For example, a shift from easing back to tightening in mid-cycle, or the first easing move of a new easing cycle.
We expect that a tepid recovery in external demand in 2010 to be reinforced by a lagged boost to household expenditure from monetary easing and lower inflation.
We last updated this analysis in the summer of 2001, addressing the question of how the dollar should respond to the end of the US easing cycle.
Under this scenario, the Bank of England's monetary Policy Committee (MPC) would favor an increase in interest rates, while the FPC would want to loosen monetary conditions.
The true gauge of monetary easing is not the cut in interest rates, but whether it succeeds in spurring new lending.
By not raising rates quickly enough in a real estate bubble, Easy al helped let the money flow to every high-risk, no document loan applicant extant.
Those include monetary easing as well as fiscal stimulus and "heterodox" debt workouts.
Cheaper money makes other assets look more attractive-an undesirable consequence at a moment when risk is being repriced after many years of lax lending.
For these countries Mr Ghosh and his co-authors advocate debt restructuring in advance of monetary easing.
So will the E.C.B. do what needs to be done — lend freely and cut rates?
The plans are one way to ease monetary policy even when interest rates are close to zero .
Investors, it appears, are convinced, despite repeated warnings, that the Federal Reserve and the world's central Banks are dedicated to easy money policies, meaning keeping interest rates low.
But, for the record: the switch back to a tightening bias in July 1996, ending the minor easing cycle begun in June 1995, saw dollar strength extend.
The flaw of modern economics is its knee-jerk response to economic weakness: loosening the money supply.
“美国放松银根对新兴市场构成了压力,”加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC CapitalMarkets)新兴市场高级策略师奈吉尔·兰德尔(Nigel Rendell)表示。
"The US fiscal loosening puts pressure on the emerging markets," says Nigel Rendell, senior emerging markets strategist at RBC Capital markets.
The PBoC's action also adds to the trend of central banks across the world easing monetary policy to fight off a growing threat of deflation–a trend that goes in the opposite direction to the U.
They will not tighten the money supply at the very moment when it ought to be loosened.
However, the weakness of Europe's economic data combined with signs of easing inflation pressures, suggest that the Bank may need to loosen policy at some stage.
However, the weakness of Europe's economic data combined with signs of easing inflation pressures, suggest that the Bank may need to loosen policy at some stage.