They also think assessing values would be far too complex in a property market still in its infancy.
Since our commercial housing market is not mature, neither the cost of construction and installation nor the cost of land can be considered as the driving force influencing the housing price.
One view is that allergies can develop as the result of childhood exposure to certain irritants, such as dust or animal dander, while the immune system is not yet mature.
Some foresee hybrid wind-gas and solar-gas plants, with gas producing electricity when sun and wind are weak.
However, the theory and technology of fault management automation are still immature. We hope our research work give some valuable theoretic and practical insights into this exciting area.
虽然这只是好莱坞一个还不成熟的想法但我们很有可能即将会在大荧幕上看到60 70年代明星斯蒂夫麦奎恩的传记片 虽然有两个与之打擂台的作品也在制作中.
It's still a twinkle in Hollywood's eye, but the chances are that we'll be seeing a biopic of 60s and 70s star Steve McQueen on the big screen soon, as two rival projects are said to be in the works.
No complete, full-scale carbon capture and storage plants have been built to date - the technology is still in its infancy.
Some tell me that the conditions [for peace] are not ripe, he argues.
Although the conclusions are preliminary, global climate models suggest that in the Northern Hemisphere, storm tracks should migrate northward, bringing more gusty storms to higher latitudes.
He reported it as a false alarm to his superiors, and hoped to hell he was right.
"The main components for the Prius such as the motor and battery are not mature enough for local production," executive vice-president Atsushi Niimi said.
Plans aired on April 16th to subsidise buyers of electric cars from 2011 make sense, despite the current limitations of that technology.
Mr Ma says it is too early: only 30m of China’s 120m online users have bought anything online.
Mr Ma says it is too early: only 30m of China's 120m online users have bought anything online.
We may be premature with this idea - everyone has a different way of thinking about this.
Although existed for more than one century and, accepted by more and more countries and medias, investigative reporting is still in the juvenility to academic study.
It is still absorbed in the fascinations of the teenage years. Our culture in the United States is very powerful, but it is not yet wise.
Porous concrete is a kind of new building material, and the domestic researching was not mature.
Now the English words with feminine suffixes are decreasing, though they are clearly not dead and declaring their demise is premature.
Evaluation of having bought forward Information security rules is not mature in theory and not strong at maneuverability.
Looking at current situation in our country, it is not yet mature to perform the automotive recall system.
Teenager is under being mature; they always judge a person from outlook, which is very superficial standard to judge a person like that.
But as a kind of new paradigm, the new public management theory is still not mature and of some defects.
But now in China, the theories and methods of human capital valuation are faultiness, and these is not a unified operating standard.
Roosevelt had to reply that the moment for such action was not opportune since Congress would have to approve a transfer of the destroyers.
However, the theory and technology of existing protection based on travelling wave is imperfect.
However, the theory and technology of existing protection based on travelling wave is imperfect.