Disruptive students interfere with the teachers ability to teach effectively.
The highest criterion of discipline is whether one truly protects and carries out the policies of the Party and the state.
The Germans think only a treaty commitment and the power of the judges will ensure that vows of discipline are honoured.
Remember, to be successful as a trader is an ongoing challenge and it takes a focused and disciplined person to be a winner.
In the discipline under the premise of harmony is also reflected in the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, rich learning environment, clean classroom environment.
I am a loyal and disciplined member of the African National Congress. I am therefore in full agreement with all of its objectives, strategies and tactics.
In a soft, calm voice, explain that while you are impressed with how well he is following the plot, you'd appreciate it if he'd keep his observations to himself.
Most importantly, they didn’t just change the curriculum; they created a culture that prizes hard work and discipline, and that shows every student that they matter.
What makes Seals special is that we can be thoughtful, disciplined and proportional in our use of force.
I've also seen the most disciplined and regimented athletes have mediocre results year after year.
I pay for my kids to learn to be disciplined and take care of their body.
Supervisory organs practice a supervisory system over supervisory personnel in performing duties and in abiding by discipline.
Children with the disorder may be overly conforming, perfectionist, and unsure of themselves and tend to redo tasks because of excessive dissatisfaction with less-than-perfect performance.
What's important for us to understand about these unreconciled, denied impulses is how they affect our ability to stay focused and take a disciplined, consistent approach to our trading.
We're taught since the first day we go to the kindergarten that we should sit up straight and obey all the disciplines.
We give them the meaning of discipline. If we falter at discipline, life will do it for us.
Rich people have acquired habits and followed principles, which have enabled them to succeed in life.
In their replies, besides the platitude of that I be hard-working and disciplined, there are also some odd and "silly" sayings.
Life is like water, lf it's put into different kinds of bottles, it will take on different forms. As a person, you have to obey certain regulations and rules, otherwise, you'll lose yourself.
Article 12. Supervisory organs practice a supervisory system over supervisory personnel in performing duties and in abiding by discipline.
Behave because someone has told you to and because you will be punished if you don't, not because you know it to be the right behavior for you.
We are working very hard with our behavior system and giving him lots of praise for following the rules.
Thesetrading setups are simple yet very powerful, and if you learn to trade themwith discipline and patience you will have a very potent Forex trading edge.
The children do not know how to behave, so the teachers' main task in Grade 1 is to teach these children to be students, in addition to the subject learning all students face.
The children do not know how to behave, so the teachers' main task in Grade 1 is to teach these children to be students, in addition to the subject learning all students face.