• 他们知道闰年时候,他们能够有一天提高他们总产量

    They know that in a leap year, they have "one more day" to improve their overall results.


  • 闰年的时候,日期会跳过一周中的某一天。

    In a leap year, the dates jump over one day of the week.


  • 接着借用了希伯来历法中一周七天和闰年概念

    Then, he borrowed the idea of a seven-day week and leap year from the Hebrew calendar.


  • 他们知道闰年时候,他们能够“富余的提高他们总产量

    They know that in a leap year, they haveone more dayto improve their overall results.


  • 比如基本年月日,时分秒星期功能而且还有闰年天数自动补偿

    For example the basic date, time, and every second week of features, but also the number of days flat leap automatic compensation.


  • 爸爸告诉安娜爱尔兰一个传统只要每个闰年2月29日名男子方向妇女结婚

    Dad told Anna, there is a tradition in Ireland, as long as in each leap year on Feb. 29, the direction of the man by the woman marry, it will give you're done.


  • 的格里高利历法(公历)中将太阳年定为365.2425天,教皇从而修正了确定闰年规则同时100和400整除的年份还是闰年

    The pope thereby amended the rule for determining leap years: A year divisible by 100 is only a leap year if it is also divisible by 400.


  • 帕米萨诺罗梅7月29日同一天生日,这可是365分之1的小概率考虑到闰年,可能小;某种预兆吗?

    In a 1-out-of-365 chance, or less considering leap year, Palmisano and Rometty share the same birthday, July 29th; is that an omen of some kind?


  • 我们如何进行修正呢?第一次尝试时候,我好吧乘以365/60,但是闰年

    How do we do that correction? When I first tried this, I thought, fine I'll multiply by 365/60, but I forgot this is a leap year.


  • 如果忽略1900年,你可以通过观察最右边的是否为零判断一年是否为闰年

    If you ignore 1900, you can figure out if a given year is a leap year just by looking to see if the rightmost two bits are zero.


  • 处理闰年相当简单——如果使用公历,在年月日为时间间隔计算添加额外一天

    Handling leap year is fairly straightforwardadd an extra day, if using the Gregorian calendar, to the year-month or day interval calculations.


  • 还有一些其他技巧可以帮助你确定一年几个月日期——例如二月最后总是,不管闰年还是平年。

    There are other tricks to assist with dates in the first months of the year—for example, the last day of February is always an anchor day, leap year or no.


  • 日或闰年出现的原因是我们的历法并不精确地遵循地球围绕太阳运行的轨道。

    The reason for a leap day or a leap year is because our calendar does not follow the Earth's orbit around the sun exactly.


  • 是生活困苦的象征,而闰日则是不幸的代表。

    Leap years were believed to be difficult, and leap days were unlucky.


  • 2月29日的那一年被称为闰年

    The year with a February 29th in it is called a leap year.


  • 处理闰年相当直接——如果使用罗马日历,就——月或者为时间间隔的计算添加额外的一天。

    Handling leap year is fairly straightforwardadd an extra day, if using the Gregorian calendar, to the year-month or day interval calculations.


  • 400整除世纪2000年,则为闰年

    But century years divisible by 400, like 2000, would be leap years.


  • 发现可100整除的年份不一定是闰年除非它能被400整除。

    Years that are divisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they're also divisible by 400.


  • 确实对于给定日期每年属于哪个星期几总是后移闰年除外,后移天。

    Indeed, the day of the week for a given date progresses by one annually, except on leap years, where it progresses by two.


  • 还有一些其他技巧帮助记住年头几个月日子,比如二月最后总是不管平年还是闰年

    There are other tricks to assist with dates in the first months of the year-for example, the last day of February is always an anchor day, leap year or no.


  • 奥古斯都时期,“亚历山大甚至闰年包含额外的一天

    By the time of Augustus, the so-called Alexandrian calendar had even incorporated an additional day for leap years.


  • 1月21日阳历年第21,离一结束还有344(闰年345天)。

    January 21 is the 21st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 344 days remaining until the end of the year (345 in leap years).


  • 14阳历年第4,离一结束还有361(闰年362天)。

    January 4 is the fourth day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 361 days remaining until the end of the year (362 in leap years).


  • 1月16日阳历年第16,离一结束还有349(闰年350天)。

    January 16 is the 16th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 349 days remaining until the end of the year (350 in leap years).


  • 1月13日阳历年第13,离一结束还有352(闰年353天)。

    January 13 is the 13th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 352 days remaining until the end of the year (353 in leap years).


  • 1月18日阳历年第18,离一结束还有347(闰年348天)。

    January 18 is the 18th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 347 days remaining until the end of the year (348 in leap years).


  • 1月18日阳历年第18,离一结束还有347(闰年348天)。

    January 18 is the 18th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 347 days remaining until the end of the year (348 in leap years).


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