• 如果除了自己的安德鲁的是其他人牙,那么通过重读读者知道的牙重要了。

    If Andrew brushes someone else's teeth beside his own, then it would be very important to let your listeners know that by stressing whose teeth he brushes.


  • 然而如果其他人这个过程中受益也得到了一些报酬动机什么真的重要吗?

    However, if others benefit in the process, and I get some reward too, does it really matter where my motivation lies?


  • 重要把目标放在真正重要事情上,而不是那些认为自己应该或者其他人希望你做的事情上。

    Above all, aim for things that are truly important to you, not what you think you ought to do or what others expect of you.


  • 使其他人没有注意到,他的工作应该保证最好的质量,这对他来说很重要

    Even if other people didn't notice it, it mattered to him that his work should be of the best quality.


  • 毕加索就是一例,自者们经常艺术、商界其他领域取得重要地位,这说明自恋者其他人具备的能力和想法。

    Like Picasso, narcissists often rise to positions of importance in art, business, and other endeavors, suggesting that they have ability and ideas that others do not.


  • 应该设法正在使用技术其他人进行培训了解他们正要完成的内容一样重要

    You should try to educate the others in the techniques that you're using and just as important find out what they're trying to accomplish.


  • 人们的确具有一些重要能力包括观察自然规律能力以及他人沟通的能力。

    Humans do have some important abilities, including the capacity to observe regularities in nature, and to communicate with others.


  • 但是这些焦虑并不应该使我们忽略下一个重要鸿沟——大学毕业生其他人

    Yet these anxieties should not distract us from a second, more important, cleavage in American society—the one between college graduates and everyone else.


  • 生活许多重要事情,也影响其他人但是代表说必须要有爱情

    You can have your life many things you do that are important and could affect other but that doesn't mean you have to love.


  • 有些人坚持认为我们生活中,健康扮演者更为重要角色然而其他人认为健康能带给我们更多利益

    Some insist that health plays a more important role in our life, while others see more advantages arising from wealth.


  • 对于真正需要其他人一起重要决定某人可以提出一些基本要求其他人满足这些要求的前提下做决定

    For really important decisions that involve another, one person can set a few basic requirements and let the other person make the decision as long as it satisfies those requirements.


  • 一个优秀聆听鼓励其他人畅所欲言非常重要的自己必需畅谈起来。

    It's important to be a good listener and encourage the other person to talk and open up, but you also want to talk and open up yourself.


  • 重要的其他人更累。

    You'll be more tired, significant others will be more tired.


  • 绊倒我们判断力的直觉,导致我们忽略其他人的存在,同等重要性格特质也可以促成一份美好的关系,当然,也会导致选择并不太理想的伴侣

    It's a feeling that can trip us up, cause us to overlook other, equally important traits that make for a great relationship, and to make poor choices in mates.


  • 勇气速度深度命中一个个重要分,Nowitzki其他人铺路。

    He has the courage, quickness and depth to hit the big threes that spread the floor for Nowitzki and others.


  • 真正地加强使用Web服务系统需要执行几个重要安全步骤Gartner其他人所推荐的),具体包括

    To truly harden a system using Web services, you need to perform several important security steps (recommended by Gartner and others), including


  • 职业生涯中这样看待自己工作我们觉得重要事情帮助其他人做出最好决策而不是强推自己的主意

    Throughout my career I have viewed my job as helping others reach the best decisions about things we all thought were important, not jamming my ideas through.


  • 但是到了最后认识只是我是什么样一个组成部分其他人理解与否都重要

    But in the end I realised that it is simply just a part of who I am and it matters not who understands this.


  • 就是说很确信这些系统是为其他人而生产的——重要的就是使用合适的工具。

    That said, I’m sure the systems work for the othersthe key here is to use whatever works best for you.


  • 生活中每个人都有着自己光辉瞬间虽然他们可能会与伴奏一样不被人注目,但是并不意味着他们的重要程度会其他人低。

    In life, everybody has their moments of glory although they may go unnoticed like the accompanist. This does not mean, however, that they are any less important than anyone else.


  • 亨利·詹姆斯自己自己的作品因为没有其他人那么无聊而且重要是,没有曾经麻烦做有关声明

    Henry James did write all of his own works, because nobody else could be that boring, and, more significant, no one else has ever bothered to claim them.


  • 由于邮件中心(收发室)员工可以看到一封邮件其他重要信息他们通常其他人了解行情

    Because mailroom staff saw every piece of mail and other important information they often knew what was happening better than anyone else.


  • 社交技能至关重要因为伟大胜利以及大部分重大失败通过其他人得来的。

    Social skills are vital, because our greatest victories and most sobering defeats will be with and through other people.


  • 为此我们社区成员应着手从事这项事务理解我们授权哲学重要其他人宣传这种哲学。

    However, to be effective, the members of our community must engage on this issue, understand the importance of our licensing philosophy, and promote that philosophy to others.


  • 那些害羞或者骄傲拒绝其他人学习注定他们孤单并且失去自我提升重要资源

    Those who are shy or pride refuse to learn from others. They are doomed to remain alone and lose a great source of personal improvement.


  • 繁忙一天中,有多少考虑自身需要其他人表示好三餐从某种意义上来讲是非常重要

    In the whirlwind of busy days, how many of us have thought to ourselves, or expressed to others, that having to eat gets in the way of doing more important things?


  • 重要是,论坛存在标志外交官其他人在着手处理争端时方式转变,而这些毁灭生命和社会的争端遍布世界各个角落

    More fundamentally, the existence of the forum marks a shift in the way diplomats and others go about trying to solve conflicts that shatter lives and communities in different parts of the world.


  • 重要是,论坛存在标志外交官其他人在着手处理争端时方式转变,而这些毁灭生命和社会的争端遍布世界各个角落

    More fundamentally, the existence of the forum marks a shift in the way diplomats and others go about trying to solve conflicts that shatter lives and communities in different parts of the world.


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