As amusing as the prospect would have been, the trademark office thought better of it after receiving an inquiry from a Wall Street Journal reporter. The category was nixed last week.
He also indicated that he would consider a revised agreement that would better protect copyright owners, say, by requiring that they opt into the digitisation process.
I will not tell you who made these rather pessimistic comments, if for no other reason than to help both individuals' save face 'should their Banks later decide to reconsider.
If a company is still non-compliant after a second audit and no measurable improvement is visible, we encourage participants to reconsider their relations with that supplier.
If a substantial reduction can be expected, we will re-study your revised quotation.
When feedback from various operating units arrives, any forecast should be reviewed in the light of changing circumstances.
Instead of trying to drive a hard bargain (which would only bring limited success), back off a little to rethink your plan, and then try again with a new approach in November's third week.
A week later, the water supply ended, making life for artists living in the village almost impossible and forcing many residents to reconsider their decision to stay.
By the reform of the main bus connection, we should pay attention to the change of operation mode, reconsider the bus protection scope, and edit the operation rules.
Tang Jiaying, a 22-year-old junior at Jianghan University, is reconsidering living on his own after graduation.
Tang Jiaying, a 22-year-old junior at Jianghan University, is reconsidering living on his own after graduation.