• 可是小心如果洗碗机来对付那种带有多重胶粘部件的塑料套,它散架

    Beware, though: Plastic cases with multiple, glued-on parts will come apart if you give them the dishwasher treatment.


  • 艾迪生可不普利那种带有争议性的荣誉奖,单单颁给一些轰动商业剧。

    Addison: it has been spared the sensational and commercial publicity, that attends such questionable honors as the Pulitzer Prize.


  • 那种带有一点惊奇困惑表情意味着发现很迷人。也可能觉得你很难对付。

    A slightly surprised, quizzical expression means he finds you fascinating.


  • 康定花园的独特性在于那种带有殖民地建筑风格,那种地地道道海派建筑神韵

    Kangding Garden features various unique flavors, which are very attractive colonial architectural, along with the typical romantic charms of the Shanghai school of architecture.


  • 付利雅的作品,当代女性艺术中,虽不是属于那种带有挑战性反叛性的,也绝对不会被归于闺阁情调类型

    Fu Liya's works don't belong to the challenging and rebellious type in modern feminine art, but they don't fall into the boudoir category, either.


  • 丹尼尔斯名匠学习怎样制作表盒,通常那种银质背部带有银质表座的金质表盒。

    He learned from a craftsman in Clerkenwell how to make cases, usually of gold with a silver back and bezels.


  • 删除带有附件主动发来邮件绝不回复那种邮件,更不要打开它们的附件,哪怕它们声称内含来自海地照片

    Delete unsolicited emails With attachments - Never respond to unsolicited emails. Do not open any attachments to these emails even if they claim to contain pictures from Haiti.


  • 相反简单数据绑定控件知道这些需要通过数据源绑定管理器实现复杂绑定控件相同的功能,特别是带有那种VCR样式控件的用户界面

    On the other hand, simple bound controls don't know this and require you to implement equivalent support through the data source's binding manager, typically with a VCR-style user interface.


  • 手表”时,并不是带有GPS那种---那种可以告诉他时间旧式普通手表。

    When he says "watch, " he's not talking about one with a built in GPSjust a plain old watch so he knows what time it is.


  • 手表”时,并不是带有GPS那种- - -那种可以告诉他时间旧式普通手表。

    When he says "watch," he's not talking about one with a built in GPS - just a plain old watch so he knows what time it is.


  • 这可能有点违背常规,男孩喜欢那种阳光女孩并且带有他们美丽脸庞迷人

    Contrary to popular belief, men want women who are fun and fascinating even more than they want a pretty face.


  • 有些推测夏威夷造就了Obama带有那种显眼的没精打采劲。

    Some speculate that it's Hawaii that explains the languid cool that is so striking in Obama.


  • 斯利瓦斯塔瓦甚至得以破解个(2007年的安大略省售出的)超级狗(Super Bingo)游戏那种彩票带有诱饵

    Srivastava was even able to break a Super Bingo game (sold in Ontario in 2007), which also featured an elaborate baited hook.


  • 所以每次担心烦恼带有负面情绪时,我就强迫自己专注其他事情直到那种感觉过去

    So every time when I'm worried, upset, or a negative emotion, I force myself to focus on other things, until the feeling of the past is over.


  • 喜欢嘴里嚼着带有薄荷味道口香糖,好像那种略微冰凉感觉觉得安心

    Mouth like chewing gum with mint flavor, like the kind of feeling a little cold, let me feel very at ease.


  • 这股风潮来源于韩国,而后快速席卷了日本拥有西方人那种大大的眼睛带有一些亚洲人的微小特征是日本青少年欣赏的理想长相

    The craze started in South Korea and has spread quickly through Japan, where teenagers think the ideal face would have big, Western-style round eyes and small Asian features.


  • 然而人们一般不会轻易原谅那种错误带有恶意错误,怀有不良动机的错误,以及那种为了面子而拼命掩饰第一次错误的行为。

    But people will not easily forgive the mistakes of the heart, the ill intention, the bad motives, the prideful justifying cover-up of the first mistake.


  • 讨厌什么东西在背后说三道四的眼镜看人那种副自命不凡清高的人。

    What most disgusting things : behind making people with tinted glasses human being becomes the kind of person, a person appointed with aloof from worldly affairs.


  • 当然报纸历史带有色彩偏见今天实行那种伪造可能发生。

    Newspapers and history books were, of course, always coloured and biased, but falsification of the kind that is practised today would have been impossible.


  • 表面来看,这家餐厅正是寻找那种——一家名字带有法语的中餐馆,不在唐人街附近,老板是奥地利人。

    On its surface, this ought to be what I'm seeking — a Chinese restaurant with a name partly French, and located outside Chinatown by its Austrian creator.


  • 决不那种画家爱好风景人所追求那种,而是相反带有悲剧情调的美。这个地方的名字就是矗立那儿的那个石头柱子来的。

    It was so far removed from the charm which is sought in landscape by artists and view-lovers as to reach a new kind of beauty, a negative beauty of tragic tone.


  • 而且通常不是那种运动训练用的自行车而是带有一个包袋杂物款子的随处可见的那种自行车。

    Usually not the kind you ride for exercise or training for races, but everyday, riding-around-the-city type of bicycles with baskets for a bag or two of groceries.


  • 每当看到服务对象那种本能踌躇已经消失,在种关怀、并带有探索式问候下,走进孩子一个下午的两人世界

    Every time I saw my object to be served, I could stepped to the small world just me and the child beginning with a thoughtful and groping greeting without instinctive hesitation.


  • 一行禅师那种可以帮助别人倾听,可以称为带有慈悲的倾听。

    Nhat Hanh: Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person. You can call it compassionate listening.


  • 一行禅师那种可以帮助别人倾听,可以称为带有慈悲的倾听。

    Nhat Hanh: Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person. You can call it compassionate listening.


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