• 用来长途跋涉的马匹很快破铁掌。

    Horses used for long-distance riding tend to wear their shoes out more quickly.


  • 接到女朋友科罗拉多州打来长途电话

    He received a long-distance phone call from his girlfriend in Colorado.


  • 长途航班乘客须注意可能出现静脉血栓

    Passengers on long-haul flights are being warned about the risks of deep vein thrombosis.


  • 过去农村孩子长途跋涉上学

    Rural kids used to walk a long way to school in the old days.


  • 这些骆驼沙漠里长途跋涉。

    These camels travelled enormous distance over the desert regions.


  • 20世纪飞机代替了火车进行长途旅行

    In the 20th century, airplanes replaced trains for long distance travel.


  • 开花种子长途跋涉到达这些岛屿

    The seeds of grasses, flowers, and blooming trees made the long trips to these islands.


  • 鸟类长途迁徙飞行之前,大量的食物喂肥自己

    Birds will fatten themselves with heavy feeding in advance of a long migrational flight.


  • 长途跋涉他们回到营地生了堆火做了晚饭。

    After a long hike, they went back to their camp, built a fire and cooked dinner.


  • 虽然经过长途旅行,乔迪到达时候仍然显得神采奕奕。

    In spite of the long trip, Jody arrived looking as if she had come out of a bandbox.


  • 长途电话便宜等到周日电话费降下来方便

    It is cheaper than calling long distance, and a lot more convenient than waiting until Sunday for the telephone rates to drop.


  • 十几岁二十几时候,搭便车长途交通主要形式

    When I was in my teens and 20s, hitchhiking was a main form of long-distance transport.


  • 乡间长途开车空气清新阳光明媚似乎永远下去。

    Out in the countryside on a long drive, with the air fresh and the sun shining, you just seem to want to drive forever.


  • 只有那些办法这些岛屿传播种子物种才能进行长途跋涉。

    Only those species with ways of spreading seeds to these islands were able to undertake the long journeys.


  • 当然有些动物物种需要大面积栖息地有些则需要长途迁徙

    There are, of course, animal species that require large areas of habitat, and some migrate over very long distances.


  • 春节快要来临了,机场火车站长途车站挤满了要回家的人。

    When the Spring Festival is around the corner, airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.


  • 秋天乡绅高登长途旅行,约翰一起去,马车

    One day in autumn, Squire Gordon went on a long journey, John went with him and I pulled the coach.


  • 法国航空试图维持长途货运日程同时取消了其他部分线路的航运。

    Air France was trying to maintain its full long-haul schedule while canceling some flights on other routes.


  • 如果建设新的长途光纤通信网络,Light-line最大受益公司之一。

    Light-line is one of the companies that will most benefit if new long-distance fiber-optic telecommunications networks are constructed.


  • 黑曜石长途贸易可能特奥蒂瓦坎精英居民提供各种各样的异国商品,以及相对富裕生活

    Long-distance trade in obsidian probably gave the elite residents of Teotihuacán access to a wide variety of exotic good, as well as a relatively prosperous life.


  • 长途贸易依赖意味着伟大的中东帝国无论是实际上还是象征意义上,都是建立流沙之上的。

    Dependence on long-distance trade also meant that the great empires of the Middle East were built both literally and figuratively on shifting sand.


  • 我们认为迁徙整个区域就是栖息地因为长途旅行中,它需要经常下来进食睡觉吧?

    We would say that this whole area over which it migrates is its habitat because on this long-distance journey, it needs to come down to feed and sleep every so often, right?


  • 很小的时候,有一个固定不变的传统长途驾车穿越英格兰见证树叶变化,享受甜甜圈

    From my earliest years, it became a solidified tradition to go on long drives throughout New England to witness the foliage change, snack on candy and donuts.


  • 如果公共电话长途钱花了,电话号码给你正在通话然后挂上电话给你电话的。

    If you are making a long distance call on a public telephone and run out of money, give the number on your phone to the person you're talking to. Then hang up the receiver and he can call you back.


  • 整团整团的旅游者长途汽车到达

    Tourists were arriving by the coachload.


  • 长途飞行使睡眠习惯给打乱好几天。

    Long flights throw my sleeping pattern out of kilter for days.


  • 长途旅行很有帮助。

    That is very helpful for a long trip.


  • 面哪列长途列车是国内最快的?

    Which of the following trains is the fastest for a long distance in China?


  • 们最初使用的材料经不起长途飞行。

    The material they first used couldn't stand the long flights.


  • 旅行后我想看一整天的电视。

    I want to watch TV the whole day after the long journey.


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