• 果一个过度肥胖的人吃了大份食物,我会克制一下,因为我看到了他的饮食习惯带来的后果。

    If an overweight person is having a large portion, I'll hold back a bit because I see the results of his eating habits.


  • 通常认为脂肪摄入导致过度肥胖罪魁祸首

    There's a perception that fat intake is largely responsible for being overweight or obese.


  • 然而过度肥胖没有出现胆固醇下降-这是个发现

    Significantly, however, the drops in cholesterol weren't seen in people considered obesea new finding.


  • 事实证明,这样能降低母亲患癌症危险孩子过度肥胖的机会

    Evidence suggests doing so reduces the risk of cancer in the mother and could limit the child's chances of obesity.


  • 他们找到一些过度肥胖人,这些平均体重超出正常值的50%。

    They recruited severely obese individuals who were, on average, 50% overweight.


  • 当然大多数过度肥胖的妇女并不严重健康问题产下宝宝也很健康。

    Of course, most women who are overweight don't have serious problems and give birth to healthy babies.


  • 一个其他研究指出年龄性别人体过度肥胖地方可能影响有偏头痛风险程度。

    A separate study has found that age, gender and where a person has extra body fat may affect the risk of migraine.


  • 近几年新闻商业媒体中充斥减肥信息许多过度肥胖人们开始意识减肥的重要性。

    The news and commercial media are saturated by diet fads and weight loss solutions and in recent years reality-based television has made a killing off saving the lives of the morbidly obese.


  • 过度肥胖妇女怀孕过程中将承担严重健康风险比如糖尿病高血压而且生产过程更加困难

    Women who are very overweight (obese) face the risk of serious health problems during pregnancy, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, and may have a more difficult birth.


  • 过度肥胖儿童需要生活中慢慢开始强度体力活动打破这种循环防止超重带来的长期负面影响。

    Obese children need to slowly begin working low-intensity physical activity into their lives to break this cycle and prevent the long-term consequences of being overweight.


  • 需要更多研究说明为什么坚果对于过度肥胖降低血液胆固醇浓度方面效果并不明显,研究人员说道

    More studies are needed to understand why nuts are less effective at lowering blood cholesterol concentration among obese people, the researchers said.


  • 对于越来越多过度肥胖完整解释出现以后,人工照明虽然可能唯一原因,但是这些实验表明或许一部分原因。

    When the full explanation for the modern epidemic of obesity has emerged, it is unlikely that the spread of artificial lighting will be the whole of it. But this work suggests it might be a part.


  • 过度肥胖儿童对于拥有积极生活方式大量身体身体感知障碍这样造成长期保持种不积极、健康的生活方式。

    Obese children suffer a number of physical and perceived physical barriers to living an active lifestyle, which can perpetuate a cycle of inactivity and poor health.


  • 除此之外商家继续健康食品中大量获利时,政客公共健康人士可能并不认为销售更多健康食品是解决过度肥胖最佳途径

    Moreover, politicians and public-health campaigners may not regard selling more healthy products, while continuing to profit handsomely from unhealthy ones, as the best way to tackle obesity.


  • 额外的体重对于一个已经过度肥胖妇女有害,同样也不利于婴儿它提高妊娠期糖尿病高血压早产以及剖腹产发生的风险性。

    Extra pounds on a woman who is already overweight can cause harm to mother and baby alike, raising the risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension, premature birth and Cesarean sections.


  • 第三研究研究者同样采用了来自CHARGE研究法,研究了患有2 -糖尿病妊娠期糖尿病、慢性高血压怀孕过度肥胖母亲

    In a third study, which also drew from data from the CHARGE study, researchers looked at mothers who had diabetes (Type 2 and gestational), chronic hypertension and pre-pregnancy obesity.


  • 过度肥胖高血压中风发病风险增加密切相关。

    Obesity correlates with increased risk for hypertension and stroke.


  • 但是我们每天遭遇过度饮酒吸烟肥胖带来恶果。

    But every day we are confronted with the harm caused by smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and obesity.


  • 去年11月一位主要癌症报告作者过度肥胖可能增加风险其中就包括结肠癌

    Last November, authors of a major cancer report said that excess fat was linked to increased risk for six types, including colon cancer.


  • 除非肥胖过度饮食体锻改变只是外表边缘:你依然是你。

    Unless you are obese, diet and exercise change only the margins: you still look like you.


  • 证据表明增强寿命积极观点实际上那些过度肥胖降低寿命的证据更有力

    The evidence linking an upbeat outlook to increased longevity is actually stronger than the evidence linking obesity to reduced longevity.


  • 全球的平均寿命正在延长,但是美国人由于过度吸烟以及肥胖寿命增长速度并没有其他发达国家

    Life expectancy is still rising, but not nearly at the same pace as other wealthy nations due to high rates of smoking and obesity.


  • 作为饮食一部分它们对于糖尿病肥胖胃酸过多症过度紧张、动脉硬化症高血压贫血便秘患者具有极好的作用。

    As part of the diet, they are excellent for sufferers of diabetes, obesity, hyperacidity, hypertension, atheroscierosis, high blood pressure, anaemia and constipation.


  • 酒精引起肝硬化主要原因。同时,大量证据表明过度肥胖扮演了同样的角色

    Alcohol is a major cause of liver cirrhosis and there is mounting evidence that excess weight also plays a role.


  • 肥胖、高胆固醇以及患糖尿病球迷突发心脏病的几率较大,因此,医生建议这些球迷在世界杯期间不要过度饮酒。

    Doctors advise those soccer fans who may be at greater risk of heart attack anyway due to obesity, high-cholesterol or diabetes, to refrain from drinking excessively during the World Cup tournament.


  • 其他含糖类食品富含热量它们增加你体重过度肥胖则大大增加了罹患2糖尿病风险

    But candy and other sugary foods contribute plenty of calories, which can lead to weight gain, and being overweight greatly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.


  • 最近研究表明,不考虑过度肥胖腹部肥胖过早死亡关联

    Recent research also has associated belly fat with an increased risk of premature death - regardless of overall weight.


  • 而且近年女性肥胖人数有所下降,男性过度肥胖人数却急剧增长。

    In addition, the number of overweight women has fallen in recent years while the number of morbidly obese men is rising sharply.


  • 而且近年女性肥胖人数有所下降,男性过度肥胖人数却急剧增长。

    In addition, the number of overweight women has fallen in recent years while the number of morbidly obese men is rising sharply.


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