他将刮水控制器放置在一个红色的金属盒子里,上面写道 “工程测试专用,切勿打开。”。
He put his wiper control in a red metal box that on the outside had the words "For Engineering Tests Only. Do Not Open.".
How could you be expected to guess what that tiny metal box does by looking at it?
All that could be salvaged from the ashes was a small metal box containing instruments.
Dude... they have put the metal box in space which India could not do so far.
The prefabricated metal boxes with wooden floors were put up on the hillside near the devastated town of Rikuzentakata.
THE lid of the charming, round enamelled metal box (pictured) is decorated with squat, rosy apples.
After a search, they seized a yellow metal box hidden on a baby of less than one year.
To the crew of a submarine or to men without a roof over their heads, a metal box in which one can barely turn around may come as a welcome solution.
I am a magazine junky, so in addition to shelves of them I have them piled in vintage, industrial metal boxes.
These sealed metal boxes are indeed alien, placed along significant coastlines to abort sudden and jolting plate movements.
We’re cutting, trimming, and breaking ourselves, just so we can fit into a metal box, just so we can feel safer, more acceptable.
We're cutting, trimming, and breaking ourselves, just so we can fit into a metal box, just so we can feel safer, more acceptable.
Isn't it remarkable that a human can safely direct a tonne or more of speeding metal through a melee of other, similarly hurtling, metal boxes without crashing?
As you know, paint is a highly inflammable commodity, and extra precautions are necessary. We should like you to have the goods packed in strong metal cartons, each containing 40 tins.
As you know, paint is a highly inflammable commodity, and extra precautions are necessary. we should like you to have the goods packed in strong metal cartons, each containing 40 tins.
An architectural response to the declaration "we are football," the museum consists of an elevated exhibition space encased in a metal box that appears to float over the ground floor.
So, for example, say that you have a big box made of metal or something, and you do some heating at one side.
And at a time when hobbyist computers were boxy wooden affairs with metal chassis, he designed the Apple II as a sleek, low-slung plastic package intended for the den or the kitchen.
Between the walling cassettes and the external cladding (a composite metal panelling system) is a void, literally a 'breathing space', which provides natural ventilation for the Hemcrete.
We sold storage systemsand boxes. Metal, wooden, plastic, cardboard, big, small.
The sides of the boxes are clad inblack and coffee colored metal panels textured with perforations patterned after the local Henan wild rose.
In contrast to the low-lying theatre, the building consists of a three-storey box clad in dark metal that slightly cantilevers over the ground level, which is faced with weathering steel.
A: Excuse me, please put all the metal objects in the box and walk through here for security check.
The number of boxes discovered by mankind, uncloaked and visible, are a miniscule number compared to the total in use, which range in the thousands.
The width of the concrete beams are used, in the corten steel box, as metal lockers allowing the storage of cleaning utensils and the water for the flowers and plants placed in the columbarium.
The living room occupies a glazed box with black metal framing that protrudes from the home - its cantilevering form reminiscent of historic Bridges in the region.
The box contains the names of all the victims inscribed on metal pieces that freely float in a magnetic field inside.
The box contains the names of all the victims inscribed on metal pieces that freely float in a magnetic field inside.