• 曾经有过同样的错误想法。

    I once had the same incorrect idea.


  • 廉·哈斯蒂曾经说过,历史会告诉我们过去的错误,我们可以从中学习避免重复犯错。

    William Hastie once suggested that history informs us of past mistakes from which we can learn without repeating them.


  • 曾经问过我的学生,如果班上有人忘了一个词或犯了一个错误,他们会怎么做。

    I once asked my students what they would do if someone in class forgot a word or made a mistake.


  • 布朗先生曾经琼斯夫人接触,一封错误百出吊唁信表示道歉。

    Mr Brown had contacted Mrs Janes to apologise about a letter of condolence which contained a series of errors.


  • 着些都是老师曾经收到真实借口纸条里面还夹杂拼写错误

    These are actual excuse notes teachers have received, spelling mistakes included.


  • 查理士·达尔文曾经提到消灭错误等于提供良好服务建立一个新的真理事实。”

    Charles Darwin once noted that "to kill an error is as good a service as... establishing a new truth or fact."


  • 我们曾经见到过一些产品系统因为本地代码中存在令人难以忍受的错误(不是IBM的代码!)而经常崩溃,在这种情况下,上述功能仍然可以运行良好

    This works so well, that we've actually seen production systems that crash regularly (due to nasty bugs in native codenot IBM code!) still provide adequate service.


  • 辨明一个有关创意错误观念曾经欺骗了你的错误想法(对于刚刚开始人来说,篇文章里很多很多观念)。

    Identify one specific creative illusion or deception that has tricked you (there are plenty of ideas in this post, for starters).


  • 1970年,官员们曾经因为价格指数中排除了过多的价格种类而导致错误低估了通胀的可能性。

    That was the mistake made in the 1970s, when officials deluded themselves that inflation was under control by excluding ever more prices from their indices.


  • 是否曾经因为遇到错误消息无法快速找到正确解决方案而感到沮丧

    Have you ever been frustrated with an error message and unable to quickly find the right solution?


  • 卡斯特雷萨会面中,提出了一个请求如果卡斯特雷萨纳相信父亲曾经尝试(即算是采取了错误的方式)帮助他的国家,那么记者招待会上出来。

    In the meeting with Castresana, he made one request: if Castresana believed that his father had been trying, even if mistakenly, to help his country, then he should say so at the press conference.


  • 可以分享成功示例曾经犯下错误

    You can share examples of how you havesucceeded and what mistakes you have made.


  • 曾经世界上最大保险公司AIG目前正列在所有错误原因记录上。

    Once the world's largest insurer, now AIG is in the record books for all the wrong reasons.


  • 错误措辞可以撕裂一个他们开始纳闷:彼此是否曾经志趣相投。正确的词语能够把人和人之间的距离得更紧密使他们怀疑他们是否曾经分离

    The wrong words can rip people apart and make them wonder if they ever had anything in common at all, the right ones can draw people closer and make them wonder how they ever lived apart.


  • 另外一个讲述越战故事中,描写了我们曾经东南亚犯下的巨大错误让读者不得不联想伊拉克战争,我们从历史教训几乎没获得什么经验。

    But in retelling the story of the Vietnam war, he describes the colossal mistakes made in Southeast Asia and the reader cannot avoid thinking of the Iraq war and realizing how little we have learned.


  • 如果这样情况曾经发生过,虽然冰冻早已融化,但是飞机数据存储器错误读数肯定是存在的。

    If that happened in this case, the ice would be long gone. But the faulty readings in the memory chips of the flight data recorder would remain.


  • 林·格雷森·波霍尔,人力资源管理专家回忆曾经过一个很大错误雇员

    Lin Grensing-Pophal, an HR management expert, recalls one of her past employees who made a big blunder.


  • 尽管巴拉克·奥巴马曾经说过偿还并不意味着容忍未来错误”,国家股份银行似乎有可能各种行政费用支付条款的受制对象。

    Although Barack Obama has said repayment does not imply "permission for future misdeeds", Banks with government stakes seem likely to be subject to different rules on executive pay.


  • 很多很多认为错误地认为,曾经失败就意味着将来的失败。

    Far too many people assume, and assume wrongly, that failure in the past means failure in the future.


  • 曾经我们这样错误然而一旦清楚模型概念可能犯这种错误了。

    At one time or another, we all have, but you'll be much less likely to make this error once the model concept is clear in your mind.


  • 曾经年轻过”,知道群众愤怒承认错误并且承诺犯这些错误的惩罚

    He said that he too "was once young" and understood the public's anger, and conceded that "mistakes were made" and those responsible for them would be punished.


  • 曾经段时间常常责备他人,我认为生活中不管是现在还是未来失败困难过去伤害那些人的错误

    For a while I considered hiding in the "safety" of blaming others. I could live every day knowing any failure or trouble now and in my future is all the fault of those who caused me harm years ago.


  • 曾经多次犯过这样错误错误的地方上了NOTBODY !这样的消息声明

    More than once I've tripped myself up because I put a message claiming something like NO TBODY! In the wrong block.


  • 黑人喜剧演员比尔•考斯比曾经说道,黑人的街头文化有些东西极端错误,结果因为怪罪受害者”而遭到了严厉的批评。

    Bill Cosby, a black comedian, was roundly denounced for "blaming the victim" when he said that there was something desperately wrong with black street culture.


  • 胜任阶段相信,你曾经错误是因为在之前几个低的级别中,对任务细节描述的不严谨和嘲笑。

    At the competent level, you believe that the mistakes you made at the lower levels must have been down to a lack of rigour or completeness in the description of the tasks you were taught.


  • 错误回复:“作为一家曾经获奖的餐厅我们声称河蚌‘难吃得让人抓狂’以后,已经免收了您的费用。”

    Bad response: "We already comped your meal after your alleged 'near-death experience' from mussels in our award-winning restaurant."


  • 错误回复:“作为一家曾经获奖的餐厅我们声称河蚌‘难吃得让人抓狂’以后,已经免收了您的费用。”

    Bad response: "We already comped your meal after your alleged 'near-death experience' from mussels in our award-winning restaurant."


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