The new country, which is likely to be called South Sudan, faces many hurdles.
In the era of "geek chic", scratchy-voice actors are today's big thing and if Nerds had never been made, it could very likely happen today.
That hypothesis makes a lot of sense, maybe the most sense of all the theories we read about.
At the time some commentators said this signal did not matter, since dividends would probably be cut.
You probably have an opportunity right there to provide a service to them, one that will put cash in your pocket for doing something you naturally enjoy.
她建议为我的女儿——她已经九岁了,对这个世界有更深的了解,很有可能被伤得更严重——买一个宠 物,一只猫或一只狗,或者甚至一只兔子这样她能“信赖”它们。
She suggests buying my daughter – who at nine is more aware of the world and likely to be worse affected – a pet, a cat or dog, or even a rabbit, she can "confide in".
When solving problems, it is often possible to break down the problem into smaller parts and also apply a number of patterns to solve the complete problem.
Aside from feasting on gas and stars, M87's champion is likely the result of aseries of black hole mergers, the last of which may have happened in the nottoo distant past.
If you maintain this routine, it's likely that you can start relying on your biological clock rather than an alarm clock.
If your major requires that you work with Numbers, this extension might be of interest to you.
Hopefully they can keep it up, but if not, remember: This download and product keys will be available through the end of June, so you've got plenty of time.
And if you ever hear a bear moaning, it is probably because he remembers the trick Fox played on him long ago and he is mourning for his lost tail.
由于这个低层集成很复杂,所以很有可能该解决方案实现起来要比一个对等的级别5 解决方案更为昂贵和耗时。
Since this low level integration is complex, it is likely that this solution is more costly and time consuming to implement than an equivalent level 5 solution.
It was very useful to have your number, but you could have been in Antarctica for all I knew, and the game wouldn't work unless you were close by.
While this is auseful feature, some of you might find it irritating.
Though Shenzhen is still considering the possibility, it faces stiff opposition.
Since it is Easter tomorrow and you will probably eat more chocolate than you normally do, I thought it would be nice to post something about these delightful treats today.
This week he declared that France could no longer “maintain the illusory barrage of a so-called model that each day shows itself to no longer work, nor protect anything or anybody”.
The dream has always sounded promising-oil will not last for ever, after all-but the reality consisted of odd-looking cars with limited range.
MILAN -kobe Bryant said it's "very possible" he will play in Italy during the NBA lockout, adding the country is like home because he spent part of his childhood there.
NBA owners are bracing for a battle with players over their collective bargaining agreement, which expires after this season and a lockout is a strong possibility.
You are likely to be deeply inspired by a special someone, if single, or by a child.
A first-half recession followed by a sluggish recovery-the standard forecast until recently-could well have enabled the Fed to raise rates in the autumn.
The child (most likely a container) invokes its template, which is responsible for rendering all of the content of this child.
It is a debate that is likely to grow - at least while there are still a few bottles in the country's cellars to fuel the discussion.
Incorrect spelling or grammar leads to translation errors, for example, if a word is spelt incorrectly, the translator will not be able to identify the word.
Incorrect spelling or grammar leads to translation errors, for example, if a word is spelt incorrectly, the translator will not be able to identify the word.