• 不要手手相传因为一些文化中认为运气不好

    Never pass them from hand to hand as this is considered bad luck in some cultures.


  • 但是运气不好情节只是将来发生的事件的一个预兆

    But the episode served as an omen of things to come.


  • 它织牢固足以使小型鸟类蝙蝠甚至少数运气不好蜥蜴无法动坦

    The webs are strong enough to stop small birds, bats, or the rare unlucky lizard.


  • 即使技术再说也运气不好时候,你必须足够资金以撑过时间

    There will be times when you are just plain unlucky for a longer period of time though you are playing well. You must have a bankroll large enough to handle these expected swings in poker.


  • 玛姬本来可以取消难道不是足以证明…这整个运气不好事情完全是假的?

    Maggie: He could have canceled. Isn't that proof enough... that this whole bad luck thing is totally bogus?


  • 根据当地报导指出运气不好告诉咖店员工说,要求现金

    The hapless thief told staff in the Internet cafe that he had a gun and demanded cash, according to local reports.


  • 这名男子花了两个小时开车追寻气球,可惜没有成功现在这个运气不好的男子只希望戒指自己回来

    He spent two hours in his car trying to chase and find the balloon, without success. "Right now this unlucky man is hoping the ring will still turn up."


  • 有时把蛋隐匿冰冷地面下以应对未来运气不好的日子。在这种艰苦的环境中保持生存意味着狐狸一样聪明

    Some, he stashes in the cold ground for the lean days ahead. In this harsh environment, staying alive means being as clever as a fox.


  • 那些抓的,即使他们所受到的惩罚严重一般都是运气不好而已,惩戒作用很小

    The few who do get caught are simply considered unlucky, and even if their punishment is typically heavy, the dissuasive effect remains minimal.


  • 我们这里遇到情况叫做竞态条件(racecondition),是出错概率非常的条件,意味着只有非常快速或者非常运气不好才会遇到这种情况

    What you have here is called a "race condition," a condition where something can go wrong only during a small window, meaning that you have to be pretty fast, or pretty unlucky, to see the problem.


  • 频繁地提到运气,以及如何相信自己运气权衡运气跟随你的运气,也能知道自己什么时候运气不好等等真的很了不起

    It is indeed remarkable how frequently he refers to luck; how you are to trust your luck, weigh your luck, follow your luck, know your unlucky days, and so forth.


  • 程序中断,并弹出对不起运气不好”的消息打印堆栈跟踪,这不是错误处理,而是错误报告

    Crashing, spitting out a "sorry, you're out of luck" message, or printing out a stack trace is not error handling. That is error reporting.


  • 过去即便仅仅提到这个词也认为带来不好运气个人活着时候便操办他的葬礼更是一个重大禁忌

    In the past, even mentioning the word "death" was believed to bring bad luck, and preparing one's own funeral while still alive was a major taboo.


  • 简单就是大部分运气不好,他们刚开始交易没有得到过别人合理指导

    The simple answer is that most of us weren’t fortunate enough to start our trading careers with the proper guidance.


  • 一位女性基金经理:“如果男性可能认为运气不好,而换作女性看作不稳定标记

    One female asset manager said: "With a man ... you might dismiss something as a bad day, with a woman it's seen as a sign of instability.


  • 客户非常生气,公司因此蒙受着利润损失——如果运气不好每个人发现要对此负责的,您很可能会被辞退。

    Customers are angry, your company is loosing money — and with any luck, when everyone finds out it was you, you may actually get fired.


  • 阿萨德同意第二要求我们派去一个法医小组运气不好遗骸并不在以色列人所认为地方

    Assad agreed to the second request and we sent a forensics team to Syria, but unfortunately the remains weren’t where the Israelis thought they would be.


  • 认为周日温布利草皮为欧文的受伤负一定的责任,不过还是运气不好

    I think the heavy pitch at Wembley on Sunday made some contribution to it but really it is just bad luck.


  • 不想知道今天运气不好还是儿子正好碰上一个运气日子

    I don't wonder if perhaps she's just had a bad day, or if my son is having a bad day.


  • 支持者们,只能怪拍照片时范佩龙运气不好同时他们说,范佩龙挽救了那次会议,因为他阻止了法两国脱离欧盟理事会单独发表份对于希腊的公告。

    Supporters say these images were “unfortunate”, and add that Mr Van Rompuy saved the summit by heading off a Franco-German announcement on Greece that did not even involve the European Council.


  • 那些没有航班而滞留机场人哀叹自己的运气不好

    Those stuck at airports operating no flights bemoaned their luck.


  • 打牌事情运气总是不好

    The odds are always against him when he plays CARDS.


  • 运气10英里多花20分钟,如果赶得不好的比如感恩节星期日,这10英里花掉你60-90分钟。

    On a good day, it takes an extra 20 minutes to go these 10 miles. On a bad day, the Sunday after Thanksgiving, for example, it can take 60 to 90 minutes to drive that distance.


  • 许多乐迷问题是:他们直接观看郎朗键盘飞舞的双手如果没有坐在适当角度,他们则认为自己运气不好

    There's a problem for many fans, however: They want to watch Lang Lang's hands on the keyboard, and if they're not seated at the proper angle, they're out of luck.


  • 西非最西端的塞内加尔(Senegal)开始,成千上万的非洲亡命之徒搭乘独木舟破浪出海,试图偷渡欧洲运气运气好的话,可以被海浪冲刷西班牙海岸很多其他人运气不好地葬身大海

    From Senegal in the region’s west, thousands of Africans brave the seas in dugout canoes for a chance to enter Europe illegally. The lucky ones wash up on Spanish shores but many others drown.


  • 非常令人沮丧因为我们如愿以偿,并且球门前运气不好。”周六AC米兰官网的新闻中,西多夫

    There's a lot of frustration, because we didn't finish off our actions, also due to some back luck in front of goal," the veteran Dutchman was quoted as saying by Milan's official website on Saturday.


  • 如果我们运气不好中国船舶抓获必须设备海里,如果你珍惜生命,”船长

    "If we are unlucky and are captured by Chinese ships, you'll have to throw your equipment to the sea if you value your life," the captain said.


  • 如果我们运气不好中国船舶抓获必须设备海里,如果你珍惜生命,”船长

    "If we are unlucky and are captured by Chinese ships, you'll have to throw your equipment to the sea if you value your life," the captain said.


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