• 运动模糊图像复原测试,也证明方法的有效性。

    The testing for recovering the vague image proves that the genetic algorithm is effective.


  • 分析图像处理过程中的运动模糊图像复原霍夫变换

    It also analyses the restoration of the motion blurred image and the Hough transform in the image processing.


  • 运动模糊图像由于摄像设备对象之间曝光瞬间的相对运动造成的。

    Restoration of photographs blurred by image motion is introduced by photographic apparatus relative motion with object in exposal moment.


  • 运动模糊图像图像摄取过程中,被摄景物相机的相对运动产生的。

    In the process of taking a picture, the motion between the subject and the camera will produce a motion blurred image.


  • 运动模糊图像清晰度评价函数图像恢复评价图像质量一个重要判据

    Clarity evaluation function of motion blurred image is an important criterion for evaluating the quality of image restoration.


  • 具有非灰度边界旋转运动模糊图像恢复图像处理一个热点研究问题。

    The restoration of rotational motion blurred images with the boundaries of non zero gray values is a study hotshot in the field of image processing.


  • 并进一步通过分析相应数学模型,探讨匀速直线运动模糊图像恢复技术问题

    Thus it probes into the restoration question of photographs blurred by uniform linear image further motion.


  • 分析运动模糊图像退化模型恢复过程改进了一种运动模糊图像的恢复方法。

    This paper analyses the degradation model and restoration process of motion-blurred images and improves a restoration method for motion-blurred images.


  • 本文深入分析研究运动模糊图像成像原理建立图像退化模型恢复模型

    The article studies and analyses the theory of images blurred by motion, setting up the model of degenerating and restoration.


  • 此基础上,提出了几种运动模糊图像清晰度评价函数研究它们优缺点和适用范围。

    Based on that, some evaluation functions of motion blurred image are proposed, and their advantages and disadvantages are also discussed.


  • 此基础上,提出了几种运动模糊图像清晰度评价函数研究它们优缺点适用范围。

    Based on that, some evaluation functions of motion blurred image are proposed, and their advantages and disadvantages are also discussed. The mathematical models of these fun...


  • 运动模糊图像复原图像关键问题获取扩展函数噪声信息,其中噪声通常假设高斯噪声。

    The key problem in image restoration is to get the point spread function of motion-blurred images and the knowledge about noise. Gaussian white noise is commonly assumed as the noise.


  • 论文基于模糊算法对相对运动引起模糊图像复原算法进行了研究,阐述了运动模糊图像退化的数学模型

    This article is focus on fuzzy restoration algorithm of blurred image that is induced by relative motion. A degradation function model is proposed to analyze the blurred image.


  • 波动方程递推求解后得到运动模糊图像复原结果比较自然没有振铃效应畸变但是出现明显累积噪声

    An image restored by a recursive solution of traveling wave equation is natural to visual interpretation, without ringing effect and distortion emerging, but accumulated noise appears on it obviously.


  • 通过运动模糊图像进行分析,提出运动模糊图像两个重要参数运动模糊角度模糊长度估计一种新的方法

    By analyzing the motion blurred images, proposed a new method to estimate the motion blurred direction and motion blurred length which are two important parameters in the blurred images.


  • 由于相机目标之间相对运动造成的运动模糊图像,根据不同应用背景和先验知识,本文提出两种方法进行图像恢复

    We proposed two methods which apply different command and different to restoration blur image which was introduced by relative motion between the camera and the object scene.


  • 本文首次研究不同方向图像灰度绝对值之和图像运动模糊方向的关系。在基础上,提出了几种运动模糊图像清晰度评价函数,并研究了它们的优缺点和适用范围。

    The relationships in various directions between the function, the sum of absolute value of gray difference of image, and the motion blur direction are studied for the first time in this paper.


  • 获取图像过程中,传感器场景相对运动造成图像模糊一类常见图像退化模式。

    During image capturing, the image blurring is one of the most common degradation caused by the relative motion between the sensor and the scene.


  • 随后又介绍导致运动图像模糊几何畸变原因及对应消除模糊方法

    Introduced the causes of motion image blurring and geometric distortion and the methods to deblur.


  • 他们使用用合成节点计算图像为基础运动模糊

    They can be used to compute image based motion blur with the compositing nodes.


  • 实验证明考虑运动模糊改进POCS超分辨率重建算法能够有效克服振荡效应提高图像分辨率

    Experimental results prove that the improved POCS algorithm considering the motion blurs can effectually reduce the oscillation effect and advance the image spatial resolution.


  • 基于机器视觉MEMS动态测试系统,利用模糊图像合成技术对MEMS平面运动特性参数进行提取分析

    Based on machine micro-vision dynamic testing system for MEMS, the technique of blur image synthesis is presented to exact and analyze in-plane motion characteristic of MEMS devices.


  • 解决由于相机高速运动而导致的图像模糊利用定点DSP芯片TMS320C 6416维纳滤波算法实现电子稳像。

    To absolve image blur for high speed camera, fixed-point DSP TMS320C6416 and wiener filtering algorithm were adopted.


  • 文中模糊分析原理应用于分析粒子幅PIV图像中的运动情况

    The principle of fuzzy logic is applied to analyze the motion of particles in a PIV image.


  • 运动模糊散焦模糊常见图像模糊类型

    Motion blur and defocus blur are the common blur types which degrade image.


  • 对于匀速直线运动引起图像模糊已经提出了一种基于传播方程恢复方法及其恢复质量客观评价准则。

    Recently, based on the traveling wave equation, an image restoration method and its objective assessment to the quality of restored images are proposed by the present authors and others.


  • 在摄取图像短暂曝光时间内,造成图像模糊运动近似作为直线运动处理

    The direction of the motion which blurs the image can be dealt with as unchanging during the short exposing time.


  • 运动分析角度出发,所研究的图像序列,提出了基于空域—时域连续小波变换CWT)的模糊分割算法

    The purpose of this paper is to develop a segmentation algorithm for digital image sequence based on spatiotemporal continuous wavelet transform(CWT).


  • 最后根据图像运动产生停滞模糊问题加以讨论总结出运动图像恢复质量阶标准

    At last, the article discusses the picture's stagnant sense and fuzzy produced by the picture moving, and summarizes the quality evaluation criterion after the moving picture resumes.


  • 最后根据图像运动产生停滞模糊问题加以讨论总结出运动图像恢复质量阶标准

    At last, the article discusses the picture's stagnant sense and fuzzy produced by the picture moving, and summarizes the quality evaluation criterion after the moving picture resumes.


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