• 投资者似乎怀疑挽救陷入困境金融机构计划是否足以避免经济陷入严重衰退。

    Investors seem to doubt that plans to help troubled financial institutions will be enough to fight off a deep recession.


  • 问题在于,拥有人民币银行非银行金融机构在创制一种投资者有吸引力产品方面仍然受限

    The problem is, banks and other nonbank financial institutions sitting on yuan still are limited in what they can do to make a product interesting enough to attract investors.


  • 杠杆金融机构风险投资者大量丧失

    Investors in highly leveraged financial institutions risk large losses.


  • 投资者金融机构购买这种期交易,不是购买债券本身;而只是对赌这种债券是否违约

    When an investor or financial institution buys this kind of swap, it doesn't purchase a bond itself; it just places a bet on whether the bond will default.


  • 金融机构监管者们投资者惊慌失措银行倒闭系统性风险普遍保持警惕

    The supervisors of financial institutions have generally been alert to the systemic risks of collapses that freeze investors with fear.


  • 现在已经证明日本金融机构自作自受,都是零售投资者外汇产品名目繁多,泛滥成灾造成的恶果

    Japan's financial institutions, it turns out, have created their own toxic derivatives, thanks to complex foreign-currency products sold to retail investors that are now blowing up.


  • 这会引起市场恐慌投资者金融机构带来损失,其影响可能扩大到使信贷紧缩,从而影响到企业和家庭。

    The concern is that this will trigger panic in the market and cause losses for investors and financial institutions.


  • 亚洲数十金融机构垮掉了,许多银行不是其它银行合并就是把自己的主要资产出售外国投资者

    Dozens of Asian financial companies shut down, and many Banks merged with others, or sold large stakes to foreign investors.


  • 金融机构投资者并不寻求完美的完全透明市场认为完善中可以新的机会

    Financial firms and investors are not looking for perfect, totally transparent markets, he thinks, so much as new opportunities to capitalize on imperfections.


  • 齐曼西? 穆托(Kimanthi Mutua)在肯尼亚经营一家较大微型金融机构,名为K-Rep银行2007年的时候每隔就会接到潜在投资者的电话,然而过去的六个月里,电话也没接到。

    Kimanthi Mutua, who runs K-Rep Bank, a big Kenyan microlender, says that in 2007 he fielded calls from prospective investors every couple of weeks.


  • 因此危机来临时,监管者金融机构投资者对于一家机构问题其他各方带来的影响的程度都没有足够理解

    So, when the crisis began, regulators, financial firms, and investors had an insufficient understanding of the degree to which trouble at one firm spelled trouble for another.


  • 首先如今这个体系混乱金融世界中,只要GE握有这样一个大规模脆弱金融机构投资者就会GE的股票有所顾虑。

    The first is that investors will remain leery of GE's stock for as long as the company owns a sizeable business that is vulnerable to a systemic upset in the financial world.


  • 大型机构投资者如今也尝到许多纳税人金融危机期间失败受挫滋味:肆意妄为的金融机构造成的损失买单。

    Big institutional investors are getting a taste of what many frustrated taxpayers experienced during the financial crisis: Being on the hook for losses of a major financial firm against their wishes.


  • 按揭证券公司发行的债务证券极金融机构机构投资者散户投资者欢迎。

    The HKMC debt securities were well received by financial institutions, institutional investors and retail investors.


  • 穆迪公司(Moody' s Corporation)投资者服务部信贷分析师彼得·纳比(PeterNerby)﹐各大金融机构公布的报告没有把整体情况描述出来。

    Financial firms' public reports' don't paint a full picture, 'says Peter Nerby, a credit analyst at Moody's Investors Service.


  • 许多大型金融机构已经变得谦恭愿意求助于新兴市场投资者支撑他们的资产负债表,也愿寻求中央银行支持,来应对接踵而至信贷冲击。

    Many of the largest have been humbled by the need to turn to emerging market investors to bolster their balance sheets and to central Banks for support in the ensuing credit crunch.


  • 现代社会经济实体(尤其是金融机构)、投资者消费者面临的重大问题

    It is an important problem that the economic entities (especially financial institutions), investors and consumers are facing in modern society.


  • 证券公司退出机制涉及众多的中小投资者,甚至影响其他的相关金融机构

    Securities corporation withdrawal mechanism involved not only many investor, but also related financial institutions.


  • 一些投资者担心由于某些贷方向低信用提供次级贷款而殃及主流金融机构从而恶化并降低美国住房供给速度

    Some investors fear the problems of lenders who make subprime loans to people with weak credit histories are spreading to mainstream financial firms and will worsen the U. S. housing slowdown.


  • 我们竭诚地希望更多的优秀金融机构个人投资者建立合作关系

    We sincerely hope that with more financial institutions and the excellent partnership of individual investors.


  • 那些认为金融机构摆脱按揭相关冲销能重新盈利投资者而言,实在是个消息

    For investors who think that financial firms just need to get past mortgage-related write-downs for profits to rebound, this is bad news.


  • 因为市场风险信用风险对于银行金融机构投资者来说都是一种非常重要并且能够影响决策因素

    Because the market risk and credit risk for Banks, financial institutions, investors are a very important and can influence decision-making factors.


  • 没有专业分析驱使决策投资者金融机构甚至整个众筹行业难以确认应当如何抓住这些新兴机遇

    Without expert analysis to drive decisions, investors, financial institutions and in some cases industry are unsure how to seize emerging opportunities.


  • 没有专业分析驱使决策投资者金融机构甚至整个众筹行业难以确认应当如何抓住这些新兴机遇

    Without expert analysis to drive decisions, investors, financial institutions and in some cases industry are unsure how to seize emerging opportunities.


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