• 以色列士兵会没收那些迷途牧群。

    Israeli soldiers confiscate flocks that stray.


  • 看到迷途猫儿喂食知道善待动物

    I saw you feed stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.


  • 就算迷途羊羔没有那么容易被打倒

    Even if I am the wrong path small lamb, also does not have to overthrow that easily.


  • 薇拉·凯瑟:aLostLady一个迷途的女人(1923)。

    Willa Cather: a Lost Lady (1923).


  • 从前有和一只狮子分别不同方向,同时了一只迷途

    Just as a great Bear rushed to seize a stray kid, a Lion leaped from another direction upon the same prey.


  • 六月再一次本能地在霜冻尝试任何一个迷途粗石遮蔽他们医生之前她自己

    Jun again instinctively threw herself before Frost and the doctor trying to shield them from any of the stray rubble.


  • 导致研究人员怀疑一个迷途白矮星离某个中等质量黑洞接近,并受其潮汐引力的撕扯

    This leads the researchers to suspect that a whitedwarf star strayed too close to the intermediate-mass black hole andwas ripped apart by tidal forces.


  • 导致研究人员怀疑一个迷途的白矮星离某个中等质量黑洞接近受其潮汐引力的撕扯

    This leads the researchers to suspect that a white dwarf star strayed too close to the intermediate-mass black hole and was ripped apart by tidal forces.


  • 还要得更糟哩,耐莉,”陷入迷途人大恢复了顽强,“现在吧。

    I shall come to a prettier, yet, Nelly, ' laughed the misguided man, recovering his hardness. 'At present, convey yourself and him away. And, hark you, Heathcliff!


  • 卢斯科尼推动通过一些紧缩措施该国回到正轨,迷途战舰需更多的指引,才能回到港口

    Berlusconi has already passed some tough measures that have put the country on the right course, but it still falls short of steering the errant battleship back to port.


  • 白天目光尽朝埋藏硬币的方向望;夜间,如果迷途弄出一点声响,他就以为是有人来钱。

    All day, his eye wandered in the direction of the treasure; and at night, if some stray cat made a noise, the cat was robbing him.


  • 白天目光尽朝埋藏硬币的方向望;夜间如果迷途弄出一点声响,他就以为是有人来钱。

    All day, his eye wandered in the direction of his treasure; and at night, if some stray cat made a noise, the cat was robbing him.


  • 因为我们从前也是昏愚的,悖逆的,迷途,受各种贪欲逸乐奴役邪恶嫉妒中度日,自己是可憎恶的,又彼此仇恨。

    For we ourselves also were some time unwise, incredulous, erring, slaves to divers desires and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.


  • 的价值在于,你的生命一个坐标,让我们不做迷途火炬照亮我们重生泪水哀伤心灵把正义张扬

    You diamond is like a coordinate, pointing our way as if we were lost cattle by torching your own soul to illuminate our reborn road to the clean souls with tears and grief for Justice.


  • 交换日记我们发现了奇怪共通同一年(1919)的同一个六月,在她家我家迷途金丝雀,而我们两家却在不同国家

    We compared notes. We found strange affinities. The same June of the same year (1919) a stray canary had fluttered into her house and mine, in two widely separated countries.


  • 我们清楚最终胜利属于上帝撒旦陷阱使很多人误入迷途

    We know that the ultimate victory is God's, but Satan's traps still lead many astray.


  • 喜欢轭,视林中鹿迷途流浪者公牛呢?

    What of the ox who loves his yoke and deems the elk and deer of the forest stray and vagrant things?


  • 注释:在马约卡(地中海西部西班牙的个大岛屿)一家店里两个招牌上的英文,原意"能标准英语""我们能说美式英语",无论是拼法、语法还是词的用法上,都因受当地语言习惯的影响,使说英语的游客难以明白其意思。 因而成了"译林迷途"主题中能说明问题的例子。

    All this global gabble is best summarized by two signs in a Majorcan shop entrance: "English well talking"and"Here speeching American".


  • 不过第一心智脱离本体心智与其他种种对立起来,这不是它迷失自我而是它展现清楚所有的人都踏上迷途

    But for the first time it makes the mind get outside of itself and places it in opposition to others, not for it to get lost but to show it clearly the blind path that all have entered upon.


  • 不管如何我们只能希望事态稍微平静下来之后,伯南克先生能够推动修补金融系统讨论,因为美国的金融系统已经迷途深陷了

    But let's hope that when the dust settles a bit, Mr. Bernanke takes the lead in talking about what needs to be done to fix a financial system gone very, very wrong.


  • 岂非走入迷途么。谋必得慈爱诚实

    Do they not err that devise evil? But mercy and truth [shall be] to them that devise good.


  • 我们奉劝美方改弦更张迷途知返早日回到对话正确道路上来。

    We would advise the U.S. side to change its practice, realize its errors and mend its way, and return to the right track of dialogue as soon as possible.


  • 人生阅历告诉五味杂陈堆积会变味需要适时调制清明条路上行走,才不会迷途

    Life experience tell you, when the five mixed piling up too long, stale, the need for timely modulation Qingming, a road walk, don't lost.


  • 我们不能辨认这个迷途孩子的身份。

    We couldn't identify the stray child.


  • 因为这个地球人类社会误入迷途陷入危险期时候由于大智大果敢出现拯救了地球人类。

    Because, this man in earth's human society depart therefrom into crisis when, as a result of his wisdom makes and boldly appear, saved the earth humans.


  • 友谊之温暖朋友受伤照亮迷途前进方向,驱散孤独者心中阴云点燃失败者新的希望

    Friendship warm friend injured heart, fire lit up the stray and the way forward, the clouds broke up the lonely heart, lit the losers new hope.


  • 岂非走入迷途吗?谋的必得慈爱诚实

    Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.


  • 岂非走入迷途吗?谋的必得慈爱诚实

    Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.


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