• 指出静态法动态操作适用场合

    Suitable extent for static and dynamic operation are pointed out.


  • 各种方法适用场合精度了分析比较

    The application situations and the accuracy indexes of the various methods are analyzed and compared.


  • 介绍了微量灰铸铁生产工艺适用场合

    The production process of gray iron with trace antimony addition and its application scope was introduced.


  • 不同类型精度适用场合作了介绍。

    The accuracy of different kinds of probe and respective scope of application are


  • 不同类型精度适用场合也作了介绍。

    The accuracy of different kinds of probe and respective scope of…


  • 两种措施适用场合实际操作有关问题作了简要说明。

    The problems about suitable occasion and actual operation of the two measures are explained.


  • 提出应用三价钝化碱性镀锌酸性镀锌的适用场合

    The applicable fields of alkaline cyanide-free zinc plating and acidic zinc plating before trivalent chromium passivation were proposed.


  • 本文探讨标准非标准扫频中的几种频率标志形成方法适用场合

    This paper discusses several methods of frequency marker generation and their applications in standard and non-standard sweep analyzers.


  • 结果表明,方法效果好,控制策略可行各自独特优点适用场合

    It turns out that all these methods which are feasible have satisfying effects in distributing current equally and distinctive advantages applying for specific situations.


  • 本文对填料常用液体分布进行归纳分类,介绍了它们特点适用场合

    The liquid distributors, which are often used in packed column, are classified and summed up. and of which, the characteristics and applicable areas are also outlined.


  • 同时分析各种方法优缺点适用场合提出适合算法仿真交互编程方法。

    Finally the interactive programming techniques suitable for algorithmic simulation are proposed based on the discussion of the advantages, disadvantages and the corresponding application fields.


  • 动态丈量类似,适用场合局部区域的碎部丈量,是一种实时获取坐标的有效方法

    Like kinematic survey, it is applicable to detailed survey in localized region and an efficient way to get one point's coordinates at real time.


  • 本文对金属系牙科材料组成、性能、适用场合存在问题发展趋势进行了综合评述。

    The problems encountered during the use of these materials and the research tendency of dental materials are discussed.


  • 介绍XML数据文档基础上讨论了XML数据库处理技术分类各自适用场合

    On the basis of introducing XML data files, discusses the classification of XML database technology and their own applied occasions.


  • 介绍了四种异步电机矢量控制方法分析了各种方法的优缺点,指出各种方法的适用场合

    The four vector control methods of induction machines are introduced . Their merits and drawbacks are analyzed . And it indicates that they are applied in different occasion.


  • 提出针对WLAN安全问题一些解决方案论述了这些解决方案适用场合优缺点

    Put forward for a number of WLAN security solutions and discusses the application of these solutions and the advantages and disadvantages of occasions.


  • 使用时间最长适用场合广泛,价格便宜性能稳定,目前排水行业主要管材

    Owing to advantages of long service life, extensive application, low price, and stable performance, the common reinforced concrete tubing is still the most major tubing in the drainage industry.


  • 比较几种长距离传动方式特点适用场合重点探讨了实现长距离精密传动技术要点。

    The paper analogizes the features of metal belt drives and discusses the techniques to carry out an accurate transmission in long distance.


  • 最后根据不同车间适用场合分别介绍了制造执行系统车间过程控制系统的接口方式

    Finally, according to different situations in workshop, two kinds of interface methods between MES and Process Control System were introduced.


  • 构建公司法人人格否认关键环节在于适用范围适用场合适用要件禁止滥用情况综合考虑

    The key of constructing disregard of the corporate personality lies in the comprehensive consideration of the scale, occasions, key factors adopted and the forbiddance of abuse.


  • 论述电场强化对流传热众多强化传热方法中的突出特点并对研究方法适用场合进行了讨论。

    The convection enhanced heat transfer by electric field has more distinguished merits than the other methods, therefore this paper discusses emphatically its researching ways and application scopes.


  • 俚语具有形象生动幽默简洁语体特征由于适用场合不同,俚语的风格类型呈现出多样化。

    The slang has characteristics of vivid, humorous, concise and variable. There is diversity in the type and style of slang when it's used in different situations.


  • 本文介绍几种数控铣削轮廓时确定工件坐标系原点方法及其操作步骤分析了特点适用场合

    This paper introduces several methods and operating procedures for determining the origin of part coordinate system in CNC outside milling. It also analyzes their characteristics and application.


  • 本文阐述了双联滑移齿轮在适当传动情况移动一个齿轮宽度可以进行变速可行性适用场合

    This paper brings out feasibility and applicability to make change drive of double step sliding gear by moving one gear width along axis under conditions of Corresponding ratio of gear.


  • 简要介绍自动液压紧装置工作原理特点适用场合,对煤矿正确使用自动液压张紧装置具有指导意义。

    A brief description of the operating principle, features and application of automatic hydraulic tensioning devise for belt conveyors is given, which is a guide to using them correctly in coal mine.


  • 详细介绍了目前国内外反求工程中所采用各种测量方法,它们特点及适用场合进行了详细的比较

    The paper detailedly introduces kinds of measuring principle of reverse Engineering all in the world. Then it compares their characters.


  • 电动机直接起动传统降压起动方式、起动方式进行对比,介绍起动器起动模式、运行模式及适用场合

    Through comparison among direct starting, conventional reduced voltage starting and electronics starter, this thesis described starting mode, run mode and application location of soft starter.


  • 各种分析方法内涵适用场合进行了详细的分析,关联度分析中容易引起的失效条件和解决方法进行了研究。

    It analysis the connotation and the suitable condition of every method, and discusses the failure condition and the solution of relational analysis.


  • 随后本文结合案例对六种主要减损措施适用场合相应法律后果以及每种减损措施的特殊之处进行了详尽分析。

    Then the thesis analyzes the six major measures from the aspects of applicable occasions, corresponding legal consequences, as well as unique characteristic of them.


  • 随后本文结合案例对六种主要减损措施适用场合相应法律后果以及每种减损措施的特殊之处进行了详尽分析。

    Then the thesis analyzes the six major measures from the aspects of applicable occasions, corresponding legal consequences, as well as unique characteristic of them.


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