• 目的分析儿童原发性近视眼特点

    Objective To analyze the characteristics of primary myopia in children.


  • 目的探讨针刺治疗青少年近视眼作用规律

    Objective to probe into the law of acupuncture treatment of juvenile myopia.


  • 介绍透镜成像原理眼屈光系统分析近视眼模拟矫正

    This article introduced the imaging principle of the thin lens and the refraction system of eyes. This article also analyzed the Simulation and Remedy of the Myopic eye.


  • 近视眼看法我的父亲近视眼总是戴着镜片眼睛。

    My father is a nearsighted and he is wearing a pair ofthick glasses.


  • 不在乎沙文主义者,是小小的虔诚教徒,还是近视眼书呆子

    It doesn't matter to me whether he's a chauvinist, a little Christer, or a nearsighted pedant.


  • 目的临床验光配方法选择近视眼防治提供方法依据及工作重点。

    Objective to provide for choice of clinical optometry and having a pair of glasses made to fit eyes' methods and myopia's prevention and cure with methods 'basis and focal point of the work.


  • 本文就哌仑西平对抑制实验性近视眼作用机制、作用剂量以及给药途径进行综述

    This article tends to review the mechanism of experimental myopia prevention, the dose of pirenzepine and its administration.


  • 这种研究方法今后深入研究多巴胺系统实验性近视眼关系提供了一条新的途径

    These methods may provide a new approach for further studying the role of the dopamine system in experimental myopia.


  • 无法确定执行于轻中度近视眼LASEKPRK手术上,疗效准确度安全性不良结果的差异

    Uncertainty surrounds differences in efficacy, accuracy, safety, and adverse effects between LASEK and PRK for eyes with low to moderate myopia.


  • 目的比较像差引导准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术LASIK常规LASIK治疗近视眼临床疗效

    Objective To contrast the clinical effects of wavefront aberration-guided excimer laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) with conventional LASIK in the treatment of myopia.


  • 国人近视眼屈光光学特性也其相应的正视化过程,它是个复杂多环节的过程,是因素协调配合结果

    The Chinese myopic eye has a course of emmetropization. Emmetropization in the Chinese myopic eye is a comprehensive and interrelated course and a coordinating result of all these anatomic factors.


  • 认识导致近视眼基因缺陷可以帮助研究者开发眼药水或者药片,这些药品可以孩子用来防止他们随着长大视力衰退

    Understanding the biological glitches behind shortsightedness could help researchers develop eye drops or tablets that could be given to children to stop their vision from failing as they get older.


  • 一氧化氮不仅参与了视觉信息形成整合传导具有重要的生理功能,而且觉剥夺实验性近视眼发生中起重要作用

    No plays important roles not only in formation, regulation and transmission of visual information, but also in the formation of form deprivation experimental myopia.


  • 角膜表面规则性指数(SRI)角膜表面非对称性指数(SAI)呈正相关而且近视眼散光度与其屈光度、SAI呈正相关。

    The surface regularity index (SRI) was positively correlated with surface asymmetry index (SAI), and the astigmatism was positively correlated with dioptre and SAI in myopia.


  • 不良习惯长时间阅读后天因素近视眼发病率随年级逐渐增高重要原因遗传因素近视眼的发病中仍占有重要地位

    The ill habit of using eyes, the long reading-time and other acquired factors are the main reasons of the rising trend of myopia. The hereditary factor gets the important position in myopia.


  • 发明涉及一种治疗近视眼生命信息波谱治疗装置及其使用方法,该装置组装不锈钢圆筒形外壳照射头部尾部部分组成

    This device is used for treating shortsightedness, and consists of an irradiating head, a body and a tail, all the three parts are assembled within a stainless steel tube.


  • 我们就把愿望付诸于矫正我们的视力近视眼依靠远处发现晚宴能力而生存来说致命的。

    We do this with eye sight: Nearsightedness could have been fatal for people whose ability to survive depended on spotting dinner off in the distance.


  • 由于近视眼增加视力以前设计的,长得更长

    As myopia increases, the eye grows longer than it was ever designed to do.


  • 因此科学家们表示近视眼患者过度使用电脑青光眼发生,这两者之间似乎存在一定关系。

    The scientists said there appeared to be a link between glaucoma and heavy computer use in the short-sighted.


  • 医生已经利用传统激光纹身、治疗近视眼、美容祛斑美白牙齿

    Doctors already deploy more traditional lasers to remove tattoos, correct short-sightedness, cut tissue or whiten teeth.


  • 第二控制别人眼睛使别人眼睛成为视眼近视眼老花眼不出门道,看不出秘密

    Second, to control other people's eyes, so that the eyes of others to become the evil eye, myopia, presbyopia, see doorway, see the secret.


  • 份调查某市小学生近视眼状况影响因素分析报告考察了面临问题并结合数据来源考虑合规问题

    His analysis with a survey in a city of myopia and its influencing factors of the report as an example, examines the problems with data sources consider compliance issues.


  • 通常近视眼虽然人们认为鲨鱼远视的。

    Fish are usually nearsighted, although it is believed that sharks are farsighted.


  • 总之看电视不仅孩子近视眼而且会占据孩子们其他孩子们一起大量时间

    All in all, not only TV can lead to near sight but also TV occupied too much of children's time to play with others.


  • 目的应用光学相干断层成像(oct)技术探讨高度近视眼黄斑视网膜神经上皮层厚度变化

    Objective to investigate the changes of the neurosensory retinal thickness in the macula in high myopia eyes by optical coherence tomography (OCT).


  • 因为没有这些德行,便是瞎子近视眼忘却从前的罪恶清除。

    For he that hath not these things with him, is blind, and groping, having forgotten that he was purged from his old SINS.


  • 目的探讨高度近视眼巩膜形态改变长度近视程度血流动力学变化之间关系

    Objective: To explore the morphological changes of rear sclera in myopia and the relation among the length of eye axis and the degree of myopia and hemodynamic changes.


  • 对于假性近视预防近视眼度数加深好处

    For pseudo myopia, or preventing myopia degree deepened to have the advantage.


  • 多元线性回归相关分析显示眼球轴长增加单纯性近视眼形成主要因素

    Multiple linear regression and correlative analysis showed that the increase in optic axis was main factor for the formation of simple myopia of teenager.


  • 多元线性回归相关分析显示眼球轴长增加单纯性近视眼形成主要因素

    Multiple linear regression and correlative analysis showed that the increase in optic axis was main factor for the formation of simple myopia of teenager.


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