her academic achievements.
Computer led simulations have shown that over confidence in all aspects of life can often improve your chances of winning.
Immoderate pretending, the confidence'll get to exaggerate and inferiority is disclosed unconsciously.
保持谦逊。 外资企业集团常常对其商业经营模式的适用性过分自信, 其自大程度会让16世纪的葡萄牙商人也自叹不如。
Stay humble. Non-Chinese groups still seem prone to arrogance about the applicability of their business models that would have embarrassed 16th-century Portuguese traders.
保持谦逊。 外资企业集团常常对其商业经营模式的适用性过分自信, 其自大程度会让16世纪的葡萄牙商人也自叹不如。
Stay humble. Non-Chinese groups still seem prone to arrogance about the applicability of their business models that would have embarrassed 16th-century Portuguese traders.