• 要想维持这些女孩妇女不健康图片流行文化中的长久性就需要希望收看这类电视电影广告图片的观众。

    The continued pop-culture perpetuation of unhealthy images of girls and women requires the existence of viewers who are willing to watch such television, movie, and advertising images.


  • 对于那些渴望长久性职业、愿公司共同成长建设美好明天的求职者,历史性的时刻, 也将是一个难得机遇和挑战。

    This is a historic moment and an excellent time, for those who aspire for a long term career, to start with the company the beginning and grow together to build a bright tomorrow.


  • 尽管整个非洲,生命都堪称脆弱,但此地特殊性在于偶尔会有几具人类的遗骸得以被长久保存下来。

    But life is fragile all over Africa. What is special here is the occasional durability of the deceased’s remains.


  • 摩羯天秤的和谐性也有可能个人方面——如友谊恋爱,遇到一些问题,这些问题不会长久存在。

    Compatibility for Capricorn and Libra may work on the personal front, in a friendship or love affair. However, not for very long!


  • 长久以来,人们无不想生产功能性营养牛奶,而此进展里程碑式突破, 一位领域专家如是说

    The development is an incremental advance in a long-standing goal to produce transgenic milk with nutraceutical powers, said an expert in the field.


  • 面对绝境一些公司试图改变极端规则这些规则使他们长久兴旺

    Faced with extinction, these firms tried to change the very rules under which they had thrived for so long.


  • 为了能够保持长久的成功公司必须有着严密的合同好的法律建议但是需要理解关系重要性并且去培养关系。

    To be successful long term, your company must have strong contracts and good legal advice, but it also needs to understand the importance of relationships, and nurture those as well.


  • 东亚冷战一个大潜在前线过去欧洲相比十分不同长久以来,欧洲地域性俱乐部机构的数量多于这个规模应该有的。

    East Asia, the other big potential battlefront in the cold war, used to look very different from Europe, which has long had more than its share of shock-absorbing regional clubs and institutions.


  • 可能进化手段,以确保动物王国那些其他新生儿更具依赖性需求更多婴儿能得到更长久照顾

    This may be evolution's way of ensuring more constant care for a baby that is more dependent and demanding than any other newborn in the animal kingdom.


  • 问题在于随意的干预总体现出障碍性长久以来人们一直以为出于稳定小额储户金融系统信心考虑,他们应该受到保护。

    The problem is that trigger-happy intervention also has its drawbacks. It has long been accepted that retail depositors should be protected, to maintain their faith in the financial system.


  • 霍尔布鲁克美国南亚承诺长久持续性的。

    Holbrooke says the American commitment to South Asia is long and enduring.


  • 趣味性励志名言不会过时,一定会使开怀大笑,会长久哀伤脸上勾画出抹微笑

    Funny inspirational quotes never run out of fashion, they never fail to make you laugh or just give a smile on your long sad face.


  • 丰田来说,公共关系的噩梦因为长久以来,丰田品牌一直是品质可靠性代名词

    This has been a public-relations nightmare for Toyota, as its brand name has been synonymous with quality and reliability.


  • 敏捷联盟一个遍布全球赢利性组织成员数量已经超过3846人,长久以来,它孜孜以求的一直都是敏捷软件开发宣言中提出价值原则

    With more than 3846 members located around the globe, the Agile Alliance is a not-for-profit organisation, driven by the values and principles of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.


  • 但是为了维持长久以来品牌完整性劳力士阻止零售商降价

    But to maintain brand integrity over the long haul, Rolex has discouraged its dealers from lowering prices.


  • 身处一段坚定长久关系之时,一些奇妙必然性开始消退

    When you're in a committed, long-term relationship, some of the magic inevitably starts to wane.


  • 质朴生活方式,能让我们自然而然了解,我们所度过一天,成就这个长久历史的星球创造一切可能性

    Those pursuing a minimalist lifestyle are naturally inclined to see the connections between how we approach each day and the long-term vitality of the planet that makes it all possible.


  • 在重庆市公共安全方面,黑的效果立竿见影例如报警量急速下降了40%,不过属于临时性的,效果可能持续长久

    The crackdown has had an immediate impact on public safety in Chongqing - calls to police are down 40%, for instance - but its temporary nature means that the results are unlikely to be permanent.


  • 批评家认为围绕无人机使用合法性道德性问题长久以来忽视了

    Critics say that the legal and ethical issues surrounding the use of drones have been neglected.


  • 就像温奇观察那样,社会相似性心理差异平衡浪漫长久婚姻指明方向

    As Winch observed, it's the balancing out of sociological likenesses and psychological differences that seems to point the way for the most solid lifelong romance.


  • 十年以来英国房地产市场经历战后以来最为长久的持续性增长

    DURING the past decade Britain's housing market has had its most sustained boom in post-war history.


  • 日本核电站遭受重创已使长久以来争议再度重燃,即核技术安全性可靠性及其是否能用可行的电力来源

    The resulting damage to one of Japan's nuclear power plants has resurrected old debates about the safety and soundness of nuclear technology and its ability to be used as a viable power source.


  • 长久以来人们一直揣测创造性精神障碍之间有所关联证据如果曾有的话,根本没有得到证实

    The evidence for a link between creativity and mental disorders has long been speculated but rarely, if ever, proven.


  • 9%增长速度现在视为周期性的峰值非能长久保持的成绩经济内部处处可见瓶颈意味着增长速度再高就会有引发通货膨胀的风险。

    Growth of 9% now looks more like a cyclical peak than apermanent achievement: bottlenecks throughout the economy mean it cannot gofaster without setting off inflation.


  • 维特,长久以来,格林斯潘权威性以及全球金融体系深刻的理解力国会那些不具备复杂金融知识的议员们他言听计从。

    Mr. Levitt said that Mr. Greenspan’s authority and grasp of global finance consistently persuaded less financially sophisticated lawmakers to follow his lead.


  • 哈佛大学一位公共卫生研究人员RonaldKessler,双相障碍患者常常工作岗位上干不长久。普通人相比,他们聘用可能性百分之四十。

    People with the disorder often have trouble keeping a job and are 40 percent less likely to be employed than the average person, said Ronald Kessler, a public health researcher at Harvard University.


  • 隔间一种叫做玻璃隔断主要是采用钢化玻璃,具有好的抗压性,冲击能够长久使用使用起来更加安全可靠

    High compartment there is a called glass partition, mainly used tempered glass, has a good wind resistance, impact resistance, can be used for a long time, the use of more safe and reliable.


  • 自从诺曼文森特•皮尔(Norman Vincent Peale )1952年出版一本名为《正面思考力量》(The Powerof PositiveThinking)的上架开始,强调尊严重要性的自助性书籍书店里长久盘踞着一席之地。

    From Norman Vincent Peale’s 1952 The Power of Positive Thinking onward, self-help books proclaiming the virtues of self-esteem have become regular fixtures in bookstores.


  • 自从诺曼文森特•皮尔(Norman Vincent Peale )1952年出版一本名为《正面思考力量》(The Powerof PositiveThinking)的上架开始,强调尊严重要性的自助性书籍书店里长久盘踞着一席之地。

    From Norman Vincent Peale’s 1952 The Power of Positive Thinking onward, self-help books proclaiming the virtues of self-esteem have become regular fixtures in bookstores.


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