That’s probably good news but somehow at the moment I don’t seem to be wanting to be thought of as parental.
A wave of relief washed over me, and I smiled and said That sounds good - I'll have one too.
塞班说将来程序员们只需开发一种应用程序,塞班也将做出自动调整。 这听起来不错。
Symbian says that in future developers will just make one app and Symbian will make adjustments automatically.
理论上这听起来不错,但你也许会想:第一步是什么呢? 第一步会不会非常非常的痛苦?
So this sounds good in theory but you're probably thinking: what's that first step and won't that be horribly, horribly painful?
But either the amp or my ears have been burned in, so that it sounds fine, with excellent detail and sound stage.
That sounds good — it worked and these little things — they may seem like little things but they are technological advances.
You hear it in speeches and you read it in interviews, books, and other company propaganda. And it sounds great - gracious and humble and nice.
While this sounds undesirable, it can be quite good, says Polman.
But while the odds of getting away with it may sound good, if caught, the punishment can be harsh.
Although this sounds like a great idea, you should carefully evaluate how this might impact your systems, as a large number of cached connections sitting idle could do more harm than good.
Sounds great, but there are some challenges associated with cloud computing you should be aware of.
A.Not only that but she's a Hyde Parker, so it sounds good to me.
That is useful, but not startlingly different from the sort of call-centre hell familiar to anyone who has tried to get information out of a large company by telephone.
So long as you can bring yourself to stop hating her, it sounds like an arrangement that could work out rather nicely.
This sounds like something everyone would think was a good idea, but you have expressed some misgivings about it.
"Sounds like a good idea. We'll do it that way". If you don't, people will resent you.
Theweatherlooksgoodtoday /今天看起来天气不错;Thatsoundsinteresting /听起来很有意思;Thefoodtastes good /这吃起来很好吃。
The weather looks good today / The weather looks good today;That sounds interesting / That sounds interesting; The food tastes good / The food tastes good.
This sounds like a good idea. If we agree with your suggestion, how much turnover can you achieve each year?
Comet style applications maximize connection timeouts and infrastructure to provide updates to the browser more quickly than other solutions and with less data sent — which sounds great.
But as good as it sounds, and as much as "you're here to live the life you love" rings true, it still brings up a whole pile of sticky questions.
Oh, I see you've got a letter today. Well, it's an invitation actually. Sounds good.
A relaxing beach vacation may sound perfect to some, but for the more adventurous, it just isn't exciting enough.
I know the scheme sounds well; but do look before you leap. Ask the advice of someone who understands that kind of business.
I know the scheme sounds well; but do look before you leap. Ask the advice of someone who understands that kind of business.