The value passed to the actions should be comma-delimited lists of values.
Exhibit automatically turns the list property categories into comma-separated values.
For this batch task, we want to produce tabular comma-separated value (CSV) data from some bits and pieces we find on those various Web pages we fetched.
The string you are parsing can contain several values separated by commas, which can be preceded or followed by one or more empty Spaces (also called white Spaces).
For instance, one script might return comma-separated values, another pipe-separated values (the pipe is the | character), and another may return one long string of text.
In this case, it is the full path to the file that just got created. (as you'll see in just a bit, the second argument is a list - you can pass back as many comma-delimited values as you'd like.)
在电子表格之间传输数据的一种常用方法是,使用逗号分隔的值(comma - separated value, CSV)。
A common method for transferring data from one spreadsheet to another is to use comma-separated value (CSV). Using this time-tested format, you get the following.
JSON data supports various data types besides objects: strings, null values, Numbers (integer or real), Boolean values, and arrays (comma-separated sequences of values enclosed in square brackets).
You have an address cleansing service that checks the validity of addresses, but requires an address to be given as a comma delimited value; that is, there is an AddressCSV data type in the library.
Aside from the first line of the earthquake CSV file, which is the header, each line is a series of data values separated by commas.
Constructors by enumeration allow you to specify the values of all the elements as comma-separated scalar values, as shown in the following two listings.
Curly braces denote an associative array (that is, an object), with its key-value pairs separated by commas.
Try clicking on the NF button and you'll see that the values are accepted properly even with the commas or other local grouping separators.
Support for different transport and bindings: CXF supports different kinds of transports, from XML to Comma Separated Values (CSVs).
在用 “,” (逗号)作为分隔符分隔此值后,项的数目应该为偶数。
There should be an even number of entries after splitting the value using a "," (comma) as the delimiter.
A comma-separated value is the default configuration for the delimited data handler.
In our example, we use commas to separate values for edits and semicolon for display.
The value of the message-key parameter should be a comma-separated list of valid Strings.
This property value enumerates all the available logical identifiers in a comma-separated list.
USGS以 CSV(或逗号分隔值)文件的格式发布每周地震数据。
The USGS publishes its earthquake data in the form of a weekly CSV (or comma-separated values) file.
The format used for glossaries is a limited form of the standard Comma Separated Values (CSV) format that is available for use in most spreadsheet applications.
But what if all you have to parse is a comma-separated value file, or a series of space-delimited text files?
根据RFC 2253,DN是用逗号分隔的组件列表的形式编写的,每个组件都有自己的值。
According to RFC 2253, a DN is written as a comma-separated list of components, with each component having its value.
Commas separate the values within each annotation, as well as the value within a single array.
Beware: while you can use multiple values in the media attribute, they must be separated by commas, as opposed to the Spaces you'd use for values of the rel attribute.
当处在结果显示画面(Result screen)时,通过选择手机上的菜单按钮,便可以删除历史记录或者通过e-mail将测试结果导出(测试值将会被逗号分隔开来)。
By selecting the menu button on your device while on the Results screen, you can delete the history or have the results exported as comma separated values via email.
这不是一个完美的测试 —如果这个变量包含一列用逗号分隔的组“fred,ginger”,则它将匹配 tracexsl:trace 的值 "red" 。
This isn't a perfect test -- if the variable contains the comma-separated list of groups "fred,ginger", it will match a tracexsl:trace value of "red".
设置Perfmon记录带时间戳的记录逗号分隔值(comma - separated value (csv))文件很容易,您可以用它关联到其他日志。
It's easy to set up Perfmon to log to a comma-separated value (CSV) file with time stamps so you can correlate with other logs.
Notice the use of multiple name-value pairs separated by the comma in the parameters.