Therefore, the infestation of Aspergillus genus in stored grains could be rapidly detected wi…
The levels of IL-15 in serum was analyzed by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Observe pathological changes in periodontal tissue of experimental teeth and arterial vessels. CRP level in serum were assayed by ELISA.
Methods The serum NSE of 42 patients with cerebral hemorrhage was tested with ELISA at 1,3 and 7 days after the hemorrhage happened.
The von Willebrand's disease factors in plasm, adjusted protein of thrombase and inhibitor 1 of activator of plasminogen were detected with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Plasma levels of ACTH and corticosterone were measured using radioimmunoassay and ELISA, respectively.
方法采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA法)检测5 8例消化系疾病患者血清与腹水VEGF含量。
Methods The VEGF levels in serum and ascites were measured by ELISA in 58 specimens.
The examining result by ELISA showed that the elimination rates of ASGV(apple stem grooving virus)and CLSV(chlorotic leaf spot virus)were over75%and100%.
方法采用酶联免疫吸附法对40例特发性肺纤维化患者和30例健康人血清基质金属蛋白酶- 9进行测定。
Methods The serum level of MMP-9 in 40 patients with IPF and 30 healthy subjects was measured by ELISA.
Methods The serum TNF were measured by ELISA method in 50 patients with atherosclerosis and 15 health cases is control subjects.
Method Eselectin of serum and pleural effusion in 23 patients with tuberculous pleurisy and 21 patients with lung cancer involving pleura was detected by ELISA method.
方法酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定2 2例原发性肾小球疾病病变血清及尿中受体(SIL - 2R)水平。
Methods By means of ELISA analysis method, the SIL-2R level in serum and urine in 22 children with primary glomerular nephropathies were studied.
方法采用酶联免疫吸附法检测30例重症感染新生儿、28例轻症感染新生儿及28例正常健康新生儿血清il - 8水平。
Methods ELISA was used to determine the level of IL-8 in serum in 30 newborns with severe infection, 28 newborns with mild infection and 28 healthy newborns, respectively.
Method: 16 patients with MDS and 45 cases of control were subject to the measurement of serum IL-8 levels by sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Common technologies used for HCP analysis include ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay), one-dimensional or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, Western Blot and Mass Spectrometry.
The levels of soluble interleukin-2 receptor (SIL-2R) in 22 patients with COPD and 20 healthy controls were tested by sandwiched ELISA.
Methods Plasma GMP-140 was measured with ELISA in LN patients and normal control. GMP-140 expression in the kidney was measured by a microwave-based immunohistochemistry.
Method Plasma 11-dehydrothromboxane B2(DH-TXB2) and thromboxane B2(TXB2) were detected using ELISA in 38 PIH patients and 20 normal non-pregnant women.
The exo-polysaccharide content of Aspergillus genus in stored grains such as rice, wheat and com was detected by Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA)with a Aspergillus genus-specific antibody.
METHODS: Hydroproline determination and ELISA were used for measuring the content of collagen, Alcian blue assay for BLM-A6 induced glycosaminoglycan (GAG) in the lung tissues (rats, mice).
目的建立使用间接酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测人血浆抗碳酸酐酶iv抗体的方法,阐明血浆抗碳酸酐酶iv抗体滴度与肾病综征合(ns)、慢性肾小球肾炎(CGN)和2 -型糖尿病肾病(2 - DN)三种肾脏病的联系。
Objective to develop a indirect ELISA method for the detection of plasma anti-CA iv antibody and to evaluate the relationship between anti-CA iv antibody with pathogenesis of ns, CGN and 2-dn.
Objective To evaluate the screening value of the dipstick dye immunoassay (DDIA ) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for schistosomiasis diagnosis in the field.
Methods: Plasma level of soluble CD105 was detected by ELISA in 50 patients with colorectal cancer and 31 normal subjects.
Methods Serum levels of endostatin were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 44 patients with lung cancer, 20 patients with benign lung diseases and 20 normal persons.
目的建立一种灵敏、特异检测血清中二磷酸核苷激酶(NDPK -A)含量的酶联免疫吸附试验(elisa)法和试剂盒,分析血清中的NDPK - A含量与血液病之间的关系。
Objective to establish a sensitive and a specific ELISA kit for detecting and analysing serum NDPK-A and to explore the relationship between serum NDPK-A content and hemopathy.
An indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detecting Vtg content in the blood of male Carassius auratus was developed with antiserum of lipovitellin resistance as an.
For investigating Xichang pigs trichina infection condition, we adopted ELISA and the microscope examination methods to examine the muscle and serum from 4 specifying slaughter house in Xichang.
方法:收集50例哮喘急性发作期患儿及30例健康儿童的静脉血,采用酶联免疫吸附试验法(ELISA)测定血清il - 17水平。
Method: Blood samples were taken from 50 asthma children and 30 healthy children. ELISA was used to measure the serum levels of IL-17 of these samples.
Serum antibody of schistosomiasis patients was detected by dot immunogold filtration method(DIGFA)in laboratory and field, and F-ELISA was used as control.
Serum antibody of schistosomiasis patients was detected by dot immunogold filtration method(DIGFA)in laboratory and field, and F-ELISA was used as control.