• 克莱尔穿着红色天鹅绒连衣裙,戴着耳环

    Clare is wearing a wine-colored velvet dress andpearls.


  • 它们湖面上,激起一阵红色的湖水落山丘上

    They crashed into its surface and scattered a wine-red shower upon the hill.


  • 理由2粉色红色盖子,流线型机体非常般配优雅的女友

    Reason 2: The pink and claret cover together with a streamline body perfectly matches your elegant girl.


  • 莱恩拖拉机却是海军蓝色的消防车红色的,而梯子银色的。

    Ryan's tractor was navy blue, and his fire truck was wine-colored with a silver ladder.


  • 蒂亚:红色地毯已经没货了。调货要十二个礼拜还有其他喜欢花色吗?

    Lydia Harris: the Burgundy carpet is out of stock; it's going to take twelve weeks. Did you like any of the other colors?


  • 灰色红色鞋子会使显得更休闲社交你穿的衬衫有点这种风格的话最完美了。

    Brown and burgundy shoes make it more of a casual/social look, and work best when the shirt has a bit of pattern or color to it as well.


  • 本地出产绝大多数红色红色葡萄

    The vast majority of wines produced in this area are reds or rosés.


  • 可以这辆一条开放公路上或者你可以制作一张奔驰上拴红色天鹅绒绳子的图片,或者是开车通过葡萄怎样都行

    You could have the car on an open road or maybe you could create a picture of your Benz with red velvet ropes or driving through the wine country, whatever!


  • 可以这辆车跑公路上可以制作一张奔驰上拴着红色天鹅绒绳子图片,或者是着奔驰前往葡萄的图片,怎样都行

    You could have the car in an open road setting or maybe you could create a picture of your Benz pulling up to red velvet ropes or driving through the wine country, whatever!


  • 位于贝卡谷地穆萨庄葡萄园令人震惊土壤陶土红色葡萄藤——甘美近乎石灰绿色——在积雪覆盖的山上

    Chateau Musar's vineyards in the Bekaa are stunning, the soil is terracotta red, and the vines - a luscious, almost lime green - are framed by snow-capped mountains.


  • 一瓶菲2008年年份的瓶身上都会醒目红色因为“八”中国民俗当中是一个吉祥的数字

    Every bottle of the chateau's 2008 vintage will feature an embossed red character for 'eight,' an auspicious number in Chinese folklore.


  • 这种红色液体不仅含有我们喜欢享用营养素(如铁蛋白质电解质咖啡因),还具有一种怡人水果鸡尾风味

    It has many of the same nutrients of the rubicund liquid we love to consume (iron, protein, electrolytes, and caffeine) and has a delectable fruit punch flavor.


  • 这种依旧便宜的粉红色对于浪漫约会来说单调沉闷了,尤其是引人疲劳的2007年收获的葡萄

    Cheap still pinks are too jammy and dull for romantic trysts, particularly the tiring 2007 vintage on shelf now, but anyone planning a “vie en rose” dinner today should nip out to Oddbins.


  • 餐厅让人想起红色赫布匈美食坊,有着长长的桌上,两边放着斑马纹椅子巨大的

    Reminiscent of the black-and-red JoëlRobuchonrestaurants,the hotel's restaurant has a long wine table flanked withzebra-print chairs,and two huge wine walls.


  • 这种女性化饮品流行多年20世纪50年代盛行的杯杯红色调的软饮料,到今天手提包大小的瓶装盒装的葡萄

    The "feminisation" of alcohol has been going on for years, from the prancing fawns of Babycham in the 1950s through lurid-hued alcopops to today's handbag-sized bottles and cartons of wine.


  • Birbili小姐认为巨大高科技涡轮风酒红色海洋时隐时现,照样成为一处备受欢迎的景点

    Miss Birbili thinks giant, high-tech blades, looming over the wine-dark sea, could become an equally welcome sight.


  • 揭开灯泡红色方巾然后我们斟了一起围坐着聊天

    I turned on the little red bandana dimbulb and we poured wine and all sat around talking.


  • 梅洛葡萄口感平滑顺口,色泽明亮红色

    Smoothing as the diving into the sea, this Australian Merlot is a deeper, brilliant red.


  • 利用颜色来创造氛围深色可以营造良好气氛,红色白色葡萄色调

    The atmosphere is created with colours. Dark color makes nice ambience, red and white are the shades of wine.


  • 1873年密苏里葡萄行业诺顿葡萄评为最佳红色所有国家”在维也纳国际竞争

    In 1873 a Missouri wine made from the Norton grape was awarded "Best Red of All Nations" at an International competition in Vienna.


  • 从前一个美丽的姑娘名叫安琪拉红色长发蓝色迷人的眼睛可惜口无声。

    There was once a most beautiful girl called Angela, with wine red long hair and big blue charming eyes, but what a pity she was dumb.


  • 皮鞋颜色会最大程度影响海军蓝西装的正式程度。商务穿黑色休闲 装穿棕色红色酒红色则会感觉随意,更具社交性。

    The leather color mostly affects the formality and attitude of a navy suit. Black shoes are business dress, while brown are more relaxed, and red or burgundy give it the most playful, social feel.


  • 那杯之后杯沿上看到一个红色红印

    After I finished my drink, I noticed a bright red lipstick stain on the rim of my glass.


  • 进入迎接客人鸡尾护送一个私人别墅的客人签名白色红色的吉普车

    Upon entering the resort, guests are greeted with an ice-cold cocktail and escorted to a private guest villa via signature white or pink jeeps.


  • 进入迎接客人鸡尾护送一个私人别墅的客人签名白色红色的吉普车

    Upon entering the resort, guests are greeted with an ice-cold cocktail and escorted to a private guest villa via signature white or pink jeeps.


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