The UDDI base classes form the general data structures that the UDDI registry stores.
Libraries of common data structures, like linked lists and grow-able arrays, can remove much of the burden of having to deal with low-level details.
The method is based on general data structure and can read and write back to multiple PCB data files by corresponding interfaces. Many EDA tools can interact with each other by this method.
XML as a format has a lot of nice properties; it is a perfectly general way of representing arbitrary data structures, and it is human readable (more or less).
Additionally, a common XML data structure can improve the integration between e-commerce players, allowing them to trade orders, stock information, and shipping details more efficiently.
Under the covers, an SAP system has a common kernel plus business process specific data structures (business objects) and processing logic on top of it.
Often the DSL may be entirely embedded within a general purpose programming language using the data structures and other features of the language to represent the DSL.
The used approach is generic and, therefore, not restricted to any special back-end user repository system or a company's specific user data structure.
As a general rule, avoid using a more complex data structure where a simpler one will suffice.
C is a general purpose programming language, which features economy of expression, modern control flow and data structures, and a rich set of operators. It is designed to be highly flexible.
开发了通用MS CAN模块驱动程序,阐述了驱动程序文件组成、主要数据结构和功能函数,并给出了主要函数程序流程图。
Developed MSCAN module driver, explained structure of the key data and main functions in detail. The procedure flow charts of main functions are provided.
A general data structure is provided in the paper, which can load any data that can be changed into relationship data.
In this paper, the design idea and construction of a popular graphical user interface management system are introduced and the typical abstract data construction and basic functions described.
This paper introduced a general data storing and processing model, which fit to the changeable data structure in E-business.
The generality in the cross assembler and the data structure in the simulator are described. A product example for solving these problems is mentioned.
This paper presents the design and achievement of a new data structure. The data structure is special for radar signal parallel processing based on a general radar signal processing system.
Repeaters Control and Monitoring system implement is based on the implement of a general control and monitoring system, which can be deploy and configure for special application.
On the basis of OpenGL, the user interface management system (UIMS) has been established, which provides a semantic feedback mechanism to deal with the graphical objects directly.
On the basis of OpenGL, the user interface management system (UIMS) has been established, which provides a semantic feedback mechanism to deal with the graphical objects directly.