Spreading paint over the dirty marks is no way to make a lasting improvement.
While you can do that and it would probably be effective in the short run, it's not sustainable.
Charging way below your competitors may help you to secure more projects, but it's not helping you in the long run.
'not enough time 'is a common excuse for skipping a workout, but it might not be acceptable for much longer.
Remaining alone in your comfort zone won't either, for endless, stagnant solitude will also break you with yearning.
When faced with increased costs and shrinking profits, continuously absorbing a loss of 5% is unsustainable.
The quintessence of folk handicraft must be passed on by a living way.
Amazon is selling many e-books at a loss to stimulate Kindle sales, a tactic it can't keep up.
So that consumers with more favourable prices do not discount the quality of consumption experience, is the business of sustained profitability go on for long.
On the other hand, it is remotely possible that this full moon may bring a breakup if you've been feeling that this alliance is not one for the long road ahead.
Techniques like this yellow fading highlight, or content that slides in or fades out, won't be permanently distracting.
Yet infrastructure spending alone is not a long-term solution. This sort of stimulus will sooner or later become unaffordable, and growth based on it will run out of steam.
但是监狱私有化并非长久之计,华盛顿特区的智囊团城市研究所的约翰•罗马(John Roman)说。
But privatisation is not a long-term solution, says John Roman of the Urban Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC.
First movers may be able to switch costs as step towards gaining an edge in thee-commerce market. However, that is not long term.
After all, it wasn't forever, I told both her and myself; I was young enough to enter any solid branch of the legal profession after a few years of legal history.
Up to now, most have been offering their content free online, but that is unsustainable, because there isn't enough advertising revenue online to pay for it.
Still, local officials in Hamada warn that their city's economy will collapse without public works, though they recognize the spending cannot continue forever.
Pope Benedict, in a message read at the ceremony, said that a lasting solution to hunger in the world lay in the promotion of an international order based on social justice.
Such turmoil is a sign that debt is not the instant solution it was made out to be. The market cheer that greeted the EU package for Greece lasted just one day before the doubts resurfaced.
And it bodes ill for financial markets, since neither Europe’s sticking-plaster approach to the euro nor America’s “jam today, God knows what tomorrow” tactic with the deficit are sustainable.
And it bodes ill for financial markets, since neither Europe’s sticking-plaster approach to the euro nor America’s “jam today, God knows what tomorrow” tactic with the deficit are sustainable.