To you; and which I discovered in the pocket-book of the messenger.
To lure the Bearer of Darkness to the Full Moon Fountain, you must collect the three verses of the ancient people.
American officials believe that Osama bin Laden spent many hours on the computer, relying on couriers to bring him thumb drives packed with information from the outside world.
In memory of the dream at Gaya he was given the name of Gadadhar, the "Bearer of the Mace", an epithet of Vishnu.
The hero of the story, the man who carried the message, was Colonel Andrew Summers Rowan, who, when the Spanish-American War broke out, was a young lieutenant in the United States Army.
Jerry, the messenger, who had made his own observations, in his own manner, and who had been sucking the rust off his fingers in his absorption, stretched his neck to hear who they were.
If he had remained among the larches all night, he would have heard nothing of the stir at the Grange; unless, perhaps, he might catch the gallop of the messenger going to Gimmerton.
Detained by the ISI and handed over to the Americans, recently leaked documents prepared for guantanamo Bay tribunals show that Libbi gave his interrogators the names of a series of couriers.
Detained by the ISI and handed over to the Americans, recently leaked documents prepared for guantanamo Bay tribunals show that Libbi gave his interrogators the names of a series of couriers.