Investors seem to doubt that plans to help troubled financial institutions will be enough to fight off a deep recession.
The problem is, banks and other nonbank financial institutions sitting on yuan still are limited in what they can do to make a product interesting enough to attract investors.
Investors in highly leveraged financial institutions risk large losses.
When an investor or financial institution buys this kind of swap, it doesn't purchase a bond itself; it just places a bet on whether the bond will default.
The supervisors of financial institutions have generally been alert to the systemic risks of collapses that freeze investors with fear.
Japan's financial institutions, it turns out, have created their own toxic derivatives, thanks to complex foreign-currency products sold to retail investors that are now blowing up.
The concern is that this will trigger panic in the market and cause losses for investors and financial institutions.
Dozens of Asian financial companies shut down, and many Banks merged with others, or sold large stakes to foreign investors.
Financial firms and investors are not looking for perfect, totally transparent markets, he thinks, so much as new opportunities to capitalize on imperfections.
齐曼西? 穆托(Kimanthi Mutua)在肯尼亚经营一家较大的微型金融机构,名为K-Rep银行,他说2007年的时候每隔几周就会接到潜在投资者的电话,然而过去的六个月里,他一个电话也没接到。
Kimanthi Mutua, who runs K-Rep Bank, a big Kenyan microlender, says that in 2007 he fielded calls from prospective investors every couple of weeks.
So, when the crisis began, regulators, financial firms, and investors had an insufficient understanding of the degree to which trouble at one firm spelled trouble for another.
The first is that investors will remain leery of GE's stock for as long as the company owns a sizeable business that is vulnerable to a systemic upset in the financial world.
Big institutional investors are getting a taste of what many frustrated taxpayers experienced during the financial crisis: Being on the hook for losses of a major financial firm against their wishes.
The HKMC debt securities were well received by financial institutions, institutional investors and retail investors.
穆迪公司(Moody' s Corporation)投资者服务部的信贷分析师彼得·纳比(PeterNerby)说﹐各大金融机构公布的报告没有把整体情况描述出来。
Financial firms' public reports' don't paint a full picture, 'says Peter Nerby, a credit analyst at Moody's Investors Service.
Many of the largest have been humbled by the need to turn to emerging market investors to bolster their balance sheets and to central Banks for support in the ensuing credit crunch.
It is an important problem that the economic entities (especially financial institutions), investors and consumers are facing in modern society.
Securities corporation withdrawal mechanism involved not only many investor, but also related financial institutions.
Some investors fear the problems of lenders who make subprime loans to people with weak credit histories are spreading to mainstream financial firms and will worsen the U. S. housing slowdown.
We sincerely hope that with more financial institutions and the excellent partnership of individual investors.
For investors who think that financial firms just need to get past mortgage-related write-downs for profits to rebound, this is bad news.
Because the market risk and credit risk for Banks, financial institutions, investors are a very important and can influence decision-making factors.
Without expert analysis to drive decisions, investors, financial institutions and in some cases industry are unsure how to seize emerging opportunities.
Without expert analysis to drive decisions, investors, financial institutions and in some cases industry are unsure how to seize emerging opportunities.