• 萨姆走了进来其他男孩紧跟其后

    Sam walked in, with the rest of the boys following closely behind.


  • 冲了进来毫不掩饰自己愤怒

    He burst in, making no effort to repress his fury.


  • 进来时,焦虑地抬头看了一眼

    She looked up anxiously as he came in.


  • 进来人人都捧腹大笑起来

    He walked in and everyone just cracked up.


  • 西尔维娅进来怀里包裹

    Sylvia entered, her arms full of packages.


  • 简直相信自己的眼睛

    I couldn't believe my eyes when she walked in.


  • 托盘饮料

    She came in with a tray of drinks.


  • 不能我们一起根本没有道理

    There was no reason on earth why she couldn't have moved in with us.


  • 开了走了进来

    The door opened and Jo walked in.


  • 阳光窗帘透了进来

    Sunlight filtered in through the curtains.


  • 斯平克斯进来的时候,他们过来看着

    When Spinks entered they all turned to look at him.


  • 知道很少有注意不到的。

    Your mother will know who's moved in—she doesn't miss much.


  • 如果不想警察牵扯进来自己的

    If she doesn't want the police involved, that's her business.


  • 我们谈论恰好这个时候

    We were just talking about her when, at that precise moment , she walked in.


  • 这些警察进来捆住手脚,把他救护车后面

    The cops come in, hog-tie him, chuck him in the back of an ambulance.


  • 布莱克熟练地跳了进来由于体重微微沉了一下。

    Blake jumped in expertly; the boat dipped slightly under his weight.


  • 带到办公室之后不久,一个穿白色上衣年轻女子

    He was shown to a small office. Presently, a young woman in a white coat came in.


  • 狄肯灿烂的、大大的笑容进来了。

    Dickon came in smiling his nicest wide smile.


  • 很快几千人加入进来

    Soon thousands joined him.


  • 进来穿好衣服了。

    Come in. I've dressed.


  • 加入进来一起唱歌

    He joined in the singing.


  • 一束束阳光透过百叶窗照射进来

    Cracks of light filtered through the shutters.


  • 蔷薇香味随风窗户进来

    The scent of climbing roses wafts through the window.


  • 的人毁坏了好几幅油画

    Intruders slashed and mutilated several paintings.


  • 过了一会儿突然出现了,从前门进来

    A moment later Jane materialized, coming in the front door.


  • 随后玛丽走了进来我们刚才还谈论她呢。

    And then Mary, who we had been talking about earlier, walked in.


  • 必须隔离6个他们它们进来

    Dogs have to be quarantined for six months before they'll let them in.


  • 咨询本质倾听那些咨询者观点考虑进来

    The essence of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views of those consulted.


  • 坐在地板吓得浑身发抖,因为有一子弹射穿窗户打了进来

    I was sitting on the floor shivering with fear because a bullet had been fired through a window.


  • 接着是一场争论许多乐队成员加入进来,对辛普森及其女友进行长达两个多小时的强力说教。

    An argument ensued, with various band members joining in and haranguing Simpson and his girlfriend for over two hours.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定