Richard pleaded for Belinda to reconsider and not to go through with the divorce.
If you're thinking about reaching for another biscuit to get you through the working day, think again.
If you are one of the social networking holdouts, it's time to reconsider.
Overall, those who want to test the commitment might want to think again, according to the February study.
Reconsider your motives and if the person you desire is actually the right one for you.
Doing so just takes a bit of rethinking about how you use and organize the Favorites menu.
Other countries should also reconsider plans to expand or introduce such lines.
Any banker who assumes they are another bit of theoretical wonkery should think again.
Over the coming weeks, I attempted to get my friend to reconsider, but to no avail.
If workplace stress is so intense that you can't endure it, you can re-consider how you want to live your work life and home life.
If you can't get what you need then you may need to re-evaluate the relationship.
After looking at it carefully, we found there are some things we can't accept. So it needs reconsideration.
In light of this, is it time to reevaluate and reign in some of the excitement about the freemium model for startups?
The problem is, brands often forget the human aspect of social media, so these tips are worth revisiting.
Wee wish you will reconsider your price and give a new bid so that there could be a possibility for us to meet half way.
If your personal belongings won't fit into a conventional wallet then you may need to evaluate them.
If you think having loads of money, fetching looks, or the admiration of many will improve your life - think again.
If you can't explain how a tactic helps you achieve the strategic outcome, then it's probably not the best choice and needs to be rethought.
This means Mono team members should not even consider looking at this code and anyone working on Linux itself should think twice.
If your current plan to stay healthy this winter begins and ends at drinking extra orange juice, you might want to rethink that strategy.
Remedy: It would be in Katlyn's best interest to think twice about working for a company where an employee would act so unprofessionally.
Perhaps we should rethink an idea fast becoming an undisputed premise of our life that a college degree is necessary — and perhaps even a sufficient — precondition for success.
If you think you've 'blown it' for 2013 because you've already broken your New Year's resolutions, think again, says Casey Moore, The Productivity Coach.
There is an alarmingly long list, according to CNN , of everyday bits and pieces which, going into 2017, we should seriously reconsider using.
Perhaps we need to reconsider if a global concert, with its attendant air travel and sustainability questions, is really the way to organise an event on this warming planet?
Let's go back to considering the wavelengths of different objects. We considered a baseball, but let's also think about now an electron.
Let's go back to considering the wavelengths of different objects. We considered a baseball, but let's also think about now an electron.