• 我们迫切需要采取行动恢复适当价格激励政策特别是通过纠正定价,以降低气候变化产生不可逆转潜在破坏性影响风险

    Action to restore appropriate price incentives, notably through corrective carbon pricing, is urgently needed to lower the risk of irreversible and potentially devastating effects of climate change.


  • 合适包装适当的价格向当地贫困者销售产品服务

    Sell products or services to the poor, packaged and priced appropriately for their community.


  • 核心适当时候将适当的座位适当的价格销售给适当的旅客。

    Its core thought is to sell the right seat to the right passenger at the right time of the right price.


  • 核心适当时候将适当的产品适当的价格销售给适当的顾客。

    Its core thought is to sell the right product to the right consumer at the right time of the right price.


  • 这样可以缩小选择范围,也能让注意力集中适当的价格档次

    This will narrow your choices and focus your attention on the wines in your price range.


  • 根据适当价格确定质量完全模型宽裕的供应及时交付ASD产品

    ASD product in line with the appropriate price, assured quality, the complete model, Ample supply and prompt delivery.


  • 二十世纪80年代研究侧重点已经转向市场激励机制、实现适当价格能源以及宏观经济调整

    In the 1980s, the research focus shifted toward market incentives, getting prices right, energy, and macroeconomic adjustment.


  • 想好自己多少钞票。这样可以缩小选择范围,也能让注意力集中适当的价格档次

    Have an idea of how much you want to spend. This will narrow your choices and focus your attention on the wines in your price range.


  • 表示过去12-18个月已经证明流动资金存在一个适当价格在近期表现货币市场基金收益率接近于

    'The last 12 to 18 months have proved there's an appropriate price for liquidity,' he said, 'and these days that comes in the form of a near-zero percent yield' on money funds.


  • 当地货币银行转账可以确保购物者支付适当价格他们地理-成长电子商务营业收入

    With local currency bank transfers, you'll be able to ensure your shoppers pay the right price for their geography - and grow your e-business revenues.


  • 我们肺炎疫苗所做的,就是我们所说的,我们支付1.5亿美元如果能开发出对症疫苗适当价格售给我们需要的的剂量。

    What we did for the pneumococcal vaccine was we said we will pay one point five billion dollars if you develop the right vaccines, and the right volumes that we need and at the right price.


  • 所谓饭店市场营销,是作为营销主体饭店适当时间适当的价格通过适当的渠道,将适当的饭店产品服务传递适当的宾客

    What is called hotel marketing, mean and regard as marketing hotel of subject in proper time, At proper price, and through proper channel, transmit proper hotel products and service to proper guests .


  • 如果通过适当价格加以纠正化石燃料价格不能准确市场显示出清洁能源真正社会带来盈利的能力。

    If not corrected by the appropriate carbon price, low fossil fuel prices are not accurately signaling to markets the true social profitability of clean energy.


  • 作为设计师确保价格在视觉上逻辑适当重要性

    As a designer, you need to make sure that the price is given the appropriate weight, both visually and semantically.


  • 如果他们印度客户那样适当放弃控制权,他们可能坐下来与IT公司协商更低价格

    If they ceded as much control as Indian customers happily do, they too might be able to negotiate lower prices.


  • 房产价格停止下降新兴家庭乐于选取适当的时机成为房屋的拥有者而不仅限于租赁。

    When home prices stop going down, newly created households will be more willing to take a chance on ownership as opposed to renting.


  • 银行根据关键性条款坚持认为,合同公平与否不能取决于价格适当”,而应取决于是否明确条款

    The killer clause seized on by the Banks maintains that the fairness or otherwise of a contract cannot depend on the "adequacy of the price" but on whether its terms are stated clearly.


  • 企业很难掌握什么市场适当”的价格,对收取的费用可能转嫁到另一方,迫使消费者退出市场导致业务缩水

    It is hard for firms to know what the "right" prices are in two-sided markets. Cut charges on one side and it will raise them on the other, chasing customers away and making the business shrink.


  • 有些食品价格随着日用品价格的走低而适当降低而其他也许不会变化,甚至实际上有所增长

    Some food items may come down modestly as commodities prices cool off; others might not budge a cent and some may actually increase.


  • 总量管制交易”系统已经订好了价格涉及到的产业中适当的降低排放量

    Its cap-and-trade system has set a carbon price and cut emissions modestly in the sectors it covers.


  • 斯特恩说:“发达国家必须带头减少农产品保护降低工业品关税扩大价格适当的药品准入。”

    "Rich countries have to lead - by reducing agricultural protection, by cutting high manufacturing tariffs, and by expanding access to affordable medicines," says Stern.


  • 然后根据逝者人身保险金,适当悬着合适的丧葬服务价格

    Then check prices for the most suitable cost, depending on the type of life insurance that will be used.


  • 如果价格适当调整,大量空置投资性房产极有可能掀起一轮抛售热潮。

    If prices were to turn, the amount of vacant property being held as investment would make a wave of forced selling more likely.


  • 总体来说ThinkPadX100e具备适当性能价格上来说也物有所使得在诸多同类产品中能够脱颖而出

    Overall, the ThinkPad x100e delivers both reasonable performance and good value for money that make it stand out from much of the competition.


  • 这里本票(计算机),看看价格标明每一个项目的,戒指收银机中增加销售税,在适当情况下然后总共条例草案。

    Here a cashier (or a computer) will look at the price marked on every item I buy, ring it up on the cash register, add sales tax where appropriate, and then total up the bill.


  • 过去几年中我们已经建立了良好商业关系如果适当降低价格,达成这笔交易有希望的。

    We've had a very good business relationship over the past years. I think this transaction would be more promising if you could make an appropriate reduction.


  • 如此地忽略规则以至于银行不得不账簿债券其它交易贷款标记市场价格去年导致适当减少了账面值的巨大损失)。

    So forget the rule that banks have to mark the bonds and other tradable loans on their books to market prices, which for the past year has been causing huge losses due the writedowns.


  • 知道图片必须经过专业摄影师处理,只要经过适当的图像处理,可以让汽车配备一般价格贵”,也可以让一个公文包看起来好。

    Producing images should definitely be handled by a professional photographer, you know, the one with the "costs more than an average car" equipment and a stunning portfolio done in a proper studio.


  • 标书价格上述调整中未得到反映的,其他数量变更偏差替代报价进行适当调整

    Making an appropriate adjustment forany other acceptable quantifiable variations, deviations or alternative offersnot reflected in the tender price or in the above-mentioned other adjustments.


  • 工作适当住所乾净合理价格食物基本需要请求

    The basic needs of employment, adequate housing, clean water, and reasonably priced food are being demanded.


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