Process management is focused on the execution of processes.
Embodying the thoughts of pre-planning and controlling during the process.
The Linux micro-kernel, composed of memory management, process management and timing services.
Multiple application servers on a given node can be managed via a single administrative process.
The JMX Remote standard extends JMX to allow external client processes to manage an application.
You'll find out that there is a lot more to process management than using the kill command, or even nice.
Process management is far from the most exciting aspect of being a UNIX systems administrator.
It has unloading management, start loading, process management functions of the three operators fairly convenient and wisdom.
Basic essential information such as the shell, files and directories, text processing, process management, editing and typesetting, and electronic mail.
The paper discusses the integration of virtual prototype and design process models and the design process management based on the integrated models.
Ability to redirect all TCP traffic to the user-mode service. Possibility to manipulate TCP traffic for service process.
AFS volumes are actually managed by a separate UNIX-type process called the volume Manager.
该文对DADI - E的特点进行了阐述,包括RMA机制、动态进程管理和对PVM的支持。
Features of DADI-E are presented in the paper, including RMA mechanism, dynamic process management and special support for PVM.
Protected processes restrict access to a limited set of informational and process management interfaces that include querying the process's image name and terminating or suspending the process.
An SCA client (which could be J2EE) will typically be external to the process manager and might, for example, use BPEL flows to orchestrate workflow.
User management, Process management, File Management, Software package management, and other basic automation requirements are better handled with scripting than with monotonous manual effort.
您可以在./linux/kernel中找到进程管理的源代码,在 ./linux/arch 中可以找到依赖于体系结构的源代码。
You can find the process management sources in ./linux/kernel and architecture-dependent sources in ./linux/arch).
ASUS 'HQ and all manufacturing sites are certified by IECQ HSPM (Hazardous Substance Process Management), IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components, similar to ISO certification.
SSI解决方案会修改内核的几乎所有部分:进程管理、文件系统、内存 管理、调度器,等等。通过不加修改地运行内核进程,模拟器简化了部署工作。
SSI solutions modify almost every area of kernel: process management, filesystem, memory management, scheduler, etc. Emulators simplify the deployment by letting the kernel processes run unchanged.
fileundo—org. springframework . roo . file . undo模块提供文件撤消工具,供进程管理器使用。
File undo - the org.springframework.roo.file.undo module provides a file undo facility for use by the process manager.
Cassie, an expert in this field, suggests that the cooperation process within teams must be organized, promoted and managed.
Casey, an expert in this field, suggests that the cooperation process within teams must be organized, promoted and managed.
Our managerial skills are measured by the competence manifested in accelerating this process.
In this tip you learn how to have a process manage the time while the real job runs.
You've looked at the key tools and utilities used to analyze threads and administrate your processes.
By adding code to manage query caches for multiple users at the same time in a single process, the process need not be suspended, but can be switched to perform work for another user.
You've learned a few of the basic commands to help you maneuver through a directory structure, create and modify files, see what processes are running, and maybe even administer users and the system.
Do you take care of creating and managing multiple OS processes?
How to integrate model-based testing into the quality management process?