So far, related bank reserve rate will reach 18 percent of historic highs.
Using exchange and interest rates as well as the bank reserve requirement ratio to ensure liquidity in the banking system.
On Wednesday, China's central bank also increased, for the third time this year, the amount of funds Banks must keep in reserve.
The People's Bank of China (PBOC) is expected soon to lift interest ratesand banks' reserve requirements once again.
The central bank raised borrowing costs in October for the first time since 2007 and last week increased Banks' reserve-ratio requirements for the sixth time this year.
Despite all the talk from Beijing about curtailing excessive credit expansion, policy makers have not taken truly decisive steps, such as raising reserve requirements on banks to sop up liquidity.
While every bank's loan book is different, failure by other Banks to post substantial increases in this reserve ratio could well unnerve investors.
Economists expect that China will lift interest rates two or three more times this year as well as tightening loan quotas, raising bank reserve requirements, and permitting currency appreciation.
High reserve requirements forced Banks to lock up much of the economy's savings in safe asset classes like government debt.
The increase to reserve requirement ratio by the People's Bank of China is the sixth this year.
The so-called reserve-requirement ratio for smaller banks will fall one percentage point Sept. 25, it said, without specifying the final level.
The central bank also lowered by a full percentage point the share of assets that small and medium-size Banks must deposit as reserves with the central bank, effective Sept. 25.
The People’s Bank of China increased the share of deposits that banks must set aside as reserves by half a percentage point.
Among them, he says, reducing reserve requirements for Banks and letting them accept giant deposits overseas.
In fact they decide on how to set interest rates and borrowing requirements for member Banks.
Currently they're at 17% for large Banks and 15% for smaller Banks — just under the all time high for reserves.
Further increases to bank reserve requirements make sense in order to constrain the growth of credit.
所以,法定准备金率和银行的准备金额共同决定了货币创造的上限。 什么是银行准备金?
Thus, the legal reserve ratiotogether with the dollar amount of bank reserves are the factors that set theupper limit to money creation.
Stressed by the Central Bank's reserve ratio, cash-ridden local banks and their brokers lure deposits by offering cash rewards, the Guangzhou Daily reported.
Banks' reserve requirements are rising in the wake of the financial crisis.
The reserve bank of India has already reduced the cash reserve ratio for commercial Banks, among other measures.
Chinatook markets by surprise at the weekend, lifting the ratio of reserves that Banks must hold by 100 basis points.
Chinatook markets by surprise at the weekend, lifting the ratio of reserves that Banks must hold by 100 basis points.