• 对于每个来讲,提起过往经历不会舒服

    Bringing up the past is rarely a comfortable experience for either party, but there are reasons people do it.


  • 105名参与者一半要求写下一段合理地”处于权位过往经历

    Half of 105 participants were asked to write about a past experience in which they had legitimately been given a role of high or low power.


  • 男人故意装哑巴的,不要过往经历这样的重要事情告诉他们他们把事情糟。

    Men are dumb, don't trust them with important things like history, they will mess it up.


  • 此外未能成功改变习惯过往经历,也可以获得关键信息确保下一次尝试取得成功。

    Moreover, the experience of failing to change can actually give you crucial information that will ensure victory the next time around.


  • 甚至感觉好像童年创伤或者过往经历引以为豪其他事情涌入现在意识中。

    It may even feel as though your childhood traumas or other things from your past you are not proud of, are crowding into your present awareness.


  • 诺兰认为:“自己显得与众不同唯一方法就是预期的方式来挖掘自己过往经历。”

    "The only way to make yourself look unique is to dig into what you did beyond the expected," Nolan says.


  • 不管是直接学员接触还是幕后办公室工作我们所做一切都会触动学员过往经历

    Whether you work directly with students or behind the scenes in an office, everything we do touches the student experience.


  • 如果有人过往经历刺激(比如2008年记者蒂姆?鲁赛特对她的采访),经常会打断对方气势汹汹恼怒

    When battered with questions on her record (for instance, her 2008 interview with journalist Tim Russert) she often interrupted and appeared aggressive and angry.


  • 一旦用尽了所有一般惯用的方法来美化你的外表(包括适当锻炼、饮食合理、穿也足够精致),焦点就转移到那些非常规过往经历中了。

    Once you’ve done all you can with your appearance by conventional means (working out, eating right, dressing decently enough) focus on unconventionalizing your story.


  • 媒体报道纷纷关注这个皮士的多姿多彩的过往经历并不仅仅是theGratefulDead(一个20世纪60年代传奇摇滚乐队)当过医生的轶事。

    Media reports focused on the old hippy's colourful past, not least his spell as a doctor with the Grateful Dead, a legendary 1960s rock band.


  • 他们中的一些过往经历受益者,而另一些毫无进展并且变得更加糟糕但是我们能够得知关于疾病最基本假设已经受到挑战,并已经产生非常重要发现

    Some are experiencing benefits, some none and a few worse but what we do know is that challenging basic assumptions about diseases has lead to some very important discoveries.


  • 我们会明白,是生命中那些过往记忆经历塑造了今天我们。

    We understand the lifetime of memories and experience that have molded us into the people we are today.


  • 经历父母理想化拉回现实痛苦过程发现爸爸可能傲慢并且残忍,而一直保护他的邓布利多拥有不堪提及过往

    He goes through the painful process of de-idealizing his parents, discovering that his father could be arrogant and cruel and that even his protector, Dumbledore, had a shameful past.


  • 不仅验证于国内经历,也验证于他无力,助迪欧尼修斯将西西里王权转为成功哲学统治过往

    This was not only true of his experience at home, but of his failed efforts to turn Dionysius' kingship in Sicily into a successful example of philosophical rule.


  • 如果过去10工作经历足以证明能够胜任眼下正在谋求的职位,必要进一步回溯过往,”萨尔瓦多指出。

    "If in the past 10 years you've had enough experience to show you're qualified for the job you're seeking now, there's no need to go farther back," Salvador says.


  • 仅仅随机发放大脑电信号过往经历变成意象

    Dreams were simply the result of random electrical brain impulses that pulled imagery from traces of experience.


  • 招聘经理要你“谈谈你自己”,提供经历,例如:在过往工作遇到问题采取正确行动以及随后结果

    When a hiring manager says, "Tell me about yourself, " you can offer a few war stories that recount a work problem, your corrective action and the measurable result.


  • 40职业生涯中,许多工作,并因此掌握了五花八门技能于是,我所有过往的工作经历都写到了简历上。

    In my 40-year career so far, I've had lots of different jobs that have taught me a wide variety of skills, so I've put all of them on my resume.


  • 他们容易困业力负担地球幻象,容易受制于过往经历

    They are more subject to the karmic burdens and illusions of the earth plane. They are more bound to the past.


  • 如果面试要求说说过往职业经历可以反问他希望现在说起还是开始工作时说起?”

    If the interviewer requests your career history, you might inquire, "Do you want me to start with my present situation or at the beginning?"


  • 过往过往了。经历我们更加刚强,道需要看清经历真正本质。不凡的经历

    Henry:Whats past is past. Experience makes us strong, Dorian. And you need to see this episode for what it really is. An extraordinary experience.


  • 过往自然灾害经济影响研究包括日本自身1995年神户大地震后经历在内,都提供了更进一步的证明。

    Studies of the economic effects of past natural disasters, as well as Japan's own experience after the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, provide further reassurance.


  • 经历狂风暴雨、走过一马平川得到过朋友帮助现在一切已成过往

    You've climbed through storms, passed over green patches and had help from friends, and now it's almost over.


  • 招聘人员不会读完所有列出工作职责过往工作经历

    Recruiters won't read a full billeted list of your duties and everything you did at every job.


  • 经历过往发觉与其找寻不如积淀自身底蕴风范以及无法复制个性才是的!

    Experienced in the past you will find, instead of looking for better accumulation, its heritage and style and personality can not be copied is what you want!


  • 他人过往经历咨询师来访者两人之间经历辩证统一说明我们无法将咨询师反移情和来访者的移情真实关系中完全剔除出去。

    The dialectic of past with others and present with each other means the therapist's countertransference and the patient's transference cannot necessarily be excluded from the real relationship.


  • 如果说过往经历明白件事就是多数人来说她们风华正茂的二十充满探索困惑极度迷茫岁月。

    If there is one thing I know from experience, for most people, their "roaring twenties" are a time of exploration, confusion, and utter bafflement.


  • 告诉经历每个故事,告诉你我人生的每段经历那些故事,有的精彩,有的崎岖,有的暖心,有的悲伤,我想一起分享那些五光十色过往

    I want to tell you the stories and past experience of my life. However exciting, twisted, heart-warming and saddening, I want to share those colorful moments with you.


  • 数百公里外的德国简单生活没有抹去过往经历

    And simply living in Germany, hundreds of kilometres away, does not erase my past experience, " Müller has said."


  • 数百公里外的德国简单生活没有抹去过往经历

    And simply living in Germany, hundreds of kilometres away, does not erase my past experience, " Müller has said."


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